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MackyJay last won the day on August 15 2024

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About MackyJay

  • Birthday 05/30/1948

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Many and varied. Ask and see. Also, very interested in poz hvl guys. I now call myself: A Pervy Kinky100% Piggy Bottom only Slut PNP Slave Whore for the use/abuse of ANY and All tops for their pleasure. No condoms allowed.
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
  • Role
  • Background
    Background in management and technician. Have not had much experience with guys actually but have given bjs, been fucked and been fisted. Have over 200 pics on a site called showyourdick.org under MackyJay if you want to look. One thing not mentioned before: I am married to a woman.
  • Porn Experience
    Sorry, none, but have been videoed being fisted and fucked before.
  • Looking For
    Not up for scat, blood play, kids, major pain (but have a very high threshold), nor permanent markings. Almost anything else is a go or can talk about it. If it sounds like fun, let's do it. I had not done any drugs but finally did try T and poppers and loved them. Said to hell with it, I only allow myself to be fucked bareback only, so now I'm officially saying I'm a chaser looking hard for a gifter.

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  1. When I got my 'anal cherry' popped by a guy with a 10 3/4 long cocks it was bareback. Three of the next 8 times I got fucked, guys used a condom, but I could feel a huge difference. With a condom it just felt way off, felt ok but just barely. Decided I hated that so I banned condoms and I'll only let guys who'll fuck me bareback the privilege to fuck me. I never refuse any bareback loads but it was close to 8 yrs ago when I banned condoms around me. Since then there has been only 3 guys that I've turned down because they insisted on using a condom. I lost my 'anal cherry' between 8-9 yrs ago but was more than a year later when I declared myself as gay and for M2M sex only. Since that first time, I've only been fucked by about 40-45 different guys a total of between 60-70 times total.
  2. I kind of like both equally. Nice to have regulars but I also really enjoy variety
  3. I do not allow condoms near me.
  4. The feeling of a condom felt terrible. I get fucked bareback only and no pulling out till your cum is deposited deep inside me.
  5. I only get fucked bareback, no pulling out till my top's cum is deposited deep inside me. Never push it out and try to make sure it stays in me to be absorbed
  6. I always say, I only get fucked bareback, no condoms allowed except for a cruel condom as I'm curious how one feels. I'd let any guy fuck me for sure that has one just to feel it.
  7. I love being on my back, tipped basically upside down while top is like driving my hole fast, hard and deep as possible.
  8. No but there are many I'd love to meet up with.
  9. Yes I do. Fuck me bareback only or go away.
  10. Majority of my life I was completely straight with zero thoughts of anything gay. Then a chance encounter and my huge curiosity got me to let a guy suck me off. Took a few years before I finally declared myself to be gay and for M2M sex only and that was between 8-9 yrs ago approx a year after first time I was fucked. I was between 66-67 yrs old
  11. Yes I sure do swallow
  12. I'm hoping someone has the knowhow and can teach me and others how to self fist. I can get all four fingers in me plus my thumb but just lack a very small amount of getting whole hand in. Hope there's a secret I haven't learned yet that will get my hand all in.
  13. Feel of a condom is terrible
  14. No I don't and really don't care about status. I just want fucked.
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