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Everything posted by BearOKC69_Poz

  1. Thanks for following CumBank. Hail S-atan

  2. That thick no meds poz cock needs to be fucking & breeding me. Recharge me. Get me fucked up with you. Have yet to be fucked while spun. 

  3. Nice thick hung cock on ya!

    1. rublthlad


      Thanks and to toxic too

    2. BearOKC69_Poz


      Crave toxic Poz loads. Fuck & breed me repeatedly 

    3. rublthlad


      Would love to do that with you

  4. Oklahomo City white trash slut for your breeding pleasure 

  5. Raunch bttm Poz99 fag for use
  6. Once when he was in the hospital he asked me to wipe his ass for him. So I did get to barely finger his shit hole. At that moment a female nurse come in.
  7. Would have loved to sucked and been fucked by my dad. Sadly he was very homophobic. Craved to be taught how to deep throat cock. I only saw his cock once. CUMing our of the shower. Semi hard. So damn thick.
  8. Don’t let the length or girth of your cock (or anything else) define what you like or enjoy. When I was younger and less chunky, I topped regularly with my below avg toilet paper tube sized cock (length & girth). Always presumed it was 5” to 6” then I measured a toilet paper tube. Not even close! As I got older and chunkier I transitioned more to the bottom of things and embraced it. Not opposed to topping someone but the logistics can be a challenge. As a mostly bottom I run across all of these hung guys with monster cocks and they are complete bottoms! I see it as a waste but they are following their one wants and needs. The gays here in Oklahoma tend to want the bottom to be hung for some reason. I can’t figure out why. So go for it!
  9. Crabs. Late 20s? Sexually active since 16 (looked older). All random anon sex in parks. Under stall. Glory holes. Etc
  10. Bbrt = BearOKC69 A4A = BearOKC69 AssPig = BearOKC69 Oklahoma City Most Fri & Sat nites thru next morning
  11. Freaky fun is all. Like you I have waterproof mattress protector so if an “accident “ happens. No harm. Love pissing myself. Sleeping in it.
  12. Not a problem Stud. Someday we will finally meet and after each of us has eaten the other’s filthy shitty hole we will engage in multiple oral exchanges. Be it cock or tongue Ass 2 Mouth, it’s all good. Hail Sarah Palin.
  13. Although it will work, the juice box is a bit large & bulky. I have used a small nose spray or even Elmer’s white glue bottle and either cotton balls or the square cotton pads (roll up and insert into bottle). Use an eye dropper (dedicated to just poppers ya don’t want to accidentally use it and get them in your eyes). Empty bottle of contents and wash well and let air dry before adding poppers. Whatever bottle you get, make sure it’s soft and squeezable. Twist lid that you can manipulate with one hand. Either just sniff or for added effect, squeeze bottle as needed
  14. It’s been a journey. Younger (teens/high school/college) once I cum I’m done. Slam. Bam. Thank you Sam. Roll over and go to sleep. 30s to 40s. Cum. Can continue being fucked but no oral. 50s. Cum? No problem. Keep the Vick cumming. Either end.
  15. I had tried unsuccessfully to get fisted for a couple of years. Could take most guys 4 fingers completely and thumb but couldn’t get over the last nuckle. Poppers always helped relax the hole but not quite enough. Then I tried spray poppers (not recommended) and they did the trick. But too far. I passed out for a bit. When I came to, he was all the way in. Nothing extreme just right there at the cusp. Just as the first time I got fucked I didn’t think my hole was ever going to close up again but quickly recovered. My experience was the more you do it, the more you get stretched out the looser you will be. But it hasn’t gotten to the point where I need diapers or anything.
  16. Moved to proper spot
  17. I had tried unsuccessfully to get fisted for a couple of years. Could take most guys 4 fingers completely and thumb but couldn’t get over the last nuckle. Poppers always helped relax the hole but not quite enough. Then I tried spray poppers (not recommended) and they did the trick. But too far. I pass
  18. Thanks for following. Returned the compliment. Hail!

    1. HirsuteSpunkHound


      Same here.  Thanks for following me.

  19. Never licked cum directly off the floor but numerous times out of used rubbers (trash floor wherever). Running down a hloryhole wall. From a ledge protecting the toilet paper. Toilet paper containers. Toilet seats. Etc etc. same for piss. Have harvested still warm logs of shit out of the toilet.
  20. My first experience with piss happened after seeing a couple of pics on (dialup) internet of guys that had wet themselves. A few pics later guys pissing on other guys (fully clothed). Had never given piss much thought sexually before that but knew I had to try it. Around dawn I went to a local cruisy public park. I was the only car there. Parked in front of the port a potty and went inside and took a seat. It was still very cold out. Snow was still on the ground where sunlight hadn’t reached. Within 10 minutes I heard a car park. Door shut and crunching of snow. The door opened and the guy mumbled “sorry, didn’t know someone was in here”. I told him if he needed to piss to “come on in as it us cold out there”. He came on in and whipped out a hung flaccid cock and started to piss in the small urinal attached to the wall just inches from where I sat. Decided it was now or never “can I have it?” He shrugged his shoulders and redirected the stream towards me. Halfway aiming for my mouth. Seemed like he pissed about a half gallon. It was overflowing my mouth. Soaking my shirt and my briefs and jeans that were around my ankles. When he finished he stuffed it back in his button fly jeans and left. I called out to him “wait I’ll suck you off” but he was gone. Steam was rising off my piss soaked clothes and as wonderful as it felt I knew it would get cold fast and would be hard to explain if cops showed up. I quickly got dressed and travelled the 25 min back to my apt. After being up all nite Went straight to bed. Sleeping in my piss soaked clothes. Awoke to the most wonderful smell a few hours later. Wore the clothes all the next day as I went about my errands. Shopping etc. Got some strange looks but I didn’t fuckin’ care. Been a piss pig every since. However someone wants to give it to. Just for fun. Humiliation. Marking of territory. Whatever works for them works for me.
  21. Have barebacked from day one. Only rarely would I do the rubber thing (if the top insisted or if Poz status was revealed). Covered cock just feels like I dildo to me. Nowadays if the top insists, I insist that after the cum is going in me somehow. Either suck it out in front of then. Use it as lube to jerk off with. Or as lube for a dildo or my new fav ass toy a large cock sized metal cross. Often times the top is so turned on watching me use his load that they are a go for round two. About half the time deciding to forgo the rubber for that round
  22. Hail Brother. If ever in OKC would love to worship with you. Ava Satana. 

    1. Pigforpoz


      Thank you!  I LOVE      S A T A N too!

  23. AbsoFUCKinglutely. Rare is the top that is hard and ready to fuck right off. Oral before and after is the norm. Ass 2 Mouth after is my duty and obligation. No matter how nasty dirty. From my own or another’s just fucked hole.
  24. I have done this. I am an equal opportunity cumdump. However I get harder when the load is Poz and ideally high viral toxic Poz. And verbal aggressive balls 2 the wall deep as they are pumping their demon seed in me....
  25. 1000+ loads 90% + bareback. Oral and anal. 99% anon. 40 yrs before converting when in my early 50s
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