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Everything posted by Theo8

  1. i've had a couple of gay doctors. The last one was this really hot bear of a guy. Unfortunately my HIV clinic is a teaching clinic and he rotated out
  2. what happened to the boyfriend in the UK? did I miss something with him?
  3. thanks for the follow :)

  4. thanks for the follow!

    1. pozpopperpig


      Very welcome!  Thank you also!

  5. I remember some kid telling me about a "lollipop stop" when I was in high school. I had never heard the term before.
  6. thanks for the follow!

  7. I gain a new appreciation for uncut dicks when I was in Spain no one it seemed was cut and I liked it
  8. a generic version is being released so that should drive the cost down dramatically
  9. I know what I want for my birthday


  10. I want a hot little piss pup to play with. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Theo8


      I like to share with my pups.  And if you do spill some, that just means I get to punish you.

    3. Guest


      well I never spill *EG*

    4. Theo8
  11. HELP!!!!  I want to post a video from Tumblr onto here.  I'm on a Mac so no right click.

  12. I had decent luck when I was there for bear carnival back in March; I'm looking forward to visiting again
  13. thanks for following me :)

  14. he's hot but he's obviously gone to the Armond Rizzo school of acting. Just shut up and take the dick!
  15. I can't remember exactly but the hottest scene I had was when I was in Key West. I had hooked up with this guy at my guesthouse. He, his friend, and I went to some bar. He used me to recycle his beer. I have no idea how he knew I was into piss.
  16. spit is my 3rd favorite body fluid after piss and cum
  17. I see my doctor at the end of the month; I'll ask her about it
  18. pictures and/or video would also be good
  19. If I didn't have a lover, I'd ask you out. the most depressing sentence ever written!
  20. no guarantee that you did give it to him; I fucked around with a guy who had it and never caught it
  21. tell him you're pregnant and it's his
  22. I'm easily confused so no problem LOL
  23. how could you test negative for the antibodies if you've had it?
  24. feelings are good! I'd love to see the pics and the video
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