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About Tavros

  • Birthday 07/10/1993

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  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Looking For
    Wkr: Tavr0

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Specialist (12/14)

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  1. My first time happened when I sucked a guy off who had been drinking. After he came, and I started to stand, he put is hands on my shoulders and pushed me back down. Held my head and didn’t let go until he was empty
  2. What did you make him do?
  3. I’d love to be under that cock when you do 👅
  4. I cant get enough of it
  5. My first was safe, second was bareback tho
  6. Would love to empty those buckets for you 👅
  7. Nothing sexier than nasty mature man. Love worshiping their cocks
  8. Nothing hotter then a mature man with a high sex drive !!
  9. You have an amazing fuck tool!
  10. I love to swallow, not so much into getting swallowed. I crave the taste of hot cum
  11. I’ve never had incest thoughts but I’ve always loved older men. Nothing is hotter to me then pleasuring an older men, taking their cum in either hole
  12. I’d like the power to transfer wounds from body to body. Like if someone broke a leg, I could take that injury onto myself, healing the person in the process. And if I so choose, giving injuries from myself to others I read a book with a character who had this power and its been my go to answer ever since
  13. sex is rarely mind blowing for me, but always fun. But I wouldn’t worry to much about it, as long as you enjoyed yourself.
  14. Like fighting until one goes down or can’t fight back anymore, and the victor takes sex as his prize
  15. Hell yeah! Love eating ass, and having my hole thoroughly tongue fucked before a breeding!
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