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Everything posted by Theo8

  1. Nevada is mentioned as a possible site. I don't think the condom law has gone into effect yet.
  2. I think using condoms have become more and more rare in porn. I think that's because of all the testing the studios do.
  3. they gave you the results over the phone? that's fucked up
  4. and also I've found a few dead links on the list of BB blogs as well
  5. I know the admins are swamped and don't have time to deal with all the dead links but I guess I'm volunteering to help out. It bugs the fuck out of me to click on something that sounds hot and it turns out to be a dead link. Hit me up if you want my help.
  6. The doctors probably get paid in cash by the druggies that come to them for scripts.
  7. I can't continue. It hurts and not a good hurt either. I think it has to do with my prostate or something in that general area.
  8. I'm joking hehe I'm getting great ideas from everyone!
  9. you all hijacked my thread
  10. I'm a tattoo pig but 33 seems a bit excessive LOL
  11. thanks for the advice! I was thinking about the fiber thing. I need more fiber in my diet anyway.
  12. I figure this is as good as a place to ask this. I haven't done it in a long time just because I haven't been getting laid for a long time. Living in bum fuck cuts into one's sex life. The last time I got laid was in March when i went to Fort Lauderdale for vacation. I topped most of the guys I played with or sucked dick. I'm so out of practice of getting fucked. The last time was probably 5 years ago and that was a complete fiasco because long story short the top quit fucking because it looked like I shit the bed. I was so embarrassed. Someone suggested that I start douching. Seemed simple enough but every time i did it, I was never fully clean. When is enough enough? I met this guy on line and we're planning on hooking up in the next few weeks and he has said that he wants to rape my ass. I'm not into scat and never really want to be-no offense to my brown hankied brothers out there. I'm just wondering if I should just hang it up and just suck dick Any advice?
  13. This is my personal experience and this is mine alone. I have severely fucked up brain chemistry as it is. Meth doesn't do anything for except give me a jittery buzz like I've had too much caffeine.. I accidentally smoked crack, which is a story unto itself, and it made me a bit hyper. Coke does absolutely nothing for me. I've been on Atripla and before that Truvada for nearly 17 years give or take and I still have weird ass dreams. Of course that may have a lot to do with the psych meds I'm on well. I can't sleep well without Adivan every night but only at 1mg. Ask your doctor about something to help reach a deep sleep so you won't remember your dreams and get a restful sleep.
  14. This is one thing that I really have a question about. Wouldn't it make sense for someone to have their biohazard tattoo in more public area of their body instead of around their dick area? If I ever get one, I'd want it in a place that would draw that most attention. Just my two cents.
  15. the two aren't necessarily exclusive I went to the bathhouse in Fort Lauderdale when I was down there in March and I met this guy. It was anonymous but we went back to his room and made out like crazy. It got very intimate and there was a connection despite not knowing his name and meeting him at the bathhouse. I want a connection with a guy even if it's nothing more than pure lust. If I see him again, that's a plus. If not, oh well.
  16. I've been vaccinated against hepatitis but I thought there was a Hep C vaccine
  17. I go with the keeping quiet; if I was one of the ex-BFs and you dropped this little bombshell on me, I'd take it out on you for not telling me sooner and possibly saving me from being infected
  18. I don't; I don't find the whole rosebud thing attractive in the least
  19. hope you have a great time with him
  20. not as gross as the stealthing porn how can anyone find that remotely sexy?
  21. I still don't care if he's on PrEP or not; I'm currently chatting with a guy who's already poz. I don't have to worry about using a rubber or pulling out or whatever with him. He's also a really nice guy with a brain in his head and not just looking to fuck. That's the kind of guy I want. I've done enough hookups. They get really old after a while, at least for me.
  22. I had some guy on Adam4Adam ask me if I'd bareback him. His profile says that his negative. Mine says quite clearly that I'm not. I deleted the message. I don't want to be responsible for seroconverting someone. If he wants to be infected, let him find someone else.
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