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About Wantitraw2014

  • Birthday 01/17/1991

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Washington State USA
  • Interests
    Oh so many things! Follow me and check out my content for more!
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    Back in the day I would never BB…now I only BB! I don’t discriminate when it cums to loads, as long as it’s in me! I also get in the mood to be an aggressive top sometimes 😈
  • Porn Experience
    Just amature things I’ve posted and showing off on MeWe in the group video sessions!
  • Looking For
    A variety of things. I’m actually very open to a lot, so hit me up if you want. The usual suck/fuck, rimming, anon, BB is a must, DL, cheaters, ass play, role play, bookstores, bathhouses, a bit of an exhibitionist and if I can… PNP!

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  1. Great, imaginative stories. Thank you.
    I’m looking forward to further instalments since they are so compelling.


    thanks again. 

  2. So what happened with you and your BF? Did you exert this dominance over him because of one relapse, so he wouldn’t suspect you have been for years? Because that’s probably something I’d do too😈
  3. Part 7 Fuck, almost immediately I feel the effects of his chem piss in me! There I am, face down ass up at like 9:30am on a Monday morning, in a bathtub while while a complete has his dick in my ass. I’m flying so high I’m starting to twitch and lose control of my body. There are absolutely zero fucks given other than wanting his dick to stay in my hole for ever! “Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Of fuck! I’m so high! Oh fuck that feels so good! Fuckkkkkkkkk! You like filling my chemmed up slutty cumhole with your Chem piss? Oh fuck! Fuck me! Please fuck your chem piss into me! Use me! AHHHHHHHHHH RAPE ME! FILL ME UP! FUCKKKKKKKKK! FUCKKKKKKKKK!” as I’m panting harder and harder like a bitch in full blown heat, being as loud as I can be not giving a single fuck if every other neighbor in the complex could probably hear me! Still on his knees with his balls deep cock in my ass which is now over flowing with chem piss, he places his right hand on the back of my neck, then takes the left, grabs me by the hair and shoves the left side of my face into the floor of the tub. If I move my eyes as far to the right as the can go, I can just make out that evil, sadistic face and look in someone’s eyes they only get with being high as FUCKKKKK! Then I take both hand and spread my ass open as wide as possible, hoping he can get a little deeper and start thrusting my hips back and forth so I can feel his dick move around in my hole! “Fuck yeah you little bitch ass faggot! Fuck your self with my dick! Let it fill your sleazy chemmed up cunt! Fuck, feeling my chem slosh around in your hungry hole feels so fucking good! I wanna rape you so bad! But can a hungry, greedy, bitch in heat even be raped?” “Fuck yeah! Rape me! Please! Rape my hole! I’ll fight back and resist if you want! Please! Oh fuck! FUCKKKKK FUCKKKKK FUCKKKKK! AHHHHHH YEAH! Please! Rape me! RAPE ME! USE ME!” ”Shut your fucking mouth you pathetic sleazy fag!” He says as his left hand grabs me by the hair, jerks my head up, takes his right hand and shoved a few fingers in my mouth as deep as they can go and pulls it open so the only noise I can make now is grunting and that noise you make when the doctor tells you to stick your tongue out. Now fully at his mercy, he shoves my face back into the floor of the tub and starts piston fucking me hard! With each thrust, I feel all that chem piss sloshing around in my ass and the overflow spilling out down my ass, the back of my legs, down into the pouch of my jock, and slowly start to feel trickles on my face as it heads for the drain. Before it reaches there, I’m able to get my tongue past the fingers in my mouth and taste it! “Fucking faggot! That’s right, lick up that chem piss leaking out of your sleazy cunt!” As I’m grunting he’s fucking me harder and harder, faster and faster but because he’s spun as fuck there’s no chance he’s cumming anytime soon. Now he’s practically slamming his cock in and out of my hole, so lost in his own spun out fantasy he probably thinks he’s actually raping me. So like any good faggot, I play along to make sure his needs and desires are fulfilled. I’m some how able to get out the words “please, stop… please! Why are you doing this? Why are you raping me? My boyfriend is gonna kill me if he finds out!” This just turns him on even more and I swear I could feel his already fat cock get even bigger. He takes his hands and puts on the front of my upper thighs, forces them apart, and pulls me back as hard as he can while thrusting into me as hard as he can. “FUCKING FAGGOT! SHUT THE FUCK UP! THIS ISN’T RAPE! I KNOW YOU FUCKING WANT IT! EVEN IF YOU DON’T KNOW IT YET! FUCKING TAKE IT! I HOPE YOUR BOYFRIEND CAN TASTE MY CHEM PISS AND CUM ON YOU FOR WEEKS AFTER IM DONE WITH YOU!” At this point I feel like he’s trying to fuck me hard enough to split me in half, and it feels so fucking good! I place each of my hands on the front of the tub so I can push back even harder when he thrusts into me with everything he’s got! With my mouth free, I’m now able to lick up more of the chem piss mixed with cum from all the loads I took earlier! Tastes fucking amazing! Suddenly I start to feel him slapping me anywhere his tweaked out mind can then he starts punching me in the back with each thrust. “FUCK” thrust and punch to my back “ING” another thrust and punch to my back “SLEAZY” another thrust and punch to my back “SPUN OUT” yet another thrust and punch to my back “CUMSLUT” again another thrust and punch to my back “POZ CHASING” this time a punch to the back with both fists at once “FAGGOT” deep thrust “FUCKING” super deep thrust “TAKE IT!”
