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Everything posted by FFRubbrPIG

  2. There is Pride this last week or so and Noxon had had their regular Breed event plus their Poz night as well as piss and fisting. Well worth find!😜
  3. A briliiant start!! More than a bit envious of Matty! Can't wait to see him opened up by Master Tom!
  4. Thank you for another extremely HOT story! Another story you can’t wait for the next chapter to appear. So well written and thank you for quickly putting it up so quickly after each chapter ends . I now so want to experience that Comet!!😜😜😜
  5. Thank you for an amazing story!! As someone else said there are few fisting and chems stories on here and this was FFantastic! It was exciting to get the constant drip feed of new chapters and I am also enjoying your new story as much!! Keep writing please!
  6. Excellent start! Can’t wait for more!😜
  7. Sensational.!! Wonderfully written story!!
  8. Search barebackbastards cruel condom fuck, there are quite a few videos of it
  9. They ask you to behave at the street fair in terms of showing arses and cocks as it’s in a mixed area but that didn’t stop a French guy bringing a wheelbarrow and placing it at the crossroads and then guys emptying their bladders over him!, year after year!! Sex seems to happen outdoors in the big parks ! But obviously all the clubs are open to it!!! Don’t miss the Lab , it’s a fair way from the gay area so we usually get a taxi both ways even if we are covered in piss afterwards! The Pig party is usually good and again this year is in the Old Mint which was the mint for the GDR as well as where the first Euros were made! If the downstairs at Scheune bar is open it’s usually piggy!
  10. Ditto went there in 2019 for the Rubber party instead of the Pig party at Folsom. Spent a long time on the floor between the urinals having guys piss over and in me!! Then went down the steps under the grating with guys emptying their bladders over us! The previous year they set up a huge piss pool which I found myself in!!
  11. Just had a look at their website and Facebook page and the new building was an upmarket restaurant before they took it over. The place looks very swish compared to the old building. There might be a basement area but none shown in the pics . Worth checking out but I think it won’t be as raunchy as the old building but I hope I’m wrong!!
  12. Beautiful story so far!
  13. Thank you for another excellent story ,and I am pleased that you found a way for Eros and Tommy to exist together for eternity!
  14. Just AWESOME! Loving it, please continue!!!!!!
  15. Me too, it’s very different!!
  16. Hey thanks for he add!

