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Everything posted by boy4you

  1. Getting on a plane with my brother , this will be my first home with the family in 3 years. Really looking to see my older brothers , Mother and Father who is not in the best of health.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. boy4you


      We are waiting for the train that leave Chicago  at 12:50 am

    3. cumbottom4use


      happy holidays babe, hope you have a great time!

    4. BlindRawFucker1


      Have a Merry Christmas, and an extremely Happy New Year!


      Enjoy your visit home.

  2. Mr.D boy leads me into the house and to a room in the basement where Mr.D is waiting in a hooded cape. This room is something like I have never seen before with the walls cover in Bio Hazard signs , No Condoms allowed and many others. Mr.D tells me to get on my knees , he ask me do I know what I’m here for? I say Yes, He says for what. I say for you to POZ me. He says you are now negative. I say Yes. He ask will you be willing to have your hole wreck to become POZ. I say Yes. He ask if I become POZ will I POZ others. I say Yes. He ask will I go on meds. I say NO. He ask if someone want me to use a condom will I . I say I will use a condom after I sabotage it and stealth them. Then you are ready to join the Brotherhood and hands me a clip board and sign the papers. He pulls out a pin and pricks my finger and squeeze out some blood and puts a drop on the paper. Mr.D is still in his robe wile I see his bot brings over a tray, on the tray is a few to syringes and a leather strap and MR.D ask have I ever taken a slam before as I will need it for Mr.D for his planned wrecking my hole for his toxic POZ loads. Wile on my knees looking up to Mr.D eyes his boy tied off my arm very tight and then Mr.D takes off his robe and I get the shock of my life as he has a Cruel Condom on his bulging dick with a few Bio Hazard , Scorpion and POZ tattoos , I have never seen one before as just the thought of someone putting that in your has to be very painful and the point on the tip stabbing the inside of my hole. Mr.D and his boy grab me and put me on a bench with my legs spread very wide and strap me to the bench so I can’t move and tell me if I want to scream go right ahead as no one will hear you but the 2 of us.The strap on my arm is so tight it had made my arm numb and I see the needle in and a flash of blood and the boy is waiting to push the plunger of the biggest slam I have ever taken. I feel Mr.D dick right by my hole as he is moving the cruel condom around the hole and it is very ruff , the boy pushes the plunger and removes the leather strap and it takes my breath away as Mr.D pushes his dick with the cruel condom into me all the way. Between the rush of the big slam and Mr.D pushing his dick and the pain associated with that ,not being able to move is really something as my heart is jumping out of my body as Mr.D is moving his dick with the cruel condom on slowly at first then faster and faster. When he pulled out I thought he had cum in me but he did not , so when he came around to show me what the cruel condom did to me I see a lot of blood as he comes down to my face and says well that’s a well prep hole for POZZING now as he takes the condom off and tells his boy to clean it off with his mouth. With my hole well prep Mr.D starts to fuck me and its like no other fuck I have ever taken before. Between the slam and the knowing I will soon be POZ I’m flying like I never have before. Each time he fuck me he would place a plug in my hole and any cum on the floor I would lick up , his boy would lick around my hole clean. When not on the bench getting my hole wreck by Mr.D I would service Mr.D boy dick with my mouth and swallow his toxic cum as he was just taken out of chastity , he became POZ 2 months ago. This boy is shooting loads like I have never seen before and they taste a little different that others.
  3. Weeks later Tommy has a bad case of the fuck flu, fever 101-102 , head aches , body joint pain and just really sick. The nurse this is one of the worse case of the fuck flu he has ever seen and is almost 100% sure Tommy is converting over to the POZ Brotherhood. In a month the blood work shows Tommy is POZ with a climbing VL so right now he is very Toxic , the one thing like me Tommy liked to be a bottom more than a TOP , but right now wants to fuck anything around and when a negative hole is asking for a POZ load Tommy sex drive goes into over driven. Larry has the same type of gang bang set up for me with POZ men who are off meds. with a high VL and 2 months later NOTHING I’m still negative and it is pissing me off , yes I made a lot of money from the gang bang but Tommy is fucking every POZ chaser there is and having a blast. This has also cut into our love life as we are now lovers and care for each other very much. Larry does not want to set up another gang bang as he has a client who really get off POZZING fem twink boys like me. It's a 4 hour flight to Mr. D place and I’m met at the airport by his boy who is a suite wile I’m in jeans and a tee shirt as that is all I will need. I’m told to sit in the back seat and we drive for 2 hours and the boy is not talking. When you say in the middle of no where that describe Mr.D place perfectly. Mr. D meets me at the door and if very friendly as he is about 50 6ft 1inch 180 LBS. in a suite , I feel guilty being dress the way I am , but Mr.D says why don’t I get undress and make my self comfortable as it’s warm out side and I should go out to the pool area and get some sun as back home it’s freezing cold. I head out to the pool and he is right the sun beating on my body feels great. After a few minutes Mr.D boy comes by now naked except for a steel ring around his neck and a steel chastity device on his dick, he also has a few tattoos saying POZ above his dick a scorpion tattoo on his chest and on his back right above his ass crack the work POZ. He ask me if I want something to drink and I say yes and when I taste it I know it’s spiked with GHB but I know what I’m here for, later when the GHB has started to effect me he ask me if I want a massage and who would not from such beautiful looking boy. Between the warm sun and the GHB and now getting this beautiful boy hand rubbing all over my body this is so relaxing and the oils he is using so warm as his fingers are probing my hole and massaging my dick wile I look into his eyes. When he starts to suck my dick I feel his hand putting something my hole and in a minute I get that burning and the wonderful of a shard of Ms. Tina in my hole. Off in the distance I see Mr.D looking still in his suit as I exploded in his boys mouth , he does not spill a drop but comes to me and as he is kissing me he gives back my own cum as we tongue kiss for a very long time as he is now working my nipples. When I get off the table I realize the shard he put in my ass was not a small one but a big one and the oil he rubbed over my body had something in it as my body is numb all over as he leads me into the house.
  4. My baby brother just received his last treatment so now he will be hairless like the day he was born from the neck down for the rest of his life. The life of a Fem twink. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rillion