  4. Part 6 “It’s hard to think all of this has happened, and it’s only 7:15am… I have a feeling this is going to be a very, very, very long day…” I thought to myself. Idk if it was the G I had take earlier or what, but my mind shifted for a moment, to everything Markus had done for me in such a short amount of time. He essentially bailed l me out of what could have been a very bad situation. Granted, I had not planned on any of this today, and he was the one who lead me into that situation, but he didn’t know what my plans were. Forgot what it was like to have a man satisfy me both sexually, and sensually at the same time. While he’s unpacking hit kit, laying it all out on the kitchen counter, I see just how much he has, and what good quality it is. “Damn! Just look at those shards! Does this shit have any cut at all in it?!?!?” Markus looks back at me with a mischievous look 😏 “Like you and I, it too is uncut” 😱😱 “Well that explains why I’m so fucking high! Hey…umm…by the way, uhh sorry if I over reacted earlier. I really appreciate you helping me out and everything.” He looks up at me, walks around the counter, his body so close to mine I need to tilt my head back just slightly so our still nearly fully dilated pupils stay connected. “Daddy is always happy to help his boy out. I may look and act like an ass, but I’m not that way all the time. A lot of what I do revolves around just how sexually charged up I am. Even the swastika tattoo is mainly for show. I’m not an actual nazi, I’m a sexual nazi. I love the look on a boys face when he sees it, especially next to my biohazard tattoo. They usually react with hesitation, or recognize it as a sub section of the brotherhood. Makes the whole race play part of things so much more intense.” He paused, then leaned down and kissed me but in a way you’d kiss your boyfriend or husband. Not some sleazy chemmed up POZ load seeking slut… was he catching feelings already? Was I? Or was it the G? Eh, honestly I’m still to high to care. He runs his fingers through my hair, down my back and pats me on the butt. “Why don’t you take a few minutes to sit out in the sun? Couldn’t help notice that despite us trying to leave the hotel quickly and unnoticed, you still stopped to savor it.” “Really? What if someone sees? I don’t wanna cause suspicion with anyone or whatever.” ”Don’t worry about it, everyone around has left for work or school by now. Plus, I have hedges on either side. Now go out and enjoy that vitamin D now because I’m thinking the rest of the day will be spent inside 😈” I’ll come out and get you in a few minutes to give you an official tour.” As I turn around, feeling slightly confused at the level of compassion he has for basically a total stranger he whistles to me. I turn back to look at him and he says “the shirt, I don’t think you’re gonna need it on out there right? Go ahead and just leave it on the couch ok boy!” I pull it off and make it to the door and heard him chuckle “boy you do learn fast” in that deep masculine voice. Over by the pool were a couple of patio chaises, so I sat down and stretched out every part of my body. That warm, late June California sun felt so good! Having lost all concept of time, pull out my phone and see that it is now 7:45am. Damn I still believe how time works when you’re spun as fuck! Oh well, I took this opportunity to check my messages. “Ah boo” I muttered out. Why hasn’t Scott or Martin messaged me yet today?!?!?!? Oh yeah, it’s still early. Wonder what the Grindr scene looks like around here? Actually, I think I’ll wait and see how this plays out with Markus. After all he was now supplying me with a place to stay, and what seemed like an endless supply of pure, uncut T. I’ll just let him continue to drive and do what I’m told. Just then he pokes his head out “hey boy, come on in and I’ll show you around” then turning around and walking back in. After I step in, he shuts the door, locks it, and closes the blinds. I stop momentarily looking him up and down, my hearts starts racing and my dick starts leaking uncontrollably again. He was wearing a black leather daddy hat, harness, arm bands, wrist bands, assless leather chap shorts with a removable codpiece that strained to what look like the breaking point against his fat cock, and these shiny glistening black leather boots. “Like what you see boy?” I stood there for a moment, totally speechless and wanted nothing more than to quickly get back to where we left off! “Fuck yeah daddy! Oh my god you’re sexy! Please, take me now and use me!” He chuckled as he looked me up and down “patience my boy, patience. Now, follow me.” He pointed up the stairs and said there were three bedrooms down one hallway, the master bed with a full on suite bath down the other hallway, and a full bath in between. Kitchen, dining, living, another full bathroom all down here, garage and laundry room are that way…” I didn’t