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About MuscleAss

  • Birthday 05/01/1971

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  • Interests
    What interests you? I’m likely game to try it.
  • Role
  • Background
    A bottom who is willing to explore. I’ve been gang banged, whored out, love sex parties and am a cruising area regular. Depending on the top, I will submit for hours or a quick pump and dump. Piss is something I take in my ass, mouth or sprayed all over me. Ass play is awesome, I’ve been fisted, dp’d, toys and other objects have penetrated my boihole. Getting foot fucked is a favorite. Verbal abuse and humiliation, submitting to one male or a group of them makes me feel both degraded and fulfilled.
  • Porn Experience
    Nothing professional, just what has been recorded while playing.

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  1. Do they accept cards? How much of a tip is expected to whoever brings you to your room?
  2. Next weekend I’m in NYC for the Black Party and thinking to visit the ESC after, probably around 4 or 5AM. Anyone been recently? Will there be much of a crowd? I haven’t hit the NYC dance floor since pre-COVID, in 2019, so no sense of nightlife there.
  3. Cunt, pussy, hole - the top can call it whatever he wants. And he can call me whatever he wants, too. What he does to me and my hole are up to him, whatever gives him pleasure. There are some guys who don’t like it when I’ve used words like pussy or cunt, so I stick to hole and ass if that’s their preference. But I do love nasty verbal talk when I’m playing.
  4. Top is hairydomxl Bottom is blessed boy.
  5. The Black Party was held last month for the first time since 2019. What did people think? I did not attend since my usual bud wasn’t able to go, and also because I was leery of the venue. The capacity was listed as only 1000 people on the website. That’s small considering how many usually attend.
  6. Excellent story and great writing. The descriptions of the encounters and of the protagonist’s thoughts sensations were vivid, especially the chemsex. And yes, I got off to it.
  7. Not at all, I love reading about other guys and their adventures.
  8. I have a prescription and use this pharmacy for generic viagra (sildenafil.) [think before following links] https://www.costplusdrugs.com
  9. Anybody want to cam? I am horny as fuck.  Message me here and we can figure it out.  

  10. Twelve hours, from around 10 in the morning until after 10 that night. An intense encounter that included some firsts for me, it was the only time I ever played with this guy. Physically and mentally a deep dive into sexual tension, fetishes, and control.
  11. Looks like the site has gone dark. Just a message “It’s been a blast.” Damn, now have to look for another platform for porn.
  12. Been working out all my adult life, and have seen plenty of guys who use steroids who think it’s a way to work out less, rather than more.
  13. I’ve never used steroids but I suggest that you get your workout habit well established before you start. People I know who’ve used them tell me going to the gym 5/6 days per week, plus attention to diet, are crucial. Good luck, and glad you are doing better and back in this forum
  14. So hot, vivid, and intense. Nothing opens my hole like a skilled, dominant top who knows how to use tina and toys to fuck with my head.
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