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Everything posted by azpozloadtaker

  1. Post should have said "Times you're generally available: Weeknights After 7pm; Weekend Afternoons/Evenings". The "not available" time should be Weekdays before 7pm (due to work schedule) Admins, if you're able to edit my original post to state this, I'd appreciate it.
  2. I usually wear one when I put up ads on Craigslist as a "traveling cocksucker/deepthroater" and usually end up driving around parts of town sucking guys off. The chastity cage makes me even more horny to suck & deepthroat guys, focusing my "serviceing" on them and their pleasure, not mine. I have yet to wear it out to the baths or elsewhere when I'm looking to get fucked, but have been thinking about doing so quite often.
  3. Aww man you lucky stud!! I would LOVE to experience Christian's famous cumhole someday, even though I'm mainly bottom! His ass just has to feel as incredible as it looks!
  4. Your first name (or a name you'll respond to): Tim or Cumdump Tim Your cell number (texts only please): 623-282-2202 A location (be at least as specific as a zip code): Phoenix AZ Times you're generally not available: Weeknights Before 7:00 PM Age: 45 Height: 6' 0" Weight: 190lb. Ethnicity: White
  5. You're not the only one... I too would love for him to come in and use my hole while I was sleeping until he dropped his load deep inside me.
  6. Thanks for the friend request.

  7. thanks for the friend add!

  8. One word of advice.. NEVER force it in or let it be forced into you! The tissue inside your hole is rather delicate and too much force could end up with serious injury. I was always told, "slow and easy wins the race".. and it's always worked well for me, both in giving or getting a fist.
  9. Just bought the new one that Fort Troff started selling, hoping for some hot fun with it!
  10. You're a fuckin stud man.. if ever in the states, hope we can fuck!

  11. Agreed.. that is one sweet ass...would love to drop a load in it myself sometime.
  12. Practice, practice, practice... using poppers while sucking can also help.. it certainly did for me. Now I can deep throat around 10" balls without any issues usually.
  13. My PA was pierced at 10 gauge in 1997, but at the time I was constantly moving around a lot at my job, so it kept getting irritated after about a week. The hole closed up after that. After a couple years, my job changed, so I had it re-pierced again, also at a 10 gauge. Kept it at that size for a couple years, but decided I wanted to go bigger. So went up to the 8ga, then after about a month, to 6ga, then 4ga, then 2ga where I am now. I can occasionally put a 0ga in it, but the 2 seems to work best. Lately though, I've been considering converting the PA piercing into an Apadravya.. the one that is vertical through the head. Although I'd have to go back down to around a 6ga as they don't make the barbells for the apa at 2ga... :-(
  14. Thanks for the friend request!

  15. Thanks for the friend request!

  16. Thanks for the friend request!

  17. Planning on being there if all works out well. Will be staying at the host hotel and looking to get my ass bred a lot over the weekend. SIReast has offered to breed me, any other takers? If so, feel free to send me a msg!
  18. Database administration & content implementation.
  19. thanks for the add! love to take your cock in my hole

  20. Looks like this site may have it available. https://www.anal-sex-toy-shop.com/streem-master-kit-black-silicone-CISM-0102.html
  21. Love all sorts of chat.... no cam, so IM/msg only... skype: azrawsexluvr YahooIM: azpozloadtaker kik: azrawsexluvr twitter/tumblr: azrawsexluv
  22. his profile is under CHRISTIANXXX
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