really pay much attention, I was to focused on his perfectly muscular ass sticking out! Wonder if he’ll let me bury my face in it? As we’re walking he stops in front of a door and I almost walk right into him, still unable to look away. Luckily I caught myself thought and stopped just in time. “Now boy, I’m going to give you a choice, but before I do you need to understand that once you’ve made it, it’s made and there will be no turning back. Got it?” he said with a deep authoritarian tone. “Got it daddy” I said, 1/2 excited, 1/2 nervous. “Remember that special play room I told you about? Well it’s through this door and is what fills the entire basement. If you want to go down there and play, you will not leave until given clear permission BY ME TO DO SO, FOR! ANY! REASON! Down there, we will push limits as far as I want, and you will obey my every word, do everything that I say. You’ll get one single warning, even for the slightest violation and only one. After that is when I’ll truly start beating you violently until you learn a lesson. Now, if you don’t want to go down there with me, we can go up stairs and just fuck in one of the bedrooms but, you will not get to see what I have set up in the playroom. You will never be allowed to experience having limits pushed and boundaries tested by me, and you will not get anymore uncut T. You’ll get to smoke the regular street shit some bitch forgot here one time. Now, what’s it gonna be?” My heart was pounding with excitement! I had been looking forward to this playroom since he mentioned it. What if he takes things too far? Or what if I accidentally make more than a single mistake? Fuck it, I’m taking the risk! “Daddy, I want to go down into the basement and see how far we can take things” I said in a stuttered voice because I was so excited and the anticipation was killing me. “Are you sure boy? Once that door is opened your fate is sealed.” “I’m sure daddy! I’m sure! Fuck this has to be a dream! Let’s go! Please daddy! I promise, this is what I want!” And with that, he pulls a key out of a leather pouch, unlocks the door and opens what will be the next chapter of my life.
  5. Part 5 I looked Markus in the eyes and it was clear our sensual, almost romantic moment was over. After getting higher and higher, pushing ourselves to new limits I saw that familiar, sadistic chemmed up piggy look he’d had before, but more intense this time. I look over into the mirror as the morning sun started to shine through, and I saw someone with the same look as Markus staring back, it was me 😈 We we’re now ready for the next step but a glimpse of reality hit as I look over at the clock and see it’s 06:30am. “Fuck” I said starting to panic while trying to fight this new level of chemmed up pigginess I loved so very much! “I’m supposed to be downstairs for a work conference in 30 minutes Markus, what am I going to do?!?!? There’s going to be lots of medical personnel there who will easily spot the fact that I’m spun TF out!” I start to almost hyperventilate, getting very light headed and Markus leaps over and wraps his arms tightly around me. He says “don’t worry boy, you’re NOT going anywhere. We’re not even close to being done. Let’s take a moment and figure out how we can get you out of this conference all together so no one will come by to bug you. Think, what can you do that’s convincing?” Having him hold me tightly helped a lot, I was able to climb back to a slight sense of reality, and started to think. I opened my personal and work laptop and said “a family emergency suddenly came up and I have fly out to Germany right away! Markus, log into your personal email on my laptop and send me saying my aunt was in a bad accident and likely wouldn’t make it! Let me log into my VPN so it can’t be traced back here! Would you do that for me daddy?” With this evil grin on his face, he looks over and says “of course boy, that’s genius! You really are a smart, efficient thinker! Just like a real German!” He sends it to me, but now I need to call my boss and get this meeting rescheduled. I’m not someone who can cry on command but had another idea… “Markus, this will sound crazy, but I need you to choke me until I start gasping for air so I will get congested and sound convincing… can you do that to me daddy?” Without missing a beat, he grabs me by the throat, throws me down on the bed and starts chocking me out. Because we’re both high as FUCKKKKK, we both find this a turn on and get rock hard! After about a minute of him squeezing so tight I can’t breathe, he sees tears start to fun down my face and let’s go. I start coughing uncontrollably and get congested, now sounding totally convincing. For good measure (and probably his own sexual thrill) he gives me a rather hard slap across the face. Fuck that turned me on, only a few more moments of having to focus on reality then I’d suddenly have the whole week to fuck