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Everything posted by BarebackJimmy

  1. Awesome story, can't wait to read more :-)
  2. I realize I'm just a little bit late with this info [yeah, like seven months late ... ] but this is what I found doing a quick search. Title is first, and studio name is in brackets [ ] CHAVS versus SKATERS [Raw Films] Chavs Vs Footballers [staxus] Chavs Vs. Skaters [staxus- BritLadz] Cum Eating Scally Boys [LoadXXX] Hot Chavs [Euroboy] Pool Room Scallies [Triga] Rudeboiz 15 - Spunk Hungry Scallies [Eurocreme] RudeBoiz 18 - Sweaty Sport Scallies [Eurocreme] Rudeboiz 19 - Scally Sex Offenders Rudeboiz Chav Fuckers [Eurocreme] Scally Boy Wankers [Triga] Scally Shooters [staxus- BritLadz] The English Scally Collection [Triga] UK Scallies Fit Fucker [Triga]
  3. The very first time I went to Midtowne, in Houston, it was to meet some online hotties that told me there would be a Bareback Party there that night. Of course, I saw the No Barebacking signs, and promptly ignored them. If you want to know how that night turned out, read my story "The Night I Discovered Taking Loads" And I bet that Saturday night was my last one as a Neg Barebacker :-) [Yes, I tested Neg a couple of months before that awesome night!]
  4. Hola, Y'all! I was recently talking to a couple of new friends, and the subject of generic Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, , etc came up. Somehow I located a decent RELIABLE online pharmacy, and have used them several times a year since 2006, I think it was. I only had a problem ONCE, when my order took longer than they recommend waiting, and when I contacted them about it, they immediately sent out a replacement order. And it was for like 200 of their Kamagra brand, 100mg pills. They only asked that I let them know if the first shipment ever arrived. About three days after the replacement shipment had been sent, the ORIGINAL shipment came. Well, I'll admit it, I kept both shipments :-) Since finding this pharmacy, I've recommended it to more than a dozen friends and I have never heard any complaints from any of them. My only complaint about them is that they recently switched to only American Express and E-Check, whatever E-Check is, but I got around that by getting a Prepaid American Express! Using a PrePaid card has the added advantage that you could get a different card for every time that you order, so you NEVER have to worry about someone getting your card information and using it, which I think is awesome for buying online from someone you'll never meet. They also give AmEx users a 3% discount, and I seem to get a coupon code for another 15-20% off my next order each time I buy, so its even cheaper. I normally order 210 of the 100mg Kamagra [which looks just like real Viagra but without the logo.] When ordering 210 pills, I get 20 more free, so with the discounts the price per pill is like $1.60, which sure as hell beats twenty-something that I would have to pay for the real ones. I once knew a guy that would resell them to guys at his local bathhouse, but I've gotta warn you that this activity is ILLEGAL and could get you in BIG trouble, so don't do it. Giving them away may be a different matter, but IANAL. Their pricing for all other Erectile Disfunction meds is similarly good. So, go to: http://www.generic-pharmacy-online.net Give them a try, if you're skeptical or suspicious, just place an order for ten pills, your financial risk is less than $50, and see what happens. Everyone have a great holiday season! Jimmy DISCLOSURE: I AM IN NO WAY AFFILIATED WITH, NOR DO I RECEIVE ANY COMPENSATION OF ANY KIND FROM http://www.generic-pharmacy-online.net, IN FACT I SERIOUSLY DOUBT THAT THEY ARE EVEN AWARE OF HOW MUCH BUSINESS I HAVE SENT THEIR WAY.
  5. With the exception of a couple of Kaleb Scott's videos, which I already own, does anyone know of any Watersports [Pissing] Videos wherein the guys actually SWALLOW the Piss? I'm certain that there are at least a few of them out there, but so far I haven't found them :-( Thanks to All - Jimmy
  6. Cleaning up what others write seems to have become my hobby. Paragraphs that run on towards 1,000 words bug me, as do [OK, I'm an American... ] British-isms like Arse, Bum, Lad and the like. Inconsistent paragraph indentations and poor punctuation are also things I like correcting. As I've posted on several sites "Please share your hot stories and don't worry about your [perceived] poor grammar or spelling!" Some of us, like me, can spell [usually], but have limited imagination or ability to put experiences into words. Others have abysmal spelling and grammar but awesome imaginations or experiences. Between all of us, we can make it work out. I wouldn't care to make major changes to someone else's work unless they first gave me permission, even on a site like this, and I would let them see it for approval before posting. I've only done that a couple times. I've been [happily I must say] out of work for nearly two years, so I have ample time on my hands, and am not interested in finding a 'regular' job, but I have an awesome internet connection and plenty of computer equipment in my home [i'm a former IT Professional.] What is expected of Moderators, their expected duties, etc? It may well be something that I would enjoy.
