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Posts posted by Sharp-edge

  1. I remember that there was like a division between raw and condom porn. Some sites were raw and some were not. There was (and still is) the category "bareback". But not it's useless. Porn is bareback so it's a useless filter. The biggest shock was when Tim went raw. Now when I see a condom in a porn movie I know it's vintage. 

    And regarding real life fucks, I mean come on. Nobody likes a condom does he?

    I've done some anon bareback, that "danger" felt nice

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  2. That's a fantasy topic. Alchemists can create a homunculus. That is, an artificial person. They gather the elements that make up the human body and they transmute it into a living puppet. If the result could be better in terms of appearance than that of Dr Frankenstein's (who was not an alchemist), would you use it to create an army of lovers? 

    Now that's an idea for a new porn movie, too bad I don't have Tim's number to discuss this.

    • Like 1
  3. 13 minutes ago, norefusal said:

    do guys fetishize the homeless now? not sure how i feel about that one hmm

    my experience: a cute young guy hit me up on grindr. i agreed to host. we met. he was nice, polite and intelligent. he admitted to being homeless. then explained he was recently made homeless by getting kicked out of a post-rehab sober house for relapsing. i agreed to let him smoke in my house although i didn't partake. 

    the T made keeping hard difficult for him but he ate my ass like it's never been eaten before or since. we fooled around and chatted for hrs. 

    i agreed to meet a few more time and often gave him hand me down clothes or small amounts of cash for the bus etc. he was interesting and well read and one of the nicest guys i ever met off grindr. but in addition to struggling w addiction he also struggled with mental health. the two combined made him volitile and super paranoid and he could go from mr wonderful to a raving lunatic in a heartbeat. it was too much and i had to step back and stop contact. 

    I don't know if he's homeless. It's just that that guy triggered something on me.

    About the guy you mentioned, drugs can make mental health issues to arise because on the impact upon brain neurophysiology (and potentially morphology changes). That guy sounds really cute but lost in the drug world. I know it sounds bad, but theoretically I'd love to fuck him hard and have him at my place for some time offering what he needs and eventually help him become independent, find a job etc.

  4. Just now, Nagato20 said:

    One of them reeked of alcohol so told him I’ll buy him a case of beer if he bred me. He initially told me to get lost but then yelled from across the street for me to come back. He said he not into that faggot shit but he willing to fuck for the beer 

    I try to understand if the guy  I was talking about was a drug user or just homeless or who knows maybe into alcohol? He asked for cigarette which does not clarify things.

    If that guy like beers or vodka or whatever I don't mind buying him a bottle as long as he takes my cock. Although I'm not sure if drunk or high whether he could function. And if I give him poppers I dont know if it's a good idea.

  5. 56 minutes ago, Nagato20 said:

    For me I’m pretty direct with it I ask em if they wanna mess around if I get them some door or some cash or whatever that way we know what we in for and get straight to the point. Can’t say it works all the time but it has worked rough times to fuck and get fucked by a few

    Were those drug users, homeless people or both? What exactly did you tell them?

    I was thinking of telling me that I could give him cigarettes and my place for a couple of hours and I'd like to play with his body if he's not into sex

  6. 53 minutes ago, Nagato20 said:

    I have fucked with multiple homeless guys. They are willing to fuck especially with some nice incentives and it’s a win win situation so it fulfills your urges and it helps them out too.

    That sounds hot. I had an incident yesterday and maybe it gave rise to a new fetish or something.

    I was at work, having to move from point A to point B which was a 10 minutes walk. Halfway, a guy around his 40s that I found sexy stopped me and he asked if I could give him 25 cents to buy some water or something like that. He kept on talking but I wasn't really paying attention I was looking for some coins. I gave him 2 euros. I'm not sure if he was a drug user (could be but not sure) and maybe he said that he was homeless. I continued my way when he asked me if I can also give him a cigarette and I said I don't smoke (true). 

    But while i was walking I thought the guy was really hot. I'm not sure what I could have done. I like the win win situation that you mentioned. I'm not sure how should I approach him. Any advice? I haven't done such a thing ever but damn it makes my dick hard. I thought of buying him a packet of cigarettes and ask him to smoke some in front of me somewhere quiet (because I also have a smokiing fetish). I'd appreciate some advice.

