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Everything posted by rawfuckr

  1. Watch out with Metamucil and PrEP which I think you are on. Don't take them too close together. While there are not known interactions between Truvada and metamucil I took the pill one day at the same time as the fiber and the pill came out later on all on its own without being digested!! This is because Metamucil creates this gluey gel around anything you eat, the 701 in this case. I asked my doctor about all this and the pharmacist said that just to be sure you should not take Metamucil within 4 hours of taking Truvada so Truvada is absorbed properly.
  2. Assuming you are eating a proper diet that is producing solid stool, using too much water when douching will produce the opposite effect you are intending. A few problems: When water goes in will first remove the solid stool, which you want, but further up in your gut you have the loose stool that is now being freed given you have removed the solid stool below. Adding water all inside your guts triggers your bowel movements so it's going to move things around even more. Water stays around in lagunas in your colon for a while and won't flush right away. Can take an hour to come down and you have to change body positions so water keeps moving. Too much water causes a disgusting slimey liquid thing that's sometimes more gross than shit itself. These are a few tips I've learned over the years to have perfect clean buttfucking. These are only good good for fucking withing a 1-2 hours and without you eating anything that may have laxative effects. Beyond this timeframe it's just hard to do anything, other than having a consistent diet that produces solid stool or obviously not eating for days. Have some control of how much water you need to remove shit from your rectum. ALWAYS use this amount on the first clean. A way to measure is with enema's bottles. you can put 3x, 4x enemas bottles of water and then shit it out. Usually 3x or 4x will work. Extra bonus of this method you can do it while traveling. Once an initial clean has been performed, let things settle and lay down for a while so residual water gets unstuck. After 30-60 mins do a 1x enema bottle to remove any remaining shit If you don't have time, just do 1x or 2x enema bottles and that's it. For the vast majority of cock sizes this is enough.
  3. Monthly cost is about $1400 and Gilead will pick up up to $300 every month. So you have to suck up that deductible in a couple of months. Then it's free after that. A plus is you don't have deductible for anything health related for the rest of the year...
  4. Yes, this is very common. People are beyond ignorant. I think it has to do with the fact that if you mention PrEP you are implying you have condomless with others. To ensure BB sex either just don't say anything, or ask them 'are you clean? clean and tested neg xx/xx/xx' and it's a green light for BB. I've personally started to mention PrEP to people who I am NOT very interested in meeting. It's a great way to make them run away without having to reject them.
  5. I have a friend who seroconverted a couple of years back and I'm sure he at least feels funny about becoming HIV+ right before PrEP came online. It has to suck. But it can't be changed so at this point PrEP is more welcome than anything. He does tell me he loves guys on PrEP because he knows he can't infect them. He'd rather fuck with a PrEPed guy than with a 'negative' or 'unknown'.
  6. Most poz folks I know are liking PrEP. It makes it easier for everyone involved. They know that if you are on PrEP and they are undectectable, they can't infect you. The same the other way. Also PrEP coming online is having all sorts of other positive side effects, like fighting HIV stigma. Guys on PrEP take an antiviral every day the same way a poz guy does. It just evens the field.
  7. You can get into the copay assistance program yourself, it's very very easy going to this website http://www.gileadcopay.com/ They've upped what they will pay, now it's up to $300/month which is great The problem with Kaiser is that you have to use their pharmacies, and their pharmacies will not honor any sort of copay coupons. Therefore you have to initially pay the copay yourself. Gilead knows this, so they have a form you can ask for, and you fill it out with your RX number and other things, mail it, wait a few weeks and then you get a check in the mail. Cumbersome, but much better than nothing.
  8. We know essentially nothing about iPERGAY results, other than they have terminated their placebo arm because PrEP works, which we already knew. Subjects were asked to take the pill 2 days before and 2 days after I think after sex. We really have to wait for the results, but it could very well be that a lot of people were just taking it often enough (4+ /times week) that confer some sort of constant protection and not so much instant protection from the 2 pills before. That said, tenofovir reaches steady state in blood very quickly, like an hour or so, so it could be that you indeed have some sort of protection right away.