  7. Damn ur cute! And very fuckable! Where abouts are u?

  8. Hola Y'all! I just now posted this in General Discussion, not realizing that I wasn't in Site Suggestions. Is there any way that the site, Forum Posts, Stories, etc [all except member profiles] would be available in one or more ZIP or RAR files? I ask because when I read posts on the site, I typically copy-n-paste them into my favorite text editor for cleaning up and saving. Unfortunately, despite weekly backups, I somehow lost the past six months of archived posts. I blame one of my Cats :-( I could, of course, go page by page and cut-n-paste all over again, in fact when doing so I find that I frequently find posts that I previously had missed, but isn't the point of using a computer to save one unnecessary repetitive work? Thanks in advance, and a BIG thanks for having a GREAT site - Jimmy
  9. Its been my experience with Gays that they are far more Ageist [biased against people of a certain age group.] But it could also simply be a result of where I have lived over the years. Actual results may differ from those expressed or implied in this statement.
  10. The Social Security admin told me that I'm simply too healthy to get Disability or SSI. Also, since I spent so many years being Self-Employed [and somehow failing to pay my taxes] I can't get SS at all unless I go back to work somewhere, anywhere, for three more years. The shit they don't tell ya when you're young will catch up with ya :-( Yes, 'simply' being Poz doesn't get you SSI, or many 'benefits' at all. One good one though, is a Federal program called Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA). I get the impression that for some reason the US Govt doesn't really want to see homeless people with AIDS living out on the street. I don't have all the details [see govt site for details lol] but for me and a couple of other Poz guys in town, if our income falls below a certain amount, they pay ALL of your rent, up to a certain amount. Additionally, I was recently told that being in the HOPWA Program gets you further ahead if you apply a for Section 8 Housing Voucher [sect 8 is a program that many US landlords will accept since they're not only guaranteed to get their rent each month, but if/when a tenant trashes the apartment, Section 8 pays for most if not all of the repairs. Having an income that is now exactly ZERO Dollars a month, I also get a whopping $200 in Food Stamps. That may not go all that far for some people, but it feeds me AND my two cats [as long as they eat People Food LOL, the govt won't pay for pet food] There are even programs that'll help with or pay all of your utility bills. Now if only they'd pay my Internet Bill, I could be said to have it made. Hopefully, telling of my little 'errors in life' can help someone, someday. Good luck to all :-)
  11. I think I joined BNSkin like eight years ago. Only hooked up with three guys from there, all three at Midtowne Spa in Houston. All three were lotsa fun too. I really enjoyed many parts of the site, and was sad to see it go. My profile there made it up to Number 14 most popular profile. Ah, fame is fleeting lol Whoever learns anything about it, please continue to update us. I know maintaining a site like that HAS to be money and labor intensive, I have plenty of time, but zero cash. Surely ONE of us out there could resurrect it if its possible... Jimmy
  12. Great story!! Hope it keeps going on and on. Or would that be cumming and cumming?
  13. Hey y'all! I never realized how many of us poor guys don't really know how to find out shit like what other movie some hot stud has appeared in and shit like that, so here's a link that has fairly up to date information on many stars and movies. And if just a few of us continue to update that site, like I do regularly, it can become an even more valuable resource. http://www.iafd.com/ Jimmy [not affiliated in any way, other than as a contributor, to IAFD] By the way, my Bareback Porn collection [not 'pre-condom, but real bareback porn] has just exceeded the 3,000 mark. Its no wonder I only have like three dollars left in the bank!!
  14. Hey y'all, thanks for mentioning Brent Corrigan. I've gotten of many times watching him in action, and it never occured to me to find out if he escorts. If anyone knows, please let us know! It sounds like there are plenty of us that'd pay to swap loads with him :-) Thanks, Jimmy
  15. Hi. I consider myself a bit of a connoisseur of Bareback Porn. My collection is now well over 3,000 titles, and I'm always looking to see whats new every three or four days. My taste though, tends to run towards Euro Twinks and younger jocks/muscle guys, if that matters. I've been told that I can occasionally construct a complete sentence. So, let me know if you might be interested in giving me a try. I have way too much free time right now. Thanks Jimmy
  16. Hey y'all! I found Wolf Hudson in the folloring porn movies [by the way, he also uses the names Jay Reece, Alexander Kelly (Kink), Marty]: America's Next Top Tranny: Season 12: Gangbang Edition & America's Next Top Tranny: Season 13 both Bareback and from Devil's Film Born This Way! from Cocky Boys [he Bottoms] Born To Fuck from Eurocreme L.A. Zombie Hardcore from Dark Alley Media [bottoms again] NYC BB from ThreshHold Media [bareback] Porn Pig Playhouse from Factory Video Productions Unfortunately, most of these movies use condoms. Give him time, he'll become a Barebacking Bottom Slut eventually :-)
  17. Probably 75% of my porn is the newer Eastern European Twink/Jock type Bareback Porn, and thats my preferred type to fuck. As I've gotten older, fortunately, I discovered bathhouses and the new young breed [pun intended] of really piggy young guys that'll get fucked bareback without any questions. Altho, I have to admit, older bottoms tend to be more fun, I guess there's something to be said for experience! Its just that the young ones work better for me visually, and turn me on more.