around! I call my boss who is surprisingly sympathetic and says “no worries, I’ll book you for the next meeting in a month but don’t worry about that now, go be with your family.”I told her that my regular cellphone wouldn’t work in Germany, so if she needed to get ahold of me for whatever reason to use WhatsApp or email since I’d still have access to WiFi. And with that everything was set, except I’d need to be out of this room by noon. Markus said with an a still evil looking grin, “boy you’re gonna come stay with me. Don’t you worry, daddy will take care of you. I own a house here in town and have a very special room I think you’ll love.” I thought to myself that sounds amazing! “So if you have your own place in town, why did you book a room here?” He said “after we landed I could see what hotel you were staying at as part of your travel arrangements… how else was I supposed to know what room you were in? After we both turned in for the night, I went home, dropped off my luggage, got my stash and came back. Tell you what, go get yourself cleaned up, pack your bags, and we’ll head over that way in about 20 minutes?” After our experience earlier, I knew that wasn’t a question and that 20 minutes meant 20 minutes, not 21, 25, 30 etc… Germans are very punctual people 😂 I take a quick shower, throw on some shorts and a T-shirt, drink an entire bottle of water to avoid being super dehydrated, get everything packed and making sure to check at least 5 different times no paraphernalia was left behind. I sit on the end of the bed and try to gain my composure, I hope to god I don’t pass anyone I knew on my way out! 20 minutes on the dot, I hear a knock at the door. I cautiously make my way to the door and thankfully it’s Markus. He comes in, grabs my bags for me (such a gentleman) and says “we’re going down the back stairs and out the side door so we don’t have to go through the lobby and risk being seen”. Such a genius I thought! “Here, you’re gonna need these. It’s already bright out and your pupils are pretty much He hands me a pair of sunglasses “here, you’re gonna need these.” We get down stairs and head out the back door into the bright California sun. Felt so good to feel that, and what felt even better was seeing all these men and imagining what they’d feel like inside me! I’m still horny as fuck and wanna ride every man I see practically! Markus leads me to his car, a shiny new Black Audi with tinted windows. “Nice ride” I say! “German car, German driver” he says as we winks at me and motions me to get in. As soon as the doors close he grabs me by the hair and pulls me in for a deep, passionate kiss! He looks down and sees my cock is still rich hard, throbbing, and dripping a ton of pre cum. He reaches his hand into my shorts, rubs my uncut head which is visibly driving me wild, then pulls his fingers out and licks the pre cum off and says “fuck that tastes good! Can’t wait to get you home!” My cock was sitting straight up and when I put my seatbelt on, the part across the lap was pressing on my cock which felt so good. He leans over a little, gives the belt a quick, yet forceful tug and my head leans back while I let out a lustful moan. He looks me up and down and says “enjoy the ride, won’t take long. 5 minutes probably so enjoy that tight feeling on your cock😈” Then he started up the car and we were off. He wasn’t kidding, within 5 minutes we were rolling up to his house and as we were going down the street, he grabbed the back of my neck and pushed me down far enough to where I was hidden from view. He says “don’t want my neighbors seeing me bring home such a skanky slut” as he patted the back of my head. Fuck that turned me on, although at this point what didn’t? We pull into his garage and only after the door shuts, he releases the firm grip he had on the back of my neck and says “welcome boy, now we can truly do what we want.” He led me into the house and my jaw dropped! This place was a huge, 2 story house and the back door led to a pool then a small lake beyond that. I am taken aback by everything and as I turn around, he’s already pulling out his bong. “Ready for more? Now that we don’t have to worry about a thing! Oh, and I have a surprise for you later on 😈”
  6. Like the story amd howmot is developing. Thank you. 

  7. This story has a long way to go, so don’t you worry! Keep following and I will post a new segment hopefully once or twice a day, but definitely at least every other day. Not just gonna stop and leave everyone hanging, I hate that so much! I’m working on my other story at the same time called Unexpectedly Spun 😈 You can go check it out if you’d like. Thank you for reading so far!
  8. Hey guys! Thanks for all the love! I’m working on this and another entry concurrently. If you wanna read that one too, it’s called Sacramento Spun Fun, Episode One 😈 Be sure to follow so you know when the next part comes out!
