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About latinbottombra

  • Birthday 03/05/1984

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  1. I am planning to write up more stories following how things have progressed. Please let me know your thoughts and your own confessions. Don't be shy guys. Also, if you are in or visiting the Oxford to Bristol corridor in England, let me know... maybe we could write a story together
  2. After a few years into my relationship, i started looking on gay websites (good old gaydar). I got a huge rush from doing what I wasn't supposed to be doing. No harm done though, after all, looking is not cheating. I did feel guilty to start with, but it slowly were off and I found myself doing it more frequently. Chatting to guys was a huge turn on, arranging to meet was very exciting. Most guys were quite happy arranging that vague meeting...later...that neither of us would ever check back with each other and so it would never happen. But eventually, I would come across genuine guys that were up for it for real. I always felt guilty having to make an excuse as I did not really have the courage to meet. Sometimes, I told the truth, specially if the guy was really nice. Other times, it was easier to ghost (Yes I have done that), or find some silly excuse. Over time, I started to need more than just chatting. The thrill was in arranging a meeting. I m not proud of this, but I arranged three meetings I didn't turn up to, I just watched the guy from a safe distance (terrible, I know). Things started to change after an occasional encounter. I went on holiday with my partner to Sitges. We were both sunbathing on the gay part of the beach (not the nudist beach). I was 28 back then, my partner was 32. We had been together for 5 years. Sex was starting to slow down between us. I spotted this guy lying a few meters from us. He was reading a book written in French on the cover. He was in his upper forties. Light brown hair. He had a good body, not muscly, but lightly defined. I guess he caught me looking, he smiled. I smiled too. My smile encouraged him to put his hand on his cock. He was wearing read swimming shorts. They were short and not very tight. I kept on smiling, and licking my lips at that stage. He run his fingers across his now hard cock to show me he was hard. My partner was lying next to me, facing the other way. The guy motioned trying to ask if he could come and lie next to me. I signalled No!! With my fingers. I also pointed to the guy next to me and to the ring on my finger. He laughed and put his tongue out. He pointed to his ringless finger. And pulled faces suggesting I was naughty. He then took his hand to the inside of his legs and let his hard cock peek through the side. He used his book to make sure the show was just for me. His cock was nice, about 7 inches and uncut. I was hard and dripping pre cum in my Speedos. I felt as if my body was on fire. I was literally burning in desire, lust. He started to signal that we should go somewhere. It was my first time in sitges and I had no clue of where to go. I was also scared he didn't understand my situation and would give it away. My partner turned to me to sunbathe another side. He covered his cock and looked cool. We could no longer flirt or try to communicate with that set up. He moved, so he would escape my partner line of sight. I switched sides with my partner to be able to see him. He signalled that he was going to walk and I should follow. I was so horny by then, I said ok. He stood up and started walking towards the restaurant at the beach front. I said to my partner that I needed the toilet and would be back in a bit. I followed him to the restaurant, when we were away from my partner's line of sight he came to talk to me. I panicked and didn't talk, just asked him to follow me. I rushed towards the men's toilet but before getting there I saw the disabled toilet and went in. He followed me there and locked the door. My heart was racing, I was so worried my partner would find out. I said a weird hello, he said something in French and reached for my cock. I reached for his and he pulled his shorts and my Speedos down. His cock felt hard and hot in my hand. I said I didn't have much time. He said 'taste' and pointed to his cock. I went for it... it tasted salty but nice. He got me up, I said I needed to go. Even tho I was so horny, I was truly scared. It was irrational, but I was worried my partner would be outside the bathroom door (He was not). He turned me to the wall and got close behind me. I knew where this was going but I was sure it would not, it could not happen. There was no time. Yet, I didn't try to get out of his way. I bent forward and pulled my cheeks apart with my hands (profile pic is me by the way). My saliva got his cock to slip through my cheeks getting his cock head close to my ass. His foreskin rolled back allowing him to go further. When his cock head pushed up against my ass lips I let go of my cheeks and started wanking. It felt great, but I came very quickly then froze and I tightened my ass lips denying him entry. He was trying hard... but so was I. This game only lasted about a minute, but I can safely say I truly enjoyed every second of it. I think I only managed to hold him off because he had no lube and my ten seconds suck didn't get him wet enough. After he reached my ass lips, we were pretty much dry humping. That was, until he came, right in between my ass cheeks... right up against my ass lips. I honestly cannot get over the feeling. This experience has deeply influenced my sex life. I thought we were done when he started to sound like he was going to cum. It was nice having his hard cock teasing my ass, trying to get in. I was ready to go. He was pushing really hard up against my ass when I felt the first squirt - It was warm. He pulled back slightly and squirted again. That felt slimey pulling back, the warm squirt felt good. He pushed his cock against my ass. How easy his cock slid between my cheeks caught me off guard. It took a lot of clenching to keep him out, I felt I had to defend his slippery assaults. I mostly did! In no time his cum was running down my legs. I quickly dried my legs. I asked him to hide behind the door and I left. He left the toilet a few minutes later. I led next to my partner. He led a few metres away from us. That was the first time I went further than chatting. I am thinking of posting other adventures. Let me know what you guys think... also feel free to share your own cheating experiences.
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