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Everything posted by BadBadThing

  1. So Pig Bottom, when is a person no longer 'still a kid'? A law defining isn't an answer. A chronological age isn't going to either. As long as we as a society are going to keep coddling individuals, exploiting them for political, social, and/or religious use, and not letting people learn how to take decisions (and responsibilities) we're going to have 40 year old 'kids'. Don't put the blame on the guys here for their opinions, instead maybe you should put the blame on his parents for not treating him like a kid at 8, 9, 10, and on and giving him a chance to take decisions that weren't lethal, because when he got to be old enough that he had to take life altering choices, he seems to have chose poorly. I understand that the human brain doesn't fully develop 'executive functions' that make decisions until around age 22, but the ONLY way that area of the brain properly develops is to TAKE DECISIONS. We learn mainly by failure. If we continue as a society with your attitude that at 15 a person is still a kid then you better plan to see a lot more stories like this one.
  2. How did I find out? Easy, I had the older neighbor boy finger my ass and if felt good. Later still I had some fuck buds who boned me any chance we could find. And giving? My cousin and I were nasty little pigs and loved to switch and go at it any time we could get alone.
  3. Exactly RawTop. Lots of you find this thread offensive, but the truth is there are a LOT of us who didn't have the Ozzy & Harriot TV home life. Some of us were raised in alternate lifestyle homes and have different sets of values & standards. I turned in my membership to the Republican Party years ago when they made it clear that their form of liberty meant you had to agree with their social standards. (and I can comment on the Democrats too, if you want, but I say that to make the point.) In America, especially, because of our Puritan beginnings and the reactionary response in the mid 1900s, our ideas on sex & sexuality are pretty fucked up. They aren't great in a lot of other places either. We've created a dependency culture and it's seductive ideas are spreading in spite of the reality that dependency is slavery. Uncle Ben had it right, with great power comes great responsibility. Americans enjoy amazing amounts of social, political, and economic freedom like no where else in the world, however we are getting fed the belief that you can have it all and be responsible for nothing. There are groups, large serious, well regarded groups, who are promoting that you should be considered a child until you are 25 & your parents should be responsible for you. Now it's true that most people don't develop the part of the brain that does higher decision taking (the executive functions) until their early 20s, but the best way to develop those areas of the brain is... to take decisions! So at what point do we allow people (and for the venue lets keep the discussion mainly to males) start taking sexual decisions? As a kid you should get small, non-lethal decisions. 'Do you want to brush your teeth and read a book or read a book and then brush your teeth?' The small decisions (and often the mistakes that follow) let you learn to take the bigger decisions. 'Do I go into the military or college' 'Am I really ready to fuck and get fucked?' and let you decide on the things that can potentially kill you. 'Am I going to drink & drive?' "Am I going to ride a bare 10" cock?' Hell, some adults and parents can't even take proper responsibility or do good decision making! How do we expect them to let their kids learn it? We are willfully retarding our species! Guys, I was NOT started sexually the right way. I was 4 and the 13 year old neighbor boy would take me to his family's RV, finger my hole & fuck my face. At 4 I could throat a cock & was swallowing cum & piss. I shouldn't have been exposed to sexuality that young, but I was. (Get over it guys, I have.) But since I was, later at 8 when I started with my first fuck buds and at 12 where I was looking for adult cock, I have some degree of decision making skills about sex. Maybe the shock shouldn't be about a 13 year old kid asking to suck your cock, bit instead that we don't raise kids so that at 13 they can take some degree of responsible choices about their lives, including sex. I'll guarantee you this, those 13 year olds that are screwed up about sex and think it's an evil, bad thing, don't just have poor decision making skills in that area, they are also the ones in a lot of cases who don't have good marriages, no retirement funds, weigh 50 pounds too much, and are electing people who want to take away your ability to be responsible for yourself.
  4. The infection risk is in the fucking itself, for both the top & the bottom. Penetration, then the repeated stroking caused micro tears in the rectal lining & the cock surface, especially at the head to glans area. It's one reason why cut guys are a bit more susceptible to STDs. And it's not just the cum, it's the precum, so if you think you are save because the top pulls out, you aren't. The friction and micro tears in both partners can be enough to get the job done.