    1. Toploader56


      Hey you’re very welcome mister 😈

  17. Obviously need to be flexible in our approach as we are all different! I can think of one occasion where I did take double fists on my backhand it was good to see them punching in and out together, but almost all the other occasions I was on all fours. Indeed I was on all fours at the Backstreet when I started with two guys putting their fists and arms in me halfway to the elbow, later followed by fisting me to the bicep!But that's obviously what works for me!
  18. If you are on your back, then the fist is going in following the colon as it would do if you can imagine it as a diagram from your front. However both for myself, and when i have fisted others ,I find that on all fours, I can as a top [and bottom] go deeper into them than on their backs. Partly it is that you can put in masses of lube into their holes and nature will take it deeper where you want it to be, but you also as a top have gravity on your side.The other issue is where the backbone tail is located in the arse, sometimes its easier to get below it by being on all fours. Recently I played with two guys used to going deep in a sling, but was having trouble getting as deep as I wanted, the elbows, so I got them out of the sling onto a futon on the floor and got where I intended to hopefully go! Another way to be fisted is lie on your right side and put the left leg over your body so it comfortable on the surface and this opens your hole up. Only been fisted this way and got fisted to the elbow this way, never used it as a top as yet. Its a reasonably comfortable position for the bottom too.
  19. Not stayed there but they have just opened a playroom there as well.look at it on www.theplayroomuk.co.uk also twitter UK Playroom which has some videos of it.it looks very horny!
  20. You sound as if you are almost there! A couple of things come to mind.I was told when i started years ago THAT YOU CAN NEVR HAVE TOO MUCH LUBE!I It's vitally important! The lube reduces friction and makes it easier to slide in. Especially as you go deeper I flood the colon with lube. i I prefer no gloves as you feel slightly more but I have hairy arms and sometimes use elbow length rubber gloves for depth as it reduces the friction of my hairy arms, but you aren't there yet!! So you could try rubber gloves on his hands and see if it helps. In terms of space inside it does vary for each person and not always related to their build and stature. The rectum the space you first go into again varies in size,I know mine is about 8 inches long as thats where I meet the second sphincter which leads into your colon for deeper exploration. Now what does vary is the location of the second sphincter, sometimes straight in front, sometime straight in front but downwards under the tail bone,or quite frequently to the right.Even though I am very experienced I have sometimes been a bit baffled for a while in finding it! If your friend is not experienced at fisting it might help you if you can find someone more experienced than him as you sound to be almost there but you need to be very comfortable with your top so you can relax and be able to trust him. Equally your friend needs to find some experienced bottoms to play with to increase his capabilities. In terms of taking fists for the first time, the guys I have taken their cherries of, it usually happen on their second fisting, its very unusual for the first time and i will NEVER force it. For myself it took about 4 months of a weekly session but i wasn't used to anything in my hole!! Though I made up for it by going through my second sphincter on my second play!
  21. Its available via sexual health centres here in the UK and is free. I started it as apart of a study, basically the government didn't want to fund it for everyone, but allowed a study. Of course it was successful and became free to everyone,I think by the end of 2020. So now I have continued as i need it. Its not available as far as I know through our general medical doctors on the NHS. We have a very stupid funding system for sexual health, which has to be paid for via cash strapped local authorities rather than the National Health service, but i believe Prep medicine is paid for by the NHS itself. Yeah work that out!
  22. You need to go to your local sexual health clinic which you should find online.I have a friend who gives a false name here in Norfolk, though u will need a contact number, but i have always used my own name for the past nearly 30 years and its never been a problem its totally confidential. if you are anywhere near Brighton here is the number for Brighton sexual health, but there are centres all around Sussex. 01273 523 388. Good luck! From experience Prep will totally protect you from Toxic cum!! Have fun!!
  23. Hi woodrow82 I have read the comments about your story with a lot of sadness.It takes guts to sit down and write a story like this, when you write you are sort of exposing yourself to all and sundry to read and comment on it. For me it's been an absolutely incredible story,I followed it as you wrote it and made some comments about how I felt about it at the time. So after reading these comments I sat down and re read it last night.Jeez its perhaps even better than i remembered !! What you describe would be heaven for me, so perhaps that makes me biased, but I just love it. So rarely do writers on here write about fisting in their stories, so that in itself is a plus for me.I know I should get off my arse and write some stories based on what I have experienced as friends keep telling me! Yes of course I wish it had reached another conclusion but actually rereading it again ,where you left off ,it is almost a conclusion in itself. There is a promise of more Toxic loads, but don't we really want his sons to poz him? In terms of yourself if you had lost the very inspirations for your story how the fuck could you continue? It wouldn't have the conviction and zest of the original story.All I can say is if you had play anywhere like this you are a lucky man! I understand why you feel you don't want to write other stories for here but that would be a loss to all your readers who have enjoyed this so much. Hopefully in time you might reconsider and start writing again.
  24. I totally agree with you. I would thoroughly recommend that you read his first story on here," Last Known Address", it is without doubt my favourite story on this site. In my view there is none better.
  25. If I am honest when reading stories that I am glued to I often forget to add a feed back to the author ! Which is quite rude of me! But equally sometimes the upticks are so few that you can quickly run out of your allocation for 24 hours. I have recently come across your amazing story "A brother in trouble" and partly because it was written sometime ago I haven't made any comments directly on it, but believe me I thoroughly enjoyed it over the past week or so. Mark,Joe and co are living characters in my mind and would SO love to meet them!So don't take a lack of comments or upticks to mean that we aren't enjoying your stories. We are !!
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