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About gawker

  • Birthday 11/09/1954

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  • HIV Status
    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
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  1. As this year draws to a close, and Christmas is just a week away, it seems only right to bring this story of Santa bringing holiday cheer to good little girls and something else to inquisitive lads. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
  2. Or perhaps both . . .
  3. Marvelous . . . simply marvelous!
  4. Way to start! More, please?
  5. Asked and answered; thank you for more chapters . . . and the fun just continues . . . .
  6. Bravo and Thank You for retuning to this wonderful story. I enjoyed your work when I first encounter it sometime ago and always hoped for a continuance . . . and lo and behold the first story when I opened BZ today, there was the continuation I was seeking . . . and boy did it indeed fill in the story just that much more. ( and perhaps, some more?) 😉
  7. This is very hot . . . please carry on. 😉
  8. Thank you mass1ve for making Ashers return so memorable, and what a great teacher Daniel is. Hoping there will be more adventures soon.
  9. Oh boy . . . what a way to end 2021 and start 2022!! Thanks, pervinmt!
  10. Another great chapter in this wonderfully nasty, sexy, creative, enjoyable saga. Congratulations. 🤩
  11. Family referrals are the best way to build a great medical practice. Does Oliver have any other brothers out there?
  12. That's absolutely wonderful that you have an new career job. As others have said and I wholeheartedly agree, take your time with the new job, we can and will wait. Cheers!
  13. That's absolutely wonderful that you have an new career job. As others have said and I wholeheartedly agree, take you time with the new job, we can and will wait. Cheers!
  14. Thank you PartyandBreed for this next chapter in your wonderful story.
  15. Proper Training and Continual Practice . . . improves everyone's performance. With thanks, awaiting the next lesson.
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