  5. Consider this, then the subject of this thread; What does it take to ask a guy if you can suck his cock? Seriously. We'll presume everyone here is of legal age in your area. How many times did you take a pass or even just hesitate to go up to a guy and tell him you sexually wanted him? As boys, almost every one of us were cauldrons of bubbling hormones. We were at our sexual prime! So why weren't we propositioning everything that we saw? Confidence. Does age tell you a person's sexual maturity? At what age did you actually start thinking about sex? It's different for every person. That is one reason why age of consent laws are a joke. Some places are trying to rewrite their laws to more accurately reflect life (getting rid of the hard '18' age limit and instead stating the people involved have to be within 2 years of each others ages, for example), but not many. So we let society play nanny. The truth is that being gay & bi isn't something that most people get encouraged in. The REAL truth is there isn't a lot in life where you have people really encouraging you to go after what you want, to build your confidence to dare something & get over the fear of failing. So think about this; the hypothetical 13 year old kid who asks to blow you, is he asking because he's got great self confidence for his age & where did he get it? Does that change your answer? I just wanted to give our hypothetical kid more depth for the discussion than just his age.
  6. Cool. Looks like he and Brent Everret worked together.
  7. Thanks for the info! I've worked with the IAFD (http://www.iafd.com/) to see what I can find as well as skimming message boards to see what can be found, so your additional tools are appreciated. I know some were one time players. I know some were lost to AIDS. In fact there was a tread here on BZ that compiled some of the actors lost, but it was aver a year ago that I saw it. Maybe someone on BZ is here under something besides their working name and might add their two cents also.
  8. After Cobra Video ended, I was surprised more of the boys didn't get offers to work with other companies. There are exceptions, like Brent Corrigan and Brent Everett, who went on. I know some retired, but there were some like Lance Evans that seemed to be such a natural to move on to the edgier stuff. So does anyone know anything about the Cobra boys now?
  9. Great story and it looks like you may have broken new ground also with it getting posted on Nifty. The Archivist normally doesn't allow breeding stories. I also think that you really need to consider a sequel.
  10. Science is just a system that is used to lead to more questions. Even the things we think we 'know' we don't know. Like what? Gravity. We all deal with it but science can't tell you exactly what it is. The Big Bang. Things that are propelled by an explosion slow down from the point of the explosion. when we look at the stuff in the universe over a period of time we expected to find the spectral Doppler shift (like the sound of a car horn passing you but with light) indicating that things are slowing down. WRONG. Stuff is SPEEDING UP shooting away from the big bang. Science can't explain how. So consider this: if you take two particles that are related and separate them, they still continue to act like they are attached. Science can't explain how. We are the same stuff that makes up all the rest of the universe. Planets, stars, everything. Science says that the gravity and radiation and all that from the stars and planets is really too weak to have any effect on people on earth. But we are the same stuff as the stars. Maybe some of the effects of the ways that things line up gets transferred to the particles that make us up? Can science prove it? Nope? Can they disprove it? Nope. Scientists can be skeptical but the only honest answer they can give is, "maybe".
  11. Valium is what sedation dentists use. I figure if it's good enough for that kind of drilling...
  12. “I don’t believe in astrology; I’m a Sagittarius and we’re skeptical.” ~Arthur C. Clarke
  13. I was 8 & the two brothers across the street, 10 & 12, took turns with me. A little less than a year later their 17 year old brother stuff his 9" in my 9 year old ass. There wasn't even a thought of a condom ever with any of them.
  14. I was a twink through my 20s. Now in my 40s, I'm in shape but not buff, thicker waist, thinner (ok, mostly gone) hair, and defiantly have more a 'daddy' look. I wasn't really happy about my image until recently when this hot as hell, walking wet dream, twink boy told me, "You have no idea how gorgeous you are." I'm still smiling.
