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Posts posted by Sharp-edge

  1. In my mind, all of us (the gay people) have something in common. We like men (no matter how they look like). Our thoughts and desires (in the sexual part) revolve around taking pleasure from men. But I think that somewhere in the way of achieving the biggest possible pleasure we may get lost and that can be reflected in several posts. Here, it feels that half of the members have fucked with their fathers, uncles and their friends. I'm sure that this something possible, but I can't believe that it is true for that many people. Oh and most people seem to have been fucked by their siblings at a very early age. I can't believe that. I also find stupid some things around the net as in the case of saving cum in the fridge and just giving it to the bottom. All these are stupid for me, no offence meant.

    I think pleasure comes from simplicity. You find a guy he makes u horny, you make him horny. You don't need more than that to have fun. Even at gangbangs, do people really feel pleasure? Or just unsatisfied and tired? I don't wanna sound too romantic but sex requires chemistry and even love, it's also a mental process. If you're in a rush to just have it and then go to the next, nope u're in the wrong way for me

    Small bonus: a (translated) part of a greek poem about a lover

    "your have a taste of storm in your lips"

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  2. It does sound like a title for a porn movie but it's not. We had sex (maybe a hook up?). But he's a married guy, I had no reason to believe he's into men so that was a first. Maybe he knew that I was gay because we were chatting once and I told him that someone was hot (or something like that I can't remember). But even though we were good to each other we were never really close.  It was quite a surprise that he just started to touch me during a personal training session and we ended up fucking. What is weird is that he did not use a condom. So I thought isn't he worried about him or his wife? Maybe because I'm a doctor he thought oh yeah he "sounds like a safe option". Even worse, me that I'm a doctor shouldn't be caring more about this? I just accepted a raw dick inside me without questions. Like all this education and yet the temptation of raw sex can't stop?

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  3. On 6/16/2022 at 8:10 PM, TotalTop said:

    Is it true that medical doctors make the worst patients? I am friends with an MD she loves to tell everyone else what to do both in general and for medical issues, but when she needed physical therapy she would skip appointments without calling to cancel, and just stopped going completely.

    That's a good question. Typically you start with hey I'm also an MD. This is a game changer because your doctor feels even more responsible. It's like "oh my  have to get the right diagnosis because not only will a patient will have issues because of me but he'll also start talking about me"..And yeah some can be really annoying but still it depends.

  4. 1 hour ago, onlyraw said:

    And did your bf let you practice doing prostate exams?

    I go to a gay health clinic- so all the drs I’ve had there I knew were gay - the the first dr I had was HOT - soooo sexy - and back in the days when they actually gave a full physical exam and you stripped down naked and were just wearing a johnie….. he was always very professional (sigh) but I still had a hard time not getting hard when did the prostate exam 

    A very long time ago I did do a hot role play scene with  a guy I met on one of the old yahoo groups - went to his place and he had a room set up like a drs office - real exam table and everything- he wore a white coat - had a johnie for me to wear (at least in the beginning) did a great exam  - ended with me standing naked in front of him while I had to produce a urine sample into a real specimen jar 

    then a prostate exam and a sperm sample 

    even though it was just roll play - the power exchange of me naked on the exam table and him fully dressed and in his white coat while he jerked me off for the sperm sample was really hot

    unfortunately I was never called back for a follow up exam 

    The prostate exam in Greece we call it the finger exam. And many people believe that it's named due to the use of your finger but actually the anal sphincter is also called finger. But actually you need someone with an elarged prostate or bleeding or anything, otherwise there's nothing to feel.

    Never called back for a follow up? Sounds like a real doctor to me 😛 I'm joking.


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  5. 10 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    I think I got exactly what you were saying. I still think if it's realistic medical play, I'm going to be bonerless and completely uninterested. All that would run through my mind is "Does he get off on doing this to actual patients? That's disgusting." And it's an image I wouldn't be able to get out of my head. 