  9. Part 4 By now I’m fucked up to the point I feel almost disconnected, all I can do, is think about getting raw dick to unload in my ass! By now Markus is balls deep, grabbing my hands and pinning me down, I feel the heat radiating off him and our eyes lock. My legs are wrapped around his waist trying to desperately pull him deeper into me. Nothing else in the world mattered in that moment, I was there to service him, and all my attention was solely focused on that. Before I knew it, he want from slowly sliding in, to full on power fucking me like I’d never been before! With every thrust I could feel more and more precum oozing out of my still rock hard dick. We kept our eyes locked on each other, almost like we were in a trance. The only words I could seem to speak were “fuck me daddy! Please fuck me, POZ me with your spun out Nazi dick! Please daddy, use me, I want you! FUCKKKKK…..FUCKKKKK….FUCKKKKK” is all I was able to say with each thrust of his dick. This was by far probably the best sex I’ve ever had! And being so spun out, I ask “daddy, do you want to rape me? I’ve got things you can restrain me with.” Well, that REALLY got him going and he thrusts hard and deep for the next few minutes, then slides out and stands up. I’m still laying there, unable to move because I feel empty without his cock pounding me. He grabbed his pipe for a few more hits and while warming it he asks “you a screamer at all?” I said “I love very venal and loud chem sex daddy!” He motioned for me to take his hit, but I said I should probably slow down for a bit. Let me tell you, that was the absolute wrong answer! While still holding his smoke in, he slaps me really hard on my thigh. So hard that despite how far gone I was, I could still feel the pain. Then he leans over, plugs my nose, and forces his hit into my mouth until I was about to exceed my lungs capacity. Then like before, he placed his hand over my mouth and nose to hold the smoke in. As he’s doing that he says “listen up faggot, this is your FINAL WARNING! When I say do something, you do it! Is that clear?” Starting to feel this hit take hold, I’m suddenly in a new level of spun and am turned on my all this. He finally removes his hand and I exhale a fat cloud! With each hit he took, more and more of his aggressive side came out, while at the same time more and more of my inner pig came out! I’d definitely never been this high before and so cock hungry!! Once I finish exhaling, he tells me to sit up on the bed next to him. I do so and he puts his arm around me, gives me a very passion filled kiss then explains he doesn’t want to hurt me. That when he gets spun he tends to lose control when questioned, that if I would just trust him, and do what he says when he says it we could have the time of our lives! All I could say was “yes daddy, I’m sorry for not following your orders. I trust you and promise I will be 100 obedient. I wanna have the time of our life, but I’ve never met someone so aggressive. It’s actually turning me on a little.” He gently starts running his fingers through my hair and says “you are a lot easier to break and force into total submission, that kind of surprised me” I look back at him and giggle “yeah that kinda surprises me too actually. Normally I’m an extremely stubborn person, but you bring out a new level of chem pig in me that I didn’t know was there 😈” He just winked and giggled and said “good, now the higher you get, the more limits you’ll push. You want that right…I don’t wanna?” Before he could finish his sentence I say “fuck yeah daddy, I want that! Let’s do it! See just how far you can push me” as I feel MY face and eyes take on that evil, sexual, lustful, chemmed out look. As soon as I say that, I see the same look return to his face, almost like out little moment just sitting and talking was the eye of the storm, and it was about to pass. This is a storm I never wanted to end though! “Right then, take this and take four long hits and shotgun the first 3 to me. On the fourth one, hand me the pipe and blow the cloud on my cock and stay there till I say to move. Can you do that for daddy?” Fuck is this REALLY happening I thought to myself? I said “yes daddy I’m ready, let’s do this” and immediately I start heating the bowl. I notice there isn’t much left in there, so after the second hit I shotgunned into his mouth, I looked at him and said “daddy I don’t think there’s enough in here for two more fat hits and I don’t wanna disappoint you. Can we reup after it’s had a moment to cool down?” He gets up, goes over to his bag and pulls out a small bong, with the bowl fully loaded and ready to go with more of his top of the line T. He walks back over and hands it to me. I look down and see his cock is still throbbing and practically pointing straight at me. He hands me the bong but says “I’ll handle the flame, you just worry about smoking boy. It takes a little more practice and patients to keep from burning your T because its harder to roll the bowl back and forth.” So he lights it with this new little torch lighter, let’s the smoke start to form, and tells me to inhale nice and slowly, and he’ll tell me when to stop. I did just as he said and when he finally have