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Everything posted by Sharp-edge

  1. Well adopting in my country is forbidden by gay men (and I think it's out of the question for a single man). I'm very positive towards mental health professionals, because we have psychologists in our family so always thought that visiting a professional could help. I'm not considering it right now (like for the following days) but I do consider it for the following time. And financial issues are the worst because I have to pay off for some debts that came along with my father's loss. There are times that I think I can make it, I will do it, I'm optimistic. But there are times (and especially in the morning dunno why) that I feel everything is wrong, that I am wrong and it just hurts to be human (i think i just quoted a pink song). I do have a temporal job (until i quit it next year because i have to serve my military duties). But things are tough.
  2. No there are no such thoughts anywhere near my mind. I just wanna make a happy family. But i do need children. I always thought that being just the man and the woman or maybe 2 men together is kinda depressing if there are no kids involved.
  3. No it's not the worse. It's just that when you feel stressed this puts a time-pressure upon you. Like you want everything to be done right now. I feel insecure about the family part, about finding a job and about coping with this situation.
  4. I'm greatful for all your answers. I do feel kinda lost and making a family came up as a priority suddently. I just feel too weak at this point of my life.
  5. Both of you guys are right I think. It's just that all these made me wanna change. I wanted to pursue an academic career, i'm 28 and still studying (phd cand here). But all these just changed the course of my life. I feel like the only thing important for me in the very end is having a family, having nice time, loving and be loved. Not spending all your life trying to build up your career. Some of my professors got married at their late 40s with a way younger woman, they have kids and basically these kids are growinng up without a father. the father is super rich yet far away because he just travels all around the globe. I want none of these.
  6. I experienced a terrible loss, the one of my father. I'm deeply shocked. And some thoughts that never occurred before knocked on my mind's door. I started to think of marrying a woman and makind kids. I don't know why. I was always a gay guy. But being with a woman and having children sounds perfectly reasonable to me. Even making out with a woman seems appealing to me. Don't know what's gotten me.
  7. Regarding your comments Initially I would like to thank you for your replies. I'm not a native speaker but I hope I'm fluent enough to write (type maybe?) a decent story (grammar-syntax-wise). It's supposed to be in many parts so you can't really say there is no chem sex since no sex happened at all. And it's a free story so by "blaming me" what do you earn? You won't get a refund 😛 But please feel free to make further comments, I'm anticipating for your feedback.
  8. It was only two days later that the prey, known as Leon, received a call. It was an invitation for a casting about a vitamin supplement commercial. Leon headed to the location of the appointment, which was inside a skyscraper, one of the most famous of this town. It was the centrals of a pharmaceutical industry and its sight was enough to make him nervous. These guys seemed to have more than enough money to hire a well known model or even a famous actor or something. Why him? Was it the chance of a lifetime? His chance to become a reputed model? Or to make some serious money? After passing the security control he went inside the building only to find a crowded place with an information desk located at its center. The secretary led him outside an office and told him to get inside. And so he did. Inside there was another woman who welcomed him and ask him to wait. Moments later she asked him to proceed to the office inside. Van Rubenheim was sitting in his office anticipating for him. From the very moment he saw him his tongue wanted to touch his lips. And his hands craved for his naked body. A small dialogue between the two men helped them break the ice. Van Rubenheim told him about this new campaign and his words were music to Leon's ear. This campaign was promising enough for both money and reputation. And he would do his best to achieve this goal. He typed something on his computer and the secretary entered his office. She would escort him to the "casting" although it wasn't really a casting. He had this place from the beginning. Van Rubenheim watched him from behind as he left the room. He was already having fun. He wanted to taste him but he was not in a hurry. Sooner or later he always got what he wanted. It was not about the money. Sure it helps, but his mind was his strongest tool. Plotting was his very speciality. Leon was asked to wear a bathing suit. Photos of him were taken constantly without having him noticed. Semi-naked, fully naked, with socks, without socks, every possible combination was photographed. He and the other guys and girls formed a line and asked to memorise a tiny script and hold the vitamin containing bottle in a particular wait. Everything was smooth and gentle and the plan was working well. He got to talk with the other guys and girls. Most of them were already brand ambassadors of this company and were invited to try several products. This knowledge made him quite nervous. He was the only one not experienced with this company. But a guy asked him to realex and assured him that has both the looks and the atittude for this job. Van Rubenheim was receiving constantly photos from his very loyal assistant and was getting excited and aroused. He couldn't get enough of that guy. He would sure jerk off to these photos. They even had some other guys around him hagging him and touching him pretending to be his friends for the "concept" of this commercial. Nasty thoughts were coming to his mind, one after another. He needed a party. Leon was informed by the end of the casting that he took the job. His joy was beyond words. But he would receive even greater news. The coming Saturday he was invited to one of Van Rubenheim parties. The reason for this party would be the success of a previous campain were all the models, scientists and some other stuff would be informed. He was strongly encouraged to attend, since this would help him to better understand how this company works. But he needed no encouragement at all. A mansion with endless drinks and luxury with him surrounded with some sexy models would be the best meal for his every hungry greed. "This Saturday" said Van Rubenheim. He talked to his loyal assistant. "I'm horny which of them should I use"? andhe scrolled down towards a menu with the photographs of several sexy men. "Whoever you fancy the most Sir" he replied. Van Rubenheim laughed. "You're not helping". The cursor of his computered stopped in a particular guy. "that one" he said." Have him ready" he ordered. And bring poppers, spray, a piece of cloth and a pipe. But Sir you've got an appoint in almost half an hour. "Don't be so stressed Jack" Van Hoenheim. Besides i need a small break. "Yes Sir" Jack replied.
