My PA was pierced at 10 gauge in 1997, but at the time I was constantly moving around a lot at my job, so it kept getting irritated after about a week. The hole closed up after that. After a couple years, my job changed, so I had it re-pierced again, also at a 10 gauge. Kept it at that size for a couple years, but decided I wanted to go bigger. So went up to the 8ga, then after about a month, to 6ga, then 4ga, then 2ga where I am now. I can occasionally put a 0ga in it, but the 2 seems to work best. Lately though, I've been considering converting the PA piercing into an Apadravya.. the one that is vertical through the head. Although I'd have to go back down to around a 6ga as they don't make the barbells for the apa at 2ga... :-(