I guess one could say I was molested in grade school, maybe as early as 2nd grade (we lived there for 4 years and couldn't say if it happened the entire time so exact age uncertain but it seems like it was the entire time we lived there). They were my friends and neighborhood boys all within a couple of years of each other from oldest to youngest. 3 of the group of 8 or so were brothers.
No sex per se... kids being kids and doing things in the nude with each other. Playing nude games of "horse" if you will, daring each other to do certain things unclothed and if you didn't you were knocked out for that round. Slight peer pressure, sure, but no one was forced into doing anything that they didn't want to do. And if someone didn't, no shunning from anyone in the group, you just lost that particular session of the game (much like any childhood game like "mother may I" etc).
About the only thing really sexual was we would stick very thin toy parts (like the wooden sticks from Tinker Toys), but never anything any wider than a pencil in each others tight little boy holes and and a game of being made to sniff it after the object was removed. We never touched each others little cocks or fingered each others holes and certainly no penis/anal penetration. I don't even remember seeing anyone's little pecker being hard (although I know babies in the womb have erections)
I know others will disagree with this, but I think a LOT of what we turn out sexually is what our first sexual experiences are (especially if they are ongoing)...if it is with girls, you most likely turn out "straight" but if it is guys, you most likely turn out gay. Not to say it is that way for everyone or genetics don't play a part (just as everyone who takes a drink, doesn't become an alcoholic but some are genetically predisposed to that).
Again, it goes along with the discussion of the cycle repeating itself. Even if the person hated it with every fiber of their being, they often seek out the very thing/type of person that caused it, and in many cases repeating the sexual or physical abuse themselves at some point.
I do remember at the age shinning up the tether ball poles, sliding back down, climbing back up repeatedly and having these waves of pleasure flooding over me at some point. Didn't realize it at the time but I was masturbating fully clothed on the playground (but since I was prepubescent I didnt ejaculate).
My first real sexual experiences were with my best friends in jr high...teaching each other our techniques for jerking off, sucking each others cocks etc. But we never came with a BJ. That didn't happen for me until high school age (giving & getting) and my first time I had a cock in my ass or mine in another guys. That sex was all anon "glory hole" style