    That's a good question you're posing. From a doctor's perspective I can tell you that definitely many doctors may feel an attraction towards a patient. However legal, moral and professional reasons don't allow them to do anything inappropriate. For me, it's mostly moral. Like I know that the law prohibits it, but what really stops me is the sense of "this doesn't feel right", which for me is the best. Laws should be the last effort to stop something bad from happening. Education and moral values should be in the front line of accepted behaviour. 

    It also depends  on the specialty and the patients. If I was a gynaecologist it would be hard to be hard (no pun intended) since I'm gay. And the medical examination is mostly about stethoscope and things that a GP does. You wouldn't perform an endoscopy.

    My bf had helped me a lot. I used to listen to his heart, lungs, stomach, check his throat his eyes and ears several times. Without him I would have failed the practical exams.

    An extra (slightly irrelevant) thought. I believe that a good doctor needs to "love" his patients. By love I mean caring. Caring for not being in pain, caring to restore their health, caring to find a treatment that they can afford. Care for their loved ones (the patient's loved ones). 

    • Thanks 1
  6. Maybe I didn't put it well. I meant a role play when someone plays the doctor and someone else the patient. With the difference that the doctor is someone who actually works as a doctor but does that in his apartment with his lover to entertain themselves. So the boyfriend/guy or whoever you may call hiim gets the feeling of an actual examination even if its a roleplay. 

  7. I was just curious to ask. Would you be turned on to be examined by a real doctor but in terms of a roleplay? So that you would know that he knows what he does and not some clumsy fake porn doctor. Moreover I find it interesting that it has some power like what some SM people would call a master. But you do as a doctor what he says because you just have to (assuming that he works for your health). Even if it's kinda painful you know it must be done (otherwise the real doctor wouldn't have suggested it). In the end you have to be polite and say thank you to the doctor.

    So, I was thinking if you take all that and the real doctor and just have a sexual play, like pretending to be patient and doctor.

  8. Let me bother you with some more thoughts 🙂

    I've completed my training in the ICU, now i'm somewhere even worse, in the morgue. Which is kinda awful, traumatising, disgusting and most of all.. odd. That would be the most correct word. I feel like it's in another dimension. The same would be true for the ICU, so it's just another world in the most literal and metaphorical sense.

    My thoughts can't stop knocking on my mind's door. Who would ever ever want to be in this job? That's the first thought of everyone. It's so sad and shocking. I am there for two weeks and I have 3 more. The dead bosy is so creepy, at least to me. I don't want to be anywhere near, i'm kinda obliged though. It's not even close to the bodies we had during anatomy. So many thoughts. Were they in pain? How I should feel when I'm there? Are they really dead? I'm kinda scared of the dead, is it childish? We had a guy who had been murdered but he's face was intact. His eyes were blue and wide open. I was staring at him. I was thinking if he was in pain, if he was sad, if his gf/parents/anyone found him like this. Why should anyone kill that (or any other) guy? My heart ached. I think this job makes you sadder and sadder. But I'm pretty sure there must be an exceptionally good reason that someone studied medicine, surpassed the fear of the dead and chose to work with their bodies. 

    I think that maybe it's because you fulfil your final debt to a person. Reveal the truth. Was he murdered or was it an accident? You must not miss that clue, you must serve justice and ensure the truth reaches the right ears. Don't let him be murdered, don't let someone get away with it. That's some thoughts I'm having.

    And some final thoughts. I know they don't feel cold, or anything but I somehow need to feel that they feel comfortable. Somehow, even in the slighest move respect must be maintained and granted. You touch his dead body, you have to treat it like it's something of utmost importance. I also feel that they are "annoyed" by being left in the morgue. They need to be buried,  to be returned back to the soil where the circle of like will begin a new. Decompose and their elements will be returned to the soil. Washed away by water and reach fish, plants, animals and other people. 

    Am I that weird to think all these?

