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Everything posted by Ocelot2000

  1. Hottie. Bottom here. Message me if interested x
  2. is this a monthly or yearly thing? Never heard of it.
  3. Used to see him around WeHo back in the day. When Studio One was a thing. Anyway, porn stars..l I married one, dated a few, had my share 🙂
  4. Last few times I visited Orlando I got a room for a night or two at Parliament House and got so many loads. Now that it is closed is there a venue that has taken its place for that side of things? Or is it just find a hotel that is easy accesss. The difference with Parliament House is you didn't even have to advertise, people were already there partying it up at the bars and walking around. Loved it!
  5. He did initially, in a way? He used to put me on his lap when it was reading time (teacher at home) and I would feel him get hard and cum in his pants after a while of sitting there and kind of rocking, then excuse himself to go to the bathroom. He didn't think I knew what it was but I did. One time I asked if I could go with him to the bathroom, and it progressed from there. he never actually asked me to do anything it just sort of happened and lasted around a year.
  6. It was so fucking good until he pulled out to cum, that ruined it for me 😞 But it was great until then
  7. 20 loads with others who fucked and didn't cum at one of the Silverkale Parties a few years ago.
  8. Sorry no, it is a right NOW because there are over 200 other rights afforded to people who have the word marriage in their union and many if not most do not marry in church or because of religion. It is for the rights that come with it.
  9. Excuse me?! I'm very much alive thank you very much!
  10. Yes, and I actually meant I am allergic to Cipro, that and penicillin, not Doxy(stupid me) but there's no penicillin in the vaccine, so that part is fine, but Cipro I am worried about.
  11. There is but I meant Cipro, not sure why I wrote Doxycycline (I swear I should be blond not bald, lol). It's ciproflaxin, and I am allergic to it.
  12. So I've been wanting to get the vaccine but scared that it has Doxycycline in it which I am allergic to. I was told it's just a little mount so I should be fine. Anyone know for sure? At most they said take benadryl if needed.
  13. Not that I say no to many dicks, lol but 2 and 19. I love the way those, especially 19, fit in me. It's what my current BF has and it's a tight fit and he says my ass feels like a squelchy velvet glove with how it snuggly fits in me.
  14. you're always welcome!
  15. Gonna be in Houston for a night next week. I know people are recommending La Quinta from the sounds of it for a cumdump night or to just hook up in general. Also message me if interested in coming over and having fun for a bit. Not sure the night yet, but message me anyway xox
  16. Just a note on what everyone else is saying about treatment. If, like me, you are allergic to Penicillin then you can take 2 weeks worth of Doxycycline. 1 pill twice a day. Clears it up.
  17. Booths with glory holes or open theatre, as long as I can get a lot of D 🙂
  18. Will be in London from 17th to 28th of Feb, message me if interested in meeting 😉
  19. Exactly ROFL
  20. hhhmmmm..... lol
  21. Oh yeah I know about clubs like Slammer, I was thinking video booths/sex stores 🙂
  22. But there aren't any to go to for sex in LA I thought...
  23. I prefer BBRT for hookups although I agree that it isn't really the only go to for BB sex, it's everywhere now. My only problem with it is finding guys who are not on meds. That is hard to find these days.
  24. I love both series however for me, my love for John William's scores in the 9 Star Wars over shadows everything. As a composer myself, he is one of my idols and these 9 have incredible music on such a consistently high level orchestrally. Moving forward though, so far, Star Trek will be the way to go for me until Star Wars right's the ship. I don't like the Disney plus Star Wars shows, Hated the first episode of the Mandalorian and did not continue it. As Lucas and others said, Williams Star Wars music is the secret sauce of the franchise and is another character in it. Be it the Force Theme, Princess Leia's theme, Duel of the Fates, Imperial March, Rey's theme, the Emperor's motif, etc etc etc, they lost that now.
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