  15. How old where you when you started with CBT? Was it alone or with someone else? What did you do at the start? Any opinion about guys starting older or younger than you did? BBT
  16. The fact is that sex is 90% in your head. You could be riding WonderCock and if you aren't into it then it won't matter. I love getting a good sized cock but I love even more a guy who knows how to fuck! Admittedly, seeing the prize cock of your dreams is going to start things running, so that great. If that means he's swinging around average, though, maybe he talks a good track or grinds just right or uses his hands all over to find those special places. If he's bigger than big then maybe he knows how to work it in so it is all going to go in and you aren't going to be in too much pain to have fun. No top wants a dead fish fuck and that means that its the head for both top and bottom that makes it work. BBT
  17. So grk8tor, how's David side & did he enjoy himself?
  18. I've read your blog and replies. Thanks for an honest discussion on this. I think part of the problem stems from people now, as opposed to when you and I were 20, have less developed (poorer?) social boundaries. Both men and women because this behavior isn't male or gay only. Also, take a look at the medium that the culture in question uses mostly, the web. It leads to more of the feeling of anonymity and lack of social regard. For gay guys add in that we meet in bath houses & book stores & parks. We form five second opinions mostly based on fantasy, presupposition, and stereotype. And if someone doesn't meet that those illusions, because some guys can't take anything but that stylized world (there is another rant at this point, but not here) they lash out, knowingly or unknowingly. That is until they get to be old enough to have more life than a frat or next party or next pill or line or cock. When you have car payments and rent and aging parents and all of the real life things that mean you don't get to do 3 hours a day at the gym or your body's metabolism isn't granting a rippling abs and bouncy balloon butt at 32 psi. Then it's their turn to see how shallow the next teen twinks will be. And if we have these now, wait to see what 20 years bring.
  19. Interesting. Your preface does make one wonder what and how much had to go, as this is tagged as fiction. As it's presented, I would have to say the accurate classification is 'Concentual Assault', not rape. The feel of it smack of Kubrik's 'Eyes Wide Shut'.
  20. This is interesting. Some very in depth study needs to be done on this because a 2001 initial study found that Astroglide had been found to block the replication of the human immunodeficiency virus in lab tests. http://www.ripnroll.com/astroglide-HIV.htm Unfortunately because of the topic and other issues funding to do additional testing never followed.
  21. Like some others here, I got started really young but it wasn't until I was 8 that I got fucked the first time. Two brothers who were neighbors, 10 & 12, did me. Obviously it was the 12 year old who was pumping loads in me. They would do me about any time and any where. About 6 months after they started their older brother, 17, got in on the act too and at 9 I took my first adult dick, 9". Lots of folks might say I was molested and I don't know if the wiring in my head was messed up from earlier (much younger) experiences, but by eight I wanted fucked. When I took the 9" brother it was rape but just barely. I was scared because of the intensity he came at me with but after I calmed a bit I wanted him too. There is more and other places but only about half a dozen times in my life have I ever used a rubber or had one used in me.
  22. Salon reported back in '02 about Astroglide killing HIV, also. http://www.salon.com/sex/feature/2002/01/16/lubes_hiv/index.html
  23. What if a sexually active minor got HIV or an STD or whatever? That is a very key question. It is one that illustrates what is wrong with many folks in this modern age. It is a question of responsibility. Until recently many places in Europe didn't have a minor's drinking age restriction. The Autobahn didn't have a speed limit posted for a long time. So on and so on. There wasn't a raging problem with child alcoholism or mass car pile ups. If you took part in the activity you were expected to be responsible or have a guardian who assumed responsibility or what ever. When a topic becomes restricted and regulated it take responsibility from the individual. Ever wonder why sex on TV isn't as big a deal outside the US? It's (in part) because it's treated more maturely and responsibly. In the US the FCC doesn't trust the citizenry to be able to change a channel or turn the TV off. Part of the age question would have to include the question of when can a person accept the responsibility that comes with sex. BBT
  24. This shows very well why some things shouldn't be decided by governmental laws. The best answer I have seen to applying this type of law is to make 'brackets' of ages that make sex of sexual contact legal. I.E.; 8 and under is illegal, within 2 years of age each parties age if 13 or under is legal, and so on.
  25. I was forced down on a reasonably thick 13" cock once. I was told I *would* take it no matter if I wanted to or not. I could do 6" pretty well at that point but this was way past that. Reluctantly I mounted him to ride it as the older guy who was running things stepped up and shoved his cock in my mouth and started to fuck my face. He also started pushing me down on the dick in my ass. It took a while and I struggled but after some time I was riding it in full strokes, churning my guts, while I had the other fucking my throat in and out too.
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