  9. The thing that irked me the most after checking out the formulary was the fact that ALL HIV meds had been bumped up to Tier 3 - specialty. Things like complera, stribild.. If you are neg you sort of have an option not to do PrEP, but you if you are poz you have have to suck it up. I'm thinking Kaiser is aware of the copayment programs and that people can still get their meds free if they work at it, but for them this is obviously cheaper. By the way, bumping HIV medicine to a higher tier is a clear case of discrimination due to pre-existing conditions that the ACA did away with.. only on the monthly premium front. The insurance companies quickly found a way to continue charging more for the sick even being complaint with the ACA.
  10. Tiredness is supposed to be a side effect. I'm always short on sleep and have lots of problems falling asleep, but was that way before Truvada. But I've been taking vacations from it and just haven't noticed any difference when I'm on it or when I'm off. Maybe I really have no side effects.
  11. Kaiser has bumped Truvada to the specialty tier for the 2015 individual plans so expect to pay at checkout a lot more than before. Will usually be 10% or 20% depending on your plan. That's either $130/month or $260/month.. Good thing is that Gilead will reimburse you but you will have to go through the trouble of submitting the paperwork. I don't think this applies to group plans, only individually purchased plans and those plans obtained through Covered California. Letting people know.
  12. Guys, look at this answer at thebody.com . Very nice explanation of your possible anal pap smear results and how worrisome each one of them maybe: http://www.thebody.com/Forums/AIDS/Cancer/Q140978.html?ic=2003
  13. Hello there, Just checking in. I did stop counting after that original post but it's now substantially higher.. Did tests a couple of weeks ago, still negative.
  14. 10+ years of barebacking and still neg? Maybe you are homozygous for CCR5-Delta32 and you are immune to HIV. You may want to test for this, PrEP maybe redundant. PrEP stands for Pre exposure Prophylaxis, that's why the doctors know it for that name. Hopefully all will go well and you'll be on PrEP soon.
  15. Did they run HPV genotyping on your pap smear sample? If it's HPV positive, that it will very likely be, they can also tell how many types you have and if you have any 'oncologic' types. Before you freak out, virtually every bottom out there who fucks raw has some for or another or HPV and even if it went to progress to anal cancer it would take many years, that's why doctors can monitor this over time. In most cases the HPV infection goes away and there is no problem.
  16. Just let me add another testimony about Kaiser and PrEP. My experience with them has been great. Kaiser is my 3rd PrEP provider so I have some points of comparison. A few things I love about Kaiser and Kaiser+PrEP: You can message doctors directly either from website of from phone app. While other practices may have this ability, in fee-per-visit practices emailing your doctor is discouraged and they want you to come in for everything, as it's the only way they make their money, most of the time, long explanations on emails are frowned upon. In Kaiser doctors get paid fixed salary regardless, so they don't care if your interaction is in person or through an online message. Many questions can be answered through a message. I've thrown them lots of questions and all of them have been carefully read and answered. Standing lab orders. If you are on the PrEP program you can get STD checks (HIV,syphilis, chlam and ghono (3 sites)) every 3 weeks. You don't have to talk with anyone, they are on the computer. Just walk in into the lab and get it done. This is great if you've been particularly slutty and want to get checked. Pharmacy is integrated between mail orders and pickup orders. True, you can only use them for your drugs, but seems to work fine for me. I'm with an individual plan from the Covered California exchange and there doesn't seem to be much of a difference with group plans, unlike the other insurers who have pared down their provider network to nothing.