me the ok to stop inhaling I felt this one hit hard and fast! I held it in for about 10 seconds then shotgunned it to him. In fact, he couldn’t take it all in. He hands me the bong and leans down between my legs, pulls my throbbing cock out of my jock pouch, and takes my whole cock in his mouth then releases the fattest cloud all over it. It was so thick I could barley see him for a moment. When the smoke cleared he said “NICE job my boy! You took a fatter hit than I could! You’re learning rapidly and I’m proud of you! Now, this time you’re going to hold the torch in your hand, and I will move it around like last time. Just follow my lead and do everything I say, it’s very easy to burn and we don’t what that do we?” I looked at him, right in the eyes and said “no daddy not at all!” He hands me the torch, places his hand over mine and says “ok, light it. Then I feel his hand moving around the bowl and pulling away much more than you would with a regular lighter. This was my first time using a bong, and boy did I love it! Once I finished taking my hit, I hand him the bong and torch, drop to my knees and after about 10 seconds, take his cock balls deep in my mouth and exhale. Another massive cloud floats up that for a second, nearly obstructs our view of each other. This one hit me even harder than the last, and my brain fog started to clear. Now all I wanted was my ass filled! I look up and he’s taking another bong hit, holds it for 10 seconds then like before shotguns it to me. This time he don’t hold it in me though, he just gives me a look that’s says everything he was thinking. I wait 10 seconds then motion to him what to do next. He looks at me, tilts his head up and makes the blowing gesture. I do just that and suddenly a white cloud is engulfing us. With the bong in his hand, he gestures to me as if to ask 1 more? I eagerly nodded (not that I had a choice, but those last few hits were still sending me higher. We do the same thing just like the last one and again after he passes the hit to me and I let it out, the room looks like there is a heavy fog over the entire thing! By then the AC kicked on (thank god) which was creating a negative pressure, so all that smoke would stay in and not fill the hall. Markus looks at me, we’re both gritting our teeth, high as fuck and loving every moment of it! He pulls out the G and we each take 2 more grams. Then he looks at me and says “so boy, you wanna be raped huh?😈”
  10. After Markus threw me onto the bed, he leans down and whispers into my ear “Martin told Evangelos about you”, then he told me. “It’s all we talked about the entire flight here and I begged him to let me have you first. I can only parTy when I have the next few days off and guess what, you’re in luck! I’m off the rest of the week😈” While my mind is trying to process all this, he pulls out a perfectly pristine pipe and a lighter. He proceeds to light it, and I notice just how perfect and organized he keeps it. As he finally finishes inhaling, he motions for me to kiss him and I instinctively comply. He fills my lungs with his high quality smoke. I commented on how much I loved how clean and organized he kept his pipe, and that I have a weird obsession with that. He replied with “we Germans are an efficient people” while giving me this evil grin. I start to feel the rush. I start taking deeper breaths, my heart starts pounding, my dick gets rock hard, and my hole becomes instinctively hungry for any and all loads! He continues to take fat hits, shotgunning each one to me, about 5 or 6. At this point I’m flying and work is not even on my mind anymore. With each hit, Markus looks more and more like a sadistic rapist, just what I want. He hand the pipe to me and just as I go to grab it, he says “don’t burn meine Scheiße“ I reply with “not a chance, daddy” and can feel the evil grin developing on my face. After taking a few hits of my own and shotgunning them to Markus, I set the still perfectly pristine pipe down on the night stand and stand up, face to face with this perfectly defined aryan daddy. I run my fingers over his chest hair, down his solid muscle of an abdomen, and down to his dripping cock. I drop to my knees and take it all in my mouth without any hint of a gag reflex or a struggle. This T was top of the line and I was spun as FUCKKKKK! I grab my bottle of fresh poppers I bought before leaving and give them a few heavy huffs, then offer the bottle to Markus who gladly accepts. Now my head was really spinning and I felt on top of the world. Markus grabs me by the hair with his left hand, and starts aggressively fucking my throat while moaning with pleasure. He takes his right hand and starts slapping me all over, telling me what a good spun cumdump I am, and he’s so happy to have found a fellow German to use (Dad is full German, mom is white, Hispanic, and Native American) but, that he was still racially superior to me because he is full German and could tell I was mixed with something other than the master race. All this race talk and degradation, along with his aggressive use of force, caused my T-dick to get hard as a rock and strain the pouch in my jock. With his left hand still firmly gripping my hair, Markus