  9. I always found intriguing the idea of having sex with someone who is in jail. I don't mind the reason but a sexy guy who is in jail for a real serious reason would make me horny. I know that there is gay sex in prison etc, but i kinda imagine of a scenario where that guy could be at my place for some time, enjoying my hospitality and help him get off in any way. it would be just so hot. I turn to jerk off with pictures of people who made something bad and they are on tv and think i'd love to have sex with them.
  10. Part 1 Van Rubenheim was a man of great ambition. What he wanted was what he always got. In his late 30s he was one of the richest men of his country. Half of his money passed to him from his parent but his ambition and lack of any morals made him make a fortune soon enough. And while many things he had, there was one that he deeply craved. He loved controlling men of taste but with his money. He was a sexy man no, doubt. Money can buy lots of things, nice teeth, a personal trainer to work out and a skilled chef to cook healthy and tasty meals. He could get one of the so called "slaves" or "subs" but he deeply believed that ther devotion was a lie. Deep inside them these guys were the one in charge. They wanted someone to mistreat them or anything similar and they would search for the guy. So from his point of view the roles were inversed. The dominant was the sub. He wanted something different. He wanted to use his money and gain control of someone he would never had otherwise. A straight man that he would hire and the straight man would be obedient because that would be his job. Willing or not he would obey because of the money. Even in things that a sub would not tolerate. So from time to time he would go hunting. Whether he saw someone on a restaurant, let's say a cute waiter or a random guy at the beach. This time it was a guy on one of these "facebook-clothe-selling-pages'. He was brown haired with blue eyes and an intriguing face. He looked like one of these "bad boys" that would make most girls -and most gays no doubt- horny. Each time this incidence occurred he only had to do one thing. Mail the picture with a brief text "find everything". The recipient of this email was one of his closest men. He was in charge of many things, related to his "leisure time hobby" and his safety. He closed his laptop and he went back to work. When he returned he had what he wanted. "Bartender, occasionally working as a model for cheap clothe companies. Straight, 28. He even had a call for collaboration on IG. Van Rubenheim smiled. He had just found his prey. ---------------------------------------------------------- Hope you liked the story, tell me what you think about it and if you're interested to make the next parts.
  11. [think before following links] https://cdn07.bdsmlr.com/uploads/videos/2020/05/70460/bdsmlr-70460-191UxT53iY.mp4 that's the hottest video i found so far
  12. I loved tumblr. When i discovered i had almost quitted any other porn site. You googled something .. dunno whatever you want + gay + tumblr and there you are. Sexy endless amateur videos (or professional) and many pictures. Regular porn sites are sometimes too soft or if you want bdsm some studios are just stupid in my mind. It just doesnt feel natural. And i miss it. I need all these videos again :O
  13. I love guys addicted to poppers. I like being a popper coach. I help them get dizzy and red 🙂
  14. I think women are equally evil as men Joking I love them as friends, not as lovers (oh right i'm gay). i always believed that a gay man can care for another man more than a woman. But iit's just me i dont have evidence or a theory or anything
  15. I agree on that.. a submissive guy is not exactly submissive because he wants that.. if you try something that the submissive doesn like he will just leave eventually. Or you will feel that he doesnt like it. But fucking or using a straight guy for money is lovely.. he knows that he makes you horny, he knows that u being horny is his salary.. and he tries hard to please you. i had a guy at a cam site giving him tokens to smoke one cigarette after another.. i would make him smoke 20 cigarettes in 10 minutes.. i loved the idea of making him abuse himself. too bad i dont have that much money to do that as often as i want or as intense as my soul needs hehe
  16. Dunno why but i have a new [banned word] fantasy... I'd love to have a straight guy, but really a straight guy not someone pretending it, whom i'd find particulary sexy and have him do what i want for money. Like giving him money to smoke one cigarette after another,or give make him do many hits of poppers and make him blue. Not necessary including fucking, just using him with money.. am i the only one who thinks this is hot?
  17. Am i the only one who gets horny with two men fighting? I think of myself many times fighting with a guy.. i think it would get me horny. I do crosstraining in a place that there is also boxing, kickboxing and jiu jitsu. I think that these sports. make u have a stronger bond than the crosstraining buddies. And. fighting with someone doesn't it make u feel things about him? I mean not erotically, but just think him. in a different way. You allow him to get very close to u, although not for sex. Doesn't this make a form of a. unique connection?
  18. I was wondering.. submissive bottoms are kinda common.. but what about a top submitting to a bottom's wishes? Like putting him a cock ring on, giving him some endless popper hits, using his dick in everyway the bottom wants and feed him with the blue pill. Has anyone considered that?
  19. Servicing the camera man, watch the top inhale poppers
  20. So, I'm kinda confused. Is everyone lubed and ready to be fucked? because searching for lube is not very convenient in the dark. Secondly, how the top find the bottoms?
  21. This second hole thing always confused me icant get it
  22. Maybe it was also exciting thinking that the top plays safe but the bottom barebacks.. like abusing the bottom in a way if that is a turn on
  23. What took him so long?
  24. T'was about time, wasn't it? [Link to pirated video removed]
  25. Well i do like that straight people (some of them) play with their second sexuall organ, because it can be very pleasing to play with your prostate.. but i do believe that being fuked by strapon is very less enjoyable than a real dick from someone who knows the job maybe they need the right guy to help them surrender to him and open their assholes
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