  9. 10 hours ago, yngguy712 said:

    I’ve always thought doctors had to separate the person from the patient. Sort of like someone that repairs a high end watch can’t think that the watch is living with a soul.  They have to think mechanically. Except it’s not an exact science and every watch you get is different. They’re watches but some were made in China ya know. Some have had a hard life. Some were just given crap parts from the start. Others never did any preventative maintenance and now they’re barely keeping time.  Now fix me. But I can’t pay you. 

    one profession I could never do is anything medical. Can’t separate the two.  And the whole not an exact science thing let’s just see what we get when we do this is insane.  

    For me, being a patient is a condition of a person in which he needs help. And having someone dying is a hopeless effort that you as a doctor can't give up on someone. Why can't we let someone die in dignity? Many reasons. The relatives of the patient may wish to support him with all means. The laws of the state/country. The beliefs about god that shape laws and personalities. And what i mean loss of dignity? Lying unresponsive to an ICU bed with a tube on your mouth that goes down your throat or through your throat. Another tube on your peehole and diapers. Your heart stops and you have it rebooted with CPR. That's all sad.


    But sometimes, you get to get the patient back.

  10. On 3/23/2022 at 11:56 PM, NWUSHorny said:

    I'm hoping I can give you a little optimism. 4 years ago I was in the ICU with stage 4 cancer,  almost paralyzed and a poor prognosis, I'm 3.5 years cancer free, physically active and very thankful that the people like you did not give up on me.  Sometimes it does work out.

    I'm really glad it turned out well. I think we never give up, even when we know it's no use.

    We have a guy these days that tried to commit suicide for the 4th time in his life. He won't make it (probably). That's sad. That guy was in pain (mentally) something bothered him very deeply and nobody managed to help him. I don't know who could have helped him, but nobody did. He was on antidepressants but I guess it didnt work.

    And then, there is another guy that had a bike accident. He's in an induced comma, he's not in danger but if we try to wake him up he start to sweat endlessly (brain damage sign). I watch his mother during visits that she touches him and talk to him. You can feel her love. I mean it's obvious that she loves him, but feeling the love is intense. When I draw arterial blood (which is basically the only procedure I do to him as a training doctor) I just feel that one day as I bend his wrist he will grab my hand. But he doesn't.

    I still haven't figured out the real purpose of a ICU. To extend the dying period of someone with no life expectancy? Or to be there for the very few that will survive? I am thinking of all the euthanasia thing. I would never be comfortable, if medical euthanasia was a thing in my country, to administer such a substance. On the other hand I think that "we torture" dying patients by keeping them alive. Maybe I'll be more happy or thinking less in my next rotation. O

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  11. So these days I'm having my rotation at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Maybe it's me, but I tend to overthinkg at times. And now, I can't help but thinking the lives of the patients before ending up in ICU. Sometimes I'm happy because I get to see return back to the outside world and sometimes I'm sad because the patient dies. One of the saddest cases was that of a 40 yo woman with an untreatable disease (pulmonary fibrosis). I can stiill recall her unconscious breathing through the tube. Her hair had two colors because she was long unconscious and they were returning to their original color from the root. Maybe it's just me, but just this fact made me very sad. I was telling to myself that this woman was a part of the society, doing what we all do, visiting her hair dresser.. and now she's just dying for several weeks (now she's dead). That made me sad.

    Sometimes you know, sometimes you don't. They say some doctors have god syndrom. Well I don't feel like a god, mostly I feel like someone who tries to tell the patient's future. Maybe I could discuss this with my friends, but I think here it's easiier, between strangers.

    Other things that bug me are patients that have a very poor prognosis. I feel unable to help them. We have a patient with multiple metastases. We do what the guidelines state, we do the best we can. He's perfectly okay now, but I know that this will not last for long. He will get worse. And no matter the paliative care we will provide him, he will suffer. And that makes me sad.

    But there's always the bright side. The patient who returns to his loved ones. And that makes me happy. 

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  12.  So.. I tried fisting a little more. It feels good, it gets quite easily almost until the wrist. My bf told me that the last time he went even deeper, his wholewrist and a little more got inside. Thing is at some point I feel something that hurts and I've bled (a little) twice which got me a little worried about getting injured. But apart from that it was very nice. 