suddenly pulls me off of sucking his prefect dick and I fall backwards from being on my knees and hit the side of the bed. He then spits on me, grabs his pipe, and while heating it continues to verbally degrade me in every way possible. His eyes are all black with an almost sadistic look on his face. I was so turned on I could hardly contain it. Here I was, supposed to be getting ready for work but here I am instead getting used and abused by this god like daddy. Through his thick German accent, I hear him say “faggot, get your chemmed up cumhole on the bed, on your back! You’re gonna take my POZZED chem load, and you’re gonna keep it in you! If I find out you let any of it out, I will beat you to within a millimeter of death!” As he take a FAT hit off the pipe, I spring to my feet and he motions me to come close. Before I knew it, our lips are locked and he is filling my lungs with what seemed like an endless breath of chems. Then he says “hold it till I say you can let go, I don’t wanna have to mess up that beautiful face of yours 😈” I eagerly comply and as I’m holding the shotgunned smoke in, he takes another fat hit. When he’s done, he sets the pipe down and motions for me to exhale. Before I can take a breath of air, his lips are locked on mine again and filling me with another round of precious chem smoke! Then he places his left hand over my nose and mouth, and with his right hand he grabs me by the throat and forcefully slammed me onto the bed, on my back just as he had instructed me to do a few moments ago before he decided to force more chems into my lungs. He could tell I was getting to the point of tweaking I was so high and almost passed out from the lack of oxygen. He finally releases his hand and tells me to exhale and get some oxygen. My head was spinning so much, I managed to mutter the words “yes daddy…I want your POZ load so bad and I swear on my life every drop will stay in me😈” He lightly slaps my face and says “good boy, now spread your legs so I can eat that spun out chemmed up cumhole. My legs spring up, move my arms to spread them as wide as I can and now they’re resting on my forearms. I place one hand on each asscheek and spread my ass as wide as I possibly can! Before he starts eating me out, he pulls out a small bottle that I could tell is filled with G. He asked if I needed a chaser but I was way to fucked to care and I said “naw I’m good” Then he leans over and gives me about 3 grams, and himself 3 grams. I could feel it hit pretty rapidly and could think of nothing else but getting fucked!!!!!! Only now could I make out a large biohazard ☣️ tattoo surrounding his left nipple, and the swastika lines coming from his right nipple. Then he proceeds to aggressively eat my cumhole while lightly punching me and aggressively slapping me wherever he found! Not able to comprehend exactly what it stood for because I was so fucked up by now, I let out a deep moan of pleasure and say “oh fuckkkkkkkkk daddy! Please please please abuse my hole with your superior chemmed up, POZ, Nazi cock and shoot your precious superior seed as deep as you can into me!” He looks up at me with those sadistic eyes and says “thought you’d never ask. I was wondering how long it would take you to notice my tattoos and just how pervy and piggy they would make you! 😈😈😈” Then he starts aggressively fingering my hole which now offers little resistance due to the T, G, poppers, and him getting me sloppy wet. He quickly moves to two, then three, then four fingers, not slowing down with his rapid pace! If there was any pain, I didn’t feel it. All I could do was keep muttering “please please please abuse my hole with your superior chemmed up, POZ, Nazi cock and shoot your precious superior seed as deep as you can into me!” as my head bounced back and forth because I was so high! Once he’s satisfied with stretching my hole, he places his dick head right up against my hole. I swear it was as wide as a soda can and had the length of two of them together. I take a few hits of poppers and my ass starts to burn as his head starts slipping in. He could tell I was feeling the burn and he said “don’t worry boy, daddy just sprinkled a few shards on my dick and now I’m working them into you😈” Feeling the additional T hit me, my mumbling becomes nothing but inaudible gibberish. As he continues to push his fat cock in, he says “I see you’re finally spun out to my liking, good boy. Now get ready because it will be anything but gentle. I somehow mutter the words “fuck daddy… use me anyway you want, I’m yours” 🤤🤤🤤
  11. Even with how many guys have dumped loads in me, and how many I’ve dumped loads into, many times not bothering to ask their status (thank you Tina 😈), I’m still NEG and only had chlamydia and gonorrhea in my ass and throat once in 2014. No symptoms either, just showed up on one of my regular screenings. Not bad considering I’m 30 now and my body count has ranged from 35-75 a year since I was 14. Only used condoms a couple of times at the request of a few guys over the years. I started off fucking raw despite all I was taught in school because when I saw Dawsons 20 load weekend at age 13, I knew that’s how I wanted my sex to be…RAW IS LAW! 😈🤤😈🤤