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  7. I'm very curious and feel weird about it. It's the moral vs the horny part which sometimes indicate towards different directions. If someone was cute enough would you try to have sex with him? Is there a way to approach them? And, most importantly, do these people have "apetite' for sex or not at all? Would you take any precautions or it would be as with a typical guy?

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  8. 18 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    An Amp is an Ampallang piercing, a piercing that goes horizontally through the  center of the cockhead, but not through the urethra.


    A related piercing is an Apadravya, which runs vertically through the cockhead, and intersects the urethra. Both of these types that pass through the cockhead take 6 months to a year for full healing.

    oh I know this piercig but didn't know its name. nice dick:)

  9. 7 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    Be aware of a couple of things before you start:

    1. A qualified piercer will almost certainly not start you with a thick piercing, nor should you try. You should expect a .10 or .12 gauge piercing to begin. From there, you would work your way to increasingly thicker gauges -gradually- over time, giving your anatomy time to adapt and heal after each stretch. It’s a process, and you will need to exercise some patience for good results.

    2. A Prince Albert piercing will likely change the way you urinate. You currently piss through one opening that directs the urine in one direction (more or less). You’re about to make a second hole that may divert part of that stream in another direction and make control more problematic. Other PA owners here can speak to their experience with this. I chose an Ampallang instead partially because I didn’t want to deal with the urine problem, and I have read accounts of men with PAs who have to sit down to piss to keep it from getting everywhere, but I’m sure experiences vary.

    3. Men without piercings are weird around men who have them. They act like magpies. Expect guys to get grabby with your cock even if you’d rather they didn’t. They either can’t resist feeling it or seeing what it feels like in their mouth. For some reason it’s as if they think you having a piercing gives them license to touch without asking. Also, they tend to assume that since you got your cock pierced you must like pain in your cock, so they get bitey and rougher with it than they might have otherwise, and pull at the jewelry, sometimes too hard. Occasionally they may try to take the jewelry off you - I had one this last weekend trying to figure out how to get my Amp off, and I don’t take it out, ever. And, as @Kurami says above, get used to being asked if it hurt. Every. Fucking. Time.

    Since I don’t Top, I can’t speak to how often you may be asked to remove your metal by some nervous bottom before he’ll let you fuck him, but I can see how that might be a potential liability. Others may wish to weigh in on that.

    I know it starts from small, I even like the idea of watching it getting upgradated after months. However I haven't found a piercer who does that in Athens and that's an issue.

    About the guys that are weird about it I don't care that much, my bf is okay. I mostly worry about a possible infection. Regarding peeing.. well.. I never had a good shot, it will get worse but whatever. 

    What's a amp?

  10. 12 hours ago, Kurami said:

    I had a PA for years! It was fun. I was initially pierced at 12g, and it was not comfortable for sex until about 6g. But after the first stretch it stretches very easily. Took about two weeks before I could jerk off normally and it felt fully healed by a month.

    I got tired of guys asking "did that hurt?" Or having me take it out first. So I eventually stopped wearing it. But one thing to be careful of, if you heal it and stretch it to a big gauge, it'll never fully close. Which makes peeing weird. I ended up cutting it to a meatotomy, and that is pretty cool. Gets less attention and feels great. 

    If you like the look, go on and get one!

    I always had the feeling that a piercing becomes part of someone and they keep it forever, but especially about PA and nipples people are somehow forced to take them off because something just jappened.

    I really don't get that question about hurting. Of course it did but it's obvious. I like the hole it leaves behind, am I a [banned word]?

    I wouldn't like to have a meatotomy though, I want it whole with a hole (no pun intended)

  11. I'm thinking for several years of getting a PA. Thing is I can't find a piercer in my city. Maybe I should do it when abroad but it feels risky. Do you think that it would look good on my diick? I'm uncut. I love big sizes and the PA hole ti leaves behind. Does any of you has any advice to share? And if someone would like to show his PA, would be great.