  13. It's nice to hear ur thoughts. About fingering, I don't really like it. Although fisting would be nice. About height, I just prefer my lover to be shorter than me. The ideal would be someone with the proportions of Seth Green (or even himself if he would be interested in me <3). I also like people between 30 and 45. I think i've never had sex with smeone younger than that. I'm not much of a twink lover.

  14. I like that topic. I come from a far more conservative country (Greece) than the US. Maybe I do that too. When I see all that about cumpdumps.. dunno..I don't like it. Not for religious reasons, I'm not religious. I just think that sex is something "precious" and should be treated with more respect than just taking anon dick, poz talk, dick pics etc. 

  15. I really enjoy writing stories here, in the appropriate sections here. However, I have discovered (and maybe someone who has read my stories may I agree) that I'm more interested about how the story leads to the sexual intercourse and the feelings after that, rather than the sexual part itself. So I was wondering if you think that a story that has lots of sex in it but also is part of a horror story for example has place in the reading material section. Would u be interested to read such a story? That could include rape, drugs, murder and other stuff? 

  16. On 1/17/2022 at 2:14 PM, nikkisiisyfag said:

    been in rapeplay with anonomous clown dressed alpha once.. was reaally hot exp..

    that sounds like Pennywise


    now about the serial killer.. for me there is a borderline between being naughty/bad boy and evil. And about being evil, there are people who are criminals for a purpose they want to achieve (becoming rich, covering up something, politics etc) and people with mental disorders who are just harming everything. I can't really answer if it turns me on. Killing someone is... dunno.. wrong? what words could I use? Wouldn't u think that he would kill u too?

  17. So I tried fisting yesterday. The results were pretty much the same. I almost got the wrist inside me quite easily. I was super super horny. I just needed a few more inside me to have the risk.. dunno what more should i try. then he fucked me and enjoyed my stretched hole. Plus, my dick was always rock hard.

  18. When I was younger I had stupid stereotypes about alpha men who were top only and blah blah. Truth is, some people are easier to get fucked than others because they enjoy it more, or because they are afraid or anything. So the magic in this is to make someone feel safe with you.

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  19. I have some interesting news. We spent several days in a row (or should I say raw?) together. His wife with her parents and we constantly exposed to COVID keep off her for the sake of safety. We slept together for a week or so. I fucked him and he fucked me (although I did play with another guy too). I really enjoy this. I think it's more than sex. He told me he realised that he's in love with me but he was too stupid to notice. I told him that I'm very happy with him and that I could fall in love with him too, if he wasn't married.

    • Sad 1
  20. 2 minutes ago, Justaholeff said:

    It does ...the first time I had a guy pass that turn, he had just left his hand in my ass, slowly turning or just resting. I can't tell how long but for awhile. He just left it in and slowly jerked off while chatting with me or others and watched porn. I got so relaxed and he slowly just slid all the way to the elbow...it was amazing and I never thought it would happen but did! Best assgasm ever.

    That sounnds hot.. I feel my asshole stretched now which makes me horny. He fucked me once, then he fucked me again, I asked him to finger me and that was when the fisting occured and he fucked me to cum, and he fucked me one final time. But I wanted more fisting.

    • Piggy 1
  21. 1 minute ago, Justaholeff said:

    Might have been tail bone but, more then likely you were just tight.  Remember fisting at the beginning should be slow and relaxed. I wouldn't even make it a goal to cum. Just take time, relax, and lots of lube. Poppers, weed, or maximum impact is also an option to loosen up but, most of all time. You'll open right up when there is no rush or pressure to open up.

    I think maybe it goes slightly to the right (based on the anatomy). I felt very relaxed and loose it felt so good. My partner was afraid though.

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  22. I had an almost fisting experience with a fuckbuddy. I asked him to play with my hole, he buried 5 fingers inside me. I think he nearly reached his fist but said that he couldnt move deeper as there was a bone there or something. So I'm confused about it. But it felt so good.

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