  12. Holy fuck! That’s a ton of men! That’s what I strive to be like someday though 😈🤤 Very well done sir!
  13. Part 3 The ride back to the hotel seemed to last forever, but in reality it was only 10 minutes. It was late, but I enjoyed seeing the sparkle of the downtown skyline. I pulled out my phone and had a few texts. First was from my boyfriend saying “Love you and have a good night, going to bed now because I have to be at work earlier than normal.” I texted back “Love you too”… don’t get me wrong, I did love him but he could never be what I truly desired… Next one was from Martin. He said “Hey babe, hope you landed safely and can’t wait for your return! I need that hole milking my cock ASAP!” I wrote back “Yep, on my way to the hotel and I can’t wait to feel you shoot your precious seed in me again 🤤” Last one was from Scott. He said “Hope you made iT here fine and I canT waiT To see you!” I replied with “Yep, On my way to the hotel. Can’t wait to meet you too sexy man!” Meanwhile Markus was busy on his phone, but I didn’t pay him much attention because I was too focused on how much had just happened in the past few hours, and what would be happening in the next few days! We finally pull up to the Holiday Inn off Del Paso RD just past 11pm. Markus and I both get checked in and head off to our rooms. They were pretty close by, maybe 5 doors down from each other. As we head to our rooms, he give me that slight nod and says “good night” in his German accent. I say the same and head into my room, kinda disappointed because I really wanted him to show an interest in me but just didn’t get the feeling he wanted me in that way. “Oh well, can’t have them all I said out loud to myself.” I get into bed, thinking to myself was this a dream? Did I really get fucked in an airport bathroom by Martin? Did Evangelos the Captain really find me attractive? And Scott, was he really interested in me? Felt like sensory overload because I have NEVER been this lucky in my entire life. What was I going to do once I got back home and saw Martin again? Man, he was so hot! I couldn’t help myself, I got up and slipped out of my boxer briefs, put on my red NP jock, and started fingering my hole which was still wet and swollen from Martin practically rapeing me! With my other hand I start jacking my cock, which is about 7in, not too thick, but uncut. In my mind I’m just replaying everything that happened earlier, I go from one finger, to two, to three, then to four. Feels so good I shoot my load and explode in a burst of hot cum! I shoot so hard it goes past my face and hits the headboard behind me! I am spent, but like a good little cumdump no load is ever truly wasted, not even my own. I scoop up as much as possible and finger it into my hole and lick the rest off. Shortly afterwards I pass out and fall into a deep sleep, again thinking of Martin and what could be. *Knock Knock Knock* is what I woke up to at about 5am. Still in that foggy, sleepy brain fog I stumble out of bed, still wearing nothing but my re NP jock and answer the door without even bothering to look through the peephole. “Guten Morgen” I hear. After taking a few moment to rub my eyes I focus and see Markus standing there, looking me up and down! Speechless, I freeze and it suddenly dawns on me I’m wearing nothing but a jock and have a full hardon bulge. He just gives me a quick look up and down, whispers “Das wird einfach” (I speak German and knew he was saying “this will be easy”) and let’s himself in. I take a few steps back and he closes the door, locking it behind him. Now that my morning brain fog has lifted, I noticed him wearing a wife beater and basketball shorts. He also had a throbbing hardon easily visible. “This has to be the most vivid wet dream I’ve ever had” I though to myself. He continues to state me up and down and just gives me the most evil, lustful, aggressive look. I stare into his eyes and wonder if his pupils are huge because it’s dark, or because he’s spun… then he grabs me by the shoulders and aggressively throws me on the bed and chuckles… “I have my answer” I thought to myself 😈
  14. Fuck yeah! I’m dripping right now with anticipation!
  15. Part 6 Remember the shard guy #1 left me? Well it’s now like 9:00am and I’m starting to loose my high, so booty bump to the rescue! I’m starting to feel the shard take full effect as I’m on my phone going through Grindr, A4A, and BBRT looking for the next! This time Grindr come through again! The guy I invite over is about 30, jet black hair, blue eyes, white, 5’ 11” 180, and a 7c cock! I’m seriously in love! He’s so fucking cute, but what I want now is his load! I pretty much waste no time getting him naked, sucking his cock for a minute and the hitting poppers he gave me. Once he’s rock hard and lubed up with my spit, I assume the position on my back and guide him in (bareback of course, best part is neither one of us discussed condoms or anything!). His cock feels amazing as it’s thrusting in and out of my spun hole that, thanks to the booty bump is even hungrier for cock and cum! As he continues to fuck me Im pulling him close so our bodies are rubbing all over each other and my hands are feeling every part of him! He started off rather quiet but quickly became a verbal dom top and was taking out all his pent up aggression fucking me! He asks if I’ve had any loads yet and I tell him only one from yeasterday. He looks at me and says “that’s too bad, I love mixing my load in with others” I confess the truth and doing so turned him on so much he starts fucking me harder, completely balls deep and wrecking my spun cum hole! I’ve got my legs spread as wide as they’ll go, my hands on his ass pulling him in as close as possible! Suddenly he asks if I want his load. I let out a loud “fuck yeah, breed my spun cumhole. Please, oh god please give me your load, I’ll do anything you want!” Since I mentioned being spun, he slows down and pulls his cock out. In a panic I thought “oh shit, he’s not cool with this! I’m not getting his load 😩” He gets close to my face and says “you tweakers are all the same, you’ll do anything for a load.” Unsure of what to say or do, I apologize for not telling him and assume the session is over. He looks at me confused and says “babe, I love tweaker cumdumps! In fact you’re my favorite because you’re by far the hottest one around. Guess what, I’m fucking high too”. Suddenly relieved, I ask him why he stopped fucking me? He pulls me up, takes me into the bathroom, and tells me to get in the bathtub with my ass in the air. I comply without question and he says if I’m truly a spun out cumdump, I’ll let him do anything. I tell him that he owns me and I’m willing to do anything! “You ever had chem piss” He asks? I tell him it’s been years but whatever he wants I’ll do! He gets in the tub with me and I feel this stream of hot chempiss on my back, only for a moment though. Soon he puts his cock in my ass and begins to fill it with his chem piss! ...to be continued 😈
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