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Everything posted by ytowndaddybear

  1. You seem to be blissfully unaware that the USA is an authoritarian police state, and that laws very greatly from state to state both in how they are written and how they are inforced.
  2. Both Capitalist political parties supported this criminal family in gaining and staying in power to the detriment of the Honduran people and now to the detriment of the USA as well. This is why I wont ever support any Republican or Democrat politicans ever! Third party is the only viable future for humanity. [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/03/11/pkpd-m11.html
  3. As for Spain they do have a program established over 20 years ago of allowing any citizen of any former Spanish colony and even the banished Ashkenazi Jewish population to immigrate to Spain to live and work, and after just 5 years they can appply for Spanish citizenship. The problem is that the destabilized governments of Central and South America won't issue the required documents (passports etc.) without substantial bribes or at all in some cases. Again this is caused by the USA staging coups to take out leftist governments and then putting puppet dictators into power, ever hear of the School of the Americas?
  4. The root cause of the problem is twofold: the USA meddling in the affairs of countries to overthrow any leftist goverment and US businesses and corporations knowingly hiring undocumented workers or using third party companies/brokers that provide false documents to undocumented workers. Some jail time for corporate execs and and directors of said companies and corporations, say 1 year per undocumented worker for each VP and higher level executive and director, should do the trick. BTW the US created this in the first place when the officialy created the Brazeros program during WWII to replace many of the men that went to war.
  5. Socialists share more! Sharing more cock, more ass, and more cum for over 150 years.
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  6. First google phalloplasty. Yes it is possible and has been done thousands of times. Sometimes a full conversion is not the goal there is at least one FTM porn actor with both a penis and vagina.
  7. Here is my link to my BBRT profile: [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.barebackrt.com/members/view.php?id=113676 If you log into BBRT and then click on guys online in my "area" (could be state, county, country, city etc.) find your profile and then open in a new browser tab, you will then have the direct web address to your user profile on BBRT. Which is what I posted above for my profile. This is easier on a PC than on a phone.
  8. I have a free account on BBRT and post my photos there. There is a place on your profile to put a link to your BBRT profile which which other can then click on to see your photos. I see now that you have already done this.
  9. Sounds like you're addickted!
  10. Still the place to meat up, but as usual business varies. Friday and Saturday nights are still the busiest.
  11. I agree, but there is a difference between not wasting my money on their service and a coordinated and public boycott for a specific reason by hundreds or thousands of customers and potential customers.
  12. Grindr is now engaging in unfair and likely illegal labor practices in retaliation for employees voting overwhelmingly to join the CWA union. [think before following links] https://therealnews.com/grindr-issues-mandatory-return-to-office-policy-2-weeks-after-union-drive I will boycott Grindr over this, will you?
  13. Ohio Republicans saw Issue 1 as a stepping stone to enacting God's Law in Ohio. I have heard this from multiple sources including elected Ohio Republicans as well as the pastor that lives next door to me. He also a pollworker, the one I had to walk up to and get my ballot from yesterday, he was all smiles and neighborly but just his presence there might intimidate or remind some what his opinion on the issue is since he preaches it in his church regularly. Since Issue 1 would only impact the power of a people's initiative and not the state legislature's ability to propose constitutional amendments, it was obviously a power grab with the immediate impact affecting the chance of the outcome of Novembers election which includes two people's initiatives protecting the right to choice and legalizing recreational use and home grow of marijuana.
  14. If issue 1 passes in Ohio today, it won't be long before it is added to the list. The United States of Fascism coming to a town or state near you.
  15. I remember the controversy that came up when Wilt Chamberlain's second autobiography was released in 1991 and he claimed he had slept with 20,000 women, I did the math , he was 55 at the time and claimed he starting having sex at 15, Once I realized that only came to 3 every two days, and at the time I was doing it with with 4-6 guys per day on average( I was only 25in 1991), that his claim was very achievable. I have likely done more than 10,000 myself. I slowed down a lot while in a couple of long term relationships.
  16. Dating had nothing to do with it, things weren't as open back then, even in California. Most of these were anon hookups, at tearooms, parks, shopping malls, college campuses, and book stores. There were likely less than twenty during those years that I dated or interacted with other than sex. The advantage of the pre internet era was that to even communicate with another guy, you had to be there in person, there were a few phone sex services and there where the personals ads in local newspapers and gay porn magazines of the day.
  17. I also lost count in my teens, that was back in the early 1980s, my number was over 2000 by 1986.
  18. iTunes is available for Windows and for use in most browsers as well. You can leave Apple products and still access your music on iTunes.
  19. Google Chrome also supports DoH. from WIkipedia: DNS over HTTPS is available in Google Chrome 83 or later for Windows, Linux, and macOS, configurable via the settings page. When enabled, and the operating system is configured with a supported DNS server, Chrome will upgrade DNS queries to be encrypted.[32] It is also possible to manually specify a preset or custom DoH server to use within the user interface.[33] In September 2020, Google Chrome for Android began staged rollout of DNS over HTTPS. Users can configure a custom resolver or disable DNS over HTTPS in settings.[34] Google Chrome has 5 DNS over HTTPS providers pre-configured which are Google Public DNS, Cloudflare, Quad, NextDNS, and CleanBrowsing.[35]
  20. Most insurance companies are in the business of making profits by reducing risks, therefore they are unlikely to stop covering PrEP (cheap) unless doing so reduces their future risk of having patients come down with HIV (very expensive). Without any assurance that stopping coverage of PrEP would reduce their exposure to HIV+ patients it is unlikely that any non-religious affiliated insurer would stop coverage, doing so is simply illogical.
  21. Planned Parenthood offers free anonymous HIV and STD testing. If you visit a location outside of your home state it gets reported to the health department there, not where you live.
  22. I'll be in Puerto Rico and ready and willing to meat up and share my talents and loads with the willing and interested. Let me know the best places to hang out and meat up.
  23. I'll be in Puerto Rico and ready and willing to meat up and share my talents and loads with the willing and interested. Let me know the best places to hang out and meat up.
  24. I'll be in Puerto Rico and ready and willing to meat up and share my talents and loads with the willing and interested. Let me know the best places to hang out and meat up.
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