  17. How do you know Truvada isn't covered by your insurance? I haven't seen a single health plan that doesn't. Then, Gilead just upped their assistance program to people making less than $58K. If you make less than $58K and your insurance doesn't cover Truvada you should be able to get it for free. Also they are increasing the copay assistance from $200 to $300
  18. I guess it should be possible in europe to find some doctor what will get familiar with the PrEP protocol and can run the necessary tests, like creatinine clearance, liver function and all that. Then you go and get the Tenvir-EM from India and you be in equal terms than the US peeps. Definitely involved, but theoretically possible.
  19. Yes, I don't feel good about letting so many guys coming in my ass after the fact, although being on PrEP makes it easier. I think where you live and the amount of gay people around you matters. I live in SF and if you wanted here you could be fucking all day non stop. There are always hot guys 1 mile away ready for action. While it's easy of thinking to try to get the number down, if you are using the GPS apps here they are almost always buzzing with people looking for action, it's difficult to avoid and not hook up if you are horny. I've hooked up many times in half an hour from the first message. It's that efficient. Looks are somewhat important, but if you are available and they are horny, sex will happen. I'm somewhat older than you and I've had many 3ways, 4ways and everything in between. Sort of a miracle I'm still negative.
  20. This week I looked back what I did the last two weeks and I scared myself to death about the number of loads I had taken without realizing. This is very new territory for me. I sort of stopped caring about what I'm doing because I'm on PrEP, but when I pause and think about it's not clear I should be doing it. As far as side effects, I never had a single one. I know about a dozen guys on PrEP and a guy or two complained about some belly problems at the beginning but went away quickly. Most people I know felt nothing. Seems like the drug is very well tolerated. I'd advise anyone who is fucking raw to go on it, regardless of the conditions.
  21. Well, my problem is that I'm a case of 'risk compensation'. Because I'm on Truvada I've become substantially riskier. Thanks for all the feedback guys. I guess you are making me realize, that even when in my head seems like I could drop PrEP and try to be safer that is likely an unrealistic scenario. I would be better of to continue on PrEP and try to manage my risk there better, poz UD, neg+prep guys...
  22. Someone coming in my ass is fun and hot but not sure if I'd call it 'amazing'. I actually like to see guys coming, in my mouth, chest, wherever. But if I'm getting it having that ending is about as natural as it gets. I've been on PrEP a few months here and there. I had sex only with my partner during those times, and was actually too busy for hookups so there was no chance for temptations. I think you are on the right track about simply being pickier about who can come in me. Maybe neg guys and undetectable, or someone who I know quite well.
  23. This is not true. Just because in this particular study people with >4 more doses did not seroconvert does not translate into 100% efficacy in the general case. It's all a matter of statistics, and there is a great summary of exactly this issue on this article: Open-Label Oral PrEP at 4 Doses a Week: Why Zero Infections Does Not Equal 100% Efficacy ( http://goo.gl/yTHd8s ) From the article above, the actual efficacy after the number crunching for >4 doses a week is somewhere between 86% and 100%, which is good, but not 100% or anywhere close to it. Had the study run for a longer time, with more people they would have been able to narrow the number down to the real thing. This of course cost money and time. People are making the mistake thinking that it's 100% even with perfect adherence. It's likely not, and folks should use PrEP knowing that the possibility of seroconverting is still there albeit reduced. Obviously if you are taking lots of loads your chances of seroconversion are nudged higher.
  24. I think it's pretty clear to me now that I've totally become riskier in my encounters. While before I was getting fucked raw quite often, I would always avoid people coming in me. After in what it feels a long time on PrEP I've started not too care too much and I've let a lot of guys come inside, and I'm starting to like it. I'm really not sure this is a path I want to go down to. While it's fun and all, I'm aware that PrEP may not be 100% effective even when my perfect adherence. I really don't want to seroconvert so not sure what my options are. I'm thinking that maybe if I go off PrEP I'll 'feel' the risk much more and I'll either avoid condomless sex for a while or else. May not make sense, but the few times I've stopped PrEP I've really been succesful at not being risky, so maybe I should stop again for a while and reassess things. Any thoughts?
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