  18. I got married at age 17, then came out as Gay in 1985. Even tho we knew about HIV, we never used condoms, sex just didn't work with em. From 87 - 93 I was on one committed relationship in a tiny Minnesota town, then from 95 till 2000 I was in another monogamous relationship. I was about 75% top during all this time. We always barebacked, hell we didn't even know there was a word for it, it was the only way to have sex! When I became single in 2000 in Chicago, then in Ft Lauderdale, I began to get into bottoming, and by the time I moved to Houston in 02 I was definitely 50-50 versatile, always Bareback, and it was only a matter of time before I started taking loads and REALLY getting off on it. So, I can't really say that Bareback Porn had much influence on me. Bathhouses and meeting other piggy studs probably had a lot more to do with it :-)
  19. I noticed as well that when my status was Neg, I didn't get near the quantity of interested as I did after changing it to Not Sure. Personally I think that many guys, myself included, get off to some degree by having bareback sex with someone that 'might' be Poz. Realistically, anyone who after reading my profile, could ever convince himself that I was anything other than Poz, would need his head examined. I think most of my profiles make it very clear that I take any load, but particularly Poz loads. However, if anyone ever actually ASKS me my status, I am honest with them, even tho some of my profiles still state Never Tested. I never ask any elses status because it simply doesn't matter to me.
  20. People seem to forget that back in 'Bible Days' people commonly were married and starting families at age 13. When I was a kid, my best friend Randy went thru puberty at age 11, and began fucking his younger sister's baby sitter [a local high school girl] at age 12. For me, it would have to depend firstly on the age of consent [i currently live in Texas, where I think you have to be like 25 to have 'gay sex' lol] and secondly on the individual that was interested. I hate it that the media insists on using the term Pedophile for ANY person with interest in under-the-legal age-of-consent sexual partners. The acccepted term referring to the sexual preference for mid-to-late adolescents, such as 14-19 yo boys, is Ephebophilia. This generally refers to having in interest in sexual partners that have secondary sex characteristics, like pubic hair and a deepening of the voice [in males.] Having once spent some time in a Federal Prison [for a minor property crime] while it was no walk in the park, neither was it like on OZ. Stating that, I sure as HELL would not want to have to do any more time, particularly in a state prison, and especially not for a 'sex crime'. I guess these feelings have come about as I've gotten older and a little smarter lol. I am most definetely NOT INTERESTED in pre-pubescent guys, and even among those who have entered puberty, it would have to be on a case-by-case basis. Additionally, I would insist that the guy [kid, actually] be the instigator. When I was 38 and living in Milwaukee, a kid at Home Depot came onto me HARD, and while he was certainly cute enough, he admitted that his age was 15, and as I was in a committed relationship at the time, I kept our friendship strictly non-sexual in nature. Looking back, I should have checked out the age of consent there, and fucking GONE FOR IT LOL We've all certainly seen PLENTY of HOT 15-18 year old guys that would definitely qualify as MEN in many other countries, as my friend Randy was by age 14. Incidentally, I ran into him when we were both 21, he looked like a 45yo man, short, paunchy and half bald, while I still looked like a high school kid. I guess thats the price he paid for his early development. Oh, and I certainly wouldn't stop at a simple B/J if the kid wanted to do more!! Jimmy
  21. Where can I go in each of these cities [on a Friday or Saturday night] to get my ass plowed [bareback, obviously] and bred by multiple black studs? I've had good luck at Midtowne Spa in Houston but haven't ever been to SA or Austin for sex. Thanks for everyone's advice!!
  22. Does anyone know if this hot stud is on any hookup sites? Bareback, obviously lol Or does he advertise [please please please lol] He says he lives in DC, goes by the name HotRod, he's been in tons of recent Bareback movies. He claims he's 24yo, 6'2", 149 lbs, 10 inches long and 7 inches around. And he's totally versatile. And I really wanta get fucked by him!! Studios he's worked for: Breed it Raw Flava Works Raw Rods Black Rayne Slut Machine Strongman Productions
  23. Saw ur profile on BarebackRT. Ur way fucking HOT, love to breed ur hole with my Poz loads!

  24. I've only had a few darkroom experiences, unfortunately. The first and by far the hottest I wrote about in my story 'The Night I Discovered Taking Loads' which was at Midtowne Spa in Houston. Another memorable time was at Le Boy Disco in Rio de Janeiro. The first few times I was there I just took boys to the bathhouse upstairs, but on my last visit I discovered the darkroom. Just before closing time, there is a darkroom behind the big screen. Talk about busy and HOT, I took at lest eight loads from Hot Lean Brasilian Boys, and bred a couple of them too. So, YES I LOVE taking loads darkrooms, not knowing who's breeding my hole just makes it SO much hotter!
  25. Hell of a Sweet Cock! Love to take it & your load!

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