    Screenshot 2023-08-15 at 6.13.18 PM.png

    Screenshot 2023-08-15 at 6.12.59 PM.png

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  12. So my bf is currently working for an airline company. It's quite fan I think travelling all around (although time is super limited) and he is abroad quite a bit (so we don't sleep wth me). I was unaware that this profession is quite gay friendly (preferred by gay men I mean). I have on the back side of my mind that he could cheat on me (I'm not sure if it's that bad actually but I'd prefer that I wouldn't know it and it wouldn't happen too often). I also worry a bit, if everything will be okay during the flight, if the passengers are kind towards him as he is with them. I think if he gets tired of all these duties and moving in the airplane corridor and serving meals etc and if his colleagues are okay. I know that if he has a hard time he wouldn't tell me because he keeps everything inside. He looks happy though.


    He found me a business class ticket for Edinburgh. It was the first time (but I hope not the last time) I went business. That's the way that every person should be treated. When in Edinburgh I could move with him hand in hand without raising eyebrows or any other body parts and that was so comforting. It was the first time to do that in public (we're together for almost 10 years). I met people there and spoke with them, it felt so refreshing meeting a new culture and saying hey he's my bf and not my "friend". I also got the chance to chat in english with some native speakrs which was fun.

    I just wanted to share these thoughts.

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  13. On 2/22/2023 at 3:58 PM, tallslenderguy said:

    it's force or bullying.

    I totally agree on that


    On 2/22/2023 at 3:58 PM, tallslenderguy said:

    You could ask: "do you want me to make you take My cock?"

    He said he is scared. I've heard people be scared of ghosts, darkness, but of cocks? Thought them as objects of love not of terror. Anyways he said he can't do it but he didn't get upset or anything. He got worried a bit if that would be a turn off. Interestingly it wasn't. He has other things that keep on intriguing me.  I'm always worrying that he could get hurt.


    On 2/22/2023 at 3:58 PM, tallslenderguy said:

    But no one knows if they like or dislike chocolate

    Chocolates aside, we have rejected things before trying them, haven't we?


    I did ask him how much times he cums usually. He said daily, sometimes more than once  (at weekends). I asked him if he could restrain from that for three days and he said yes.So he was kinda desperate to cum. He asked me if he could cum when he gets home, I asked him to cum in front of me he did it. First time saw his dick, he gave a nice cumshot. That made me think of chastity even more.

    I have several questions about chastity and I hesitate to put him on a cage without enough knowledge first. I really like him.

  14. 15 hours ago, tallslenderguy said:

    Nor does age, there are people who go to their grave imprisoned by fear

    So true..

    15 hours ago, tallslenderguy said:

    think he's confident because he has control. 

    He's not a virgin when it comes to girls and fucking... but he may be a bottom ('likes to obey') who needs Your cock... and my guess is he is a virgin when it comes to having a Man slide His cock into him and breed him. 

    But he likes being controlled. However even sub guys, they don't  really surrender. They want these things to  be done to them, so technically they are just in the receiving part, nothing against their will (otherwise it would be a rap I suppose). His asshole could be unfucked I suppose. I'm trying to think of other possibilities. Maybe taking pleasure from being dominated? But can somoene get horny from that? And isn't the fucking itself a part of domination?


    12 hours ago, horndoggy said:

    From some of your later comments, especially how he gets hard and wet snuggling up to you, I’m mentally adjusting my “maybe he’s straight” to “maybe he’s bi” as his behaviour tap dances up the Kinsey scale.

    Maybe he doesn't know himself. I don't believe he knows and lies about it. Could the way of him getting off be being dominated and nothing more? he likes tenderness though. 

    I get to know him better day by day. We experiment more. He likes being told what to do (and I think this is different from being punished which is not my cup of tea or any other beverage for that matter). I thinking he could like getting fucked if he understands it as a thing of submission. He turns me on, all this playful thing has excited me. I wanna explore him but at the same time keep him always comfortable. That may sound funny, but could a guy like him be into chastity? It doesn't involve anything sexual, only sexual deprivation. And that in turn could make him want to put something deep in his gut to get off. Or maybe I'm just too horny about him.

    If anyone knows about chastity though, I would need some help.

