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WolfinSheepsClothing last won the day on March 11 2022

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About WolfinSheepsClothing

  • Birthday 09/22/1974

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Baltimore, MD
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Top
  • Background
    love to fuck and get fucked, fill holes with my seed and get mine filled. Prefer to not get STI's, but they are a fact of life.
    Just went off meds. Who Wants my Baby in them?
  • Porn Experience
  • Looking For
    Friends and other pigs in the area.
    Wickr: wolftaz

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  1. great story, and what a twist there. Thanks for writing!
  2. As far as not letting the bottom know, don't change your strokes, just keep fucking while you cum. and for me, this helps me stay hard for the next load fo jizz I plant in him, that one he often knows about.
  3. love your sex tales, thanks for another hot tale
  4. great start! can't wait for more.
  5. hey, I live in Baltimore. it is not a shit hole, DC is. we at least still have an eagle, yours shut down and the owners ran off with the money screwing the staff. Any city is dangerous at night if you don't keep your wits about you, don't feed into the stereotype of the wire.
  6. LOVE IT! so glad you wrote that chapter! thanks so much for those of us who like trans men.
  7. I liked it, but then I have a subscription to JP. I think for some guys it is the idea of female Genitals that turn them off.
  8. great story. can't wait to hear more!
  9. nice! hope our friend swap strains with the other college boy and they both infect Marc.
  10. If I were there babe I'd take your babies  in both ends how ever many times they hey want to cum on inside 😵

    1. Willing


      Thanks 💧👄💧

    2. Willing


      Offer stands for anyone 👄💧🍆

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