  15. 1 hour ago, tallslenderguy said:

    Probably not, but it seems to me that he is obviously sexually attracted to You... to me, there's really no question there. The question to me is why he is afraid to have sex with You? i think his cock, and so much else, is telling You he wants You and sex with You, but he has some sort of reason or block against getting what he wants/needs. And again, that is not at all unusual... lot's of guys have that issue coming to terms with their sexual and/or romantic attraction to other me

    I try to answer this. Maybe he's afraid of my dick, it's not easy to handle 😛 But seriously I don't know. Maybe he had a bad experience or he has an innate fear for the whole act? Maybe he fears that gay sex will result in STIs? But his "profile" doesn't match this fear. He's an educated guy, a good looking one so  technically he should be free of these wories, he could reason them he is very smart. And he is not 18yo to be a scared boy. I'm not pushing him at all, maybe that's why he feels safe. I  know some guys like jerking off together but he doesnt do that either with me. And it was him who started all that so he must be confident abbout it. Oh and I know he has fucked with girls so he's not a virgin.

  16. 2 hours ago, tallslenderguy said:

    "The Spectrum Model of Sex, Gender and Sexuality"

    "The spectrum model more accurately represents the ways in which an individual’s sex, gender identity, gender expression and sexual and romantic orientations do not always exist as opposite endpoints. They can exist in any combination, and a person's placement on one spectrum does not necessarily determine their placement on any of the others."

    I wasn't familiar with that model, yet it seems reasonable to me. He feels nice being hugged. That's way closer than a quick hug of a friend. That guy likes to be touched, wants to  get shirtless but does not want sex or anything sexual. He enjoys being told what to do (which makes me thing of submissive guys) yet he doesn't want to be fucked (which could be considered as a part of dominance maybe?). We do some things that could be considered sexual (or erotic). He used a body butter after I asked him, he likes me smell his scent. He likes to talk  a lot which is nice. I think it's very rare and  nice having someone showing to you his vulnerable time. At the same time he acts like he recognises all that and he tries to "compensate" by helping in every way he thinks. That  makes  me believe he is a nice person (which I always believed that).

    But why not sex? I mean not with me, but with someone? He takes care of himself he likes to look nice. Can a person who is asexual take care of his body? Wouldn't he had no interest in that? I don't believe he is asexual though, some  times he gets hard. I don't touch his dick (he wears an underweaR) because he won't feel comfortable but it gets hard and some times  wet (precum  maybe). Could it be a trauma? He hasn't said such a thing. What is it that makes him need protection? Dunno..

  17. 12 hours ago, horndoggy said:

    He might have some unacknowledged sexual identity issues, but he could also be what he says he is: a straight guy who is starved for touch or affection. I suspect many nowadays are.

    Go very slow, and let him make any moves to progress things. If the hugging and affection starts to work you up and sexually frustrate you, ease back and let him know why. If he is secretly gay or bi, it might encourage him to address it then, rather than give you up.

    I'm just confused. I don't want to feel that I'm taking advantage of him in a moment of weakness. In  other words, I'm worried if he really likes my company or if he just needs "help" and I'm the most willing guy. He's a guy that takes care of himself. He's very clean, tidy, he takes care of his body. He is "functional". Why does he crave for a touch? Why didn't he have one? Was everyone too cool to care? If he's gay why isn't he saying so? He knows I won't judge. He tries to say thanks by always bringing a coffee or something. He does undress if I ask him to, he likes to be hugged like that. My dick gets hard, he will have surely noticed. Yet he is not into sex. Sometmes I wanna fuck him hard, but I hold back.

  18. On 2/15/2023 at 2:38 AM, BlackDude said:

    He’s gay. 

    I love  how direct and to the point that answer is haha

    On 2/14/2023 at 8:40 PM, Searchingforit said:

    An interesting dilemma! I think your idea to just let it flow is the right one. He may be unsure about his sexuality or perhaps not even realise that he maybe has feelings for a man as that is outside his reality. He could also just need company expressed through touching and hugging.

    I am sure you will give him the support he seeks and all will be revealed over time.

    I asked him if he feels attraction towards men and he said no. He likes having someone to trust, to protect and to feel protected and sometimes he likes the feeling of obedience. He doesn't feel comfortable in the idea of having sex though (he said). He's a very sweet guy though.

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