      I paid for my boyfriend's laser hair removal. It is worth it since he no longer has to shave and deal with ingrown hairs.

    3. BlindRawFucker1


      It would be so hot to run my hands and mouth over both of your bodies!


      Not even necessary to mention fucking both of you would most likely give me a heart attack.  But, what a way to die!

    4. mikeinjersey


      This makes me want him even more.  I am in need of a fem twink

  5. As soon we tell Larry that Tommy and I both want to become POZ he is very happy and says it will be done one at a time , Tommy will be first and I’m to assist thous who will be infecting Tommy and his after care when he turns POZ and once he does it will be my turn to join the brother hood. The day before Tommy is going to be bread POZ he is given some meds like you are going for a colonoscopy so his hole will be clean and nothing to interfere with the toxic loads that will be deposited in Tommy pristine clean hole.They are going to do a gang bang on Tommy and its 6 who are all off meds with a high VL over 600,000 who will be breading and paying a nice big fee to knock Tommy up. The next day I take Tommy to the room that will change his life for ever , so when we get there the 6 are waiting for Tommy. They all are giving Tommy the once over grabbing his ass and taking Tommy over to the bed to inspect his body and 2 of them say at the same time very fresh meat , another one ask Tommy does he knows what is about to happen to him , Tommy says the 6 of you are here to give me your toxic loads and to help join the POZ Brotherhood. I’m there is just a small briefs and my dick bulging out as I’m so turned on. They ask me to keep Tommy happy by me giving Tommy his first slam as they all took turns working the tooth brush in his hole. Once Tommy hole is nice and raw and I see some blood they start 3 of them have P.A. on their dicks with a spike ball on the P.A. I gave his a heavy slam and hope it would make it easier for Tommy but it’s not as they are being very ruff with him calling him a negative faggot and his cries were being drowned out with a dick in his mouth , the bloody cum is running out of his hole and they have their pink cum cleaned by Tommy mouth . About 20 loads we put into Tommy hole as they left I installed a large plug in his wreck hole then put a strap around him so the plug would stay in. When they leave is in bad shape as I lay there with him , we are there for the rest of the night and Tommy is walking blow legged as it helps with the pain , as the nurse walks in he wants to inspect Tommy and see how much damage to him once he pulls the plug out . No cum is leaking out and that is a very good sign as Tommy body has absorbed the toxic cum into his body. My time will come once Tommy body has converted over to the POZ Brotherhood.
  6. When I get backing to the building and I really don’t know how I did it being so sore from getting fisted every , day drinking so much Chem. piss with my arm all marked up from all the slams I took and my hole is now really starting to feel the full effect of being empty and I really miss that. The nurse at the building says my hole took a real beating and will need 2 weeks of rest and will he inform Larry for me to get compensated for the damage. I still say it was of fun and very profitable as I know I’m a cum & Chem. whore. I keep have these fantasies of getting knock up and taking care of the chasers as so many who are POZ are now on meds and so few left who are POZ who are not on meds, and with the coming out of PrEP there are a lot of people bare backing but they are not POZ and cannot spread the HIV virus that so many now want. It looks like I will always be on some kind of meds either PrEP or meds if I want to become undetectable after becoming POZ I will get on thous meds. I know that school is my future but I have become use to this life style and the money as even with a great job I will only make working full time in a regular job what it takes me 2 months now being a rent boy. The love of my life is thinking the same way and understands we can sell our bodies so for maybe 20 years before we retire or people stop wanting us, it’s something we will have to think long and hard. Larry says if we both want to become POZ and work at infecting chasers we can make fortune and at our POZZING party would be a really big money maker for us as POZ would pay big money to breed us POZ. Larry says he only has 1 working boy who in POZ and not on meds and if making a killing and will soon be going on meds as he is going to soon have full blown AIDS.
  7. I’m feeling great as all the piercings are now healed and the first person I fuck with my new P.A. was Tommy. He was a bit scared but I went slow with plenty of lube as I slip right in and you can tell from the first time I fuck Tommy his hole is a lot bigger. Once I got in he was moaning shear pleasure from this and said later he could feel the difference from a bare dick without a P.A. and a dick with a P.A. I only have 8 gauge ring but as time goes by I will want to go bigger as I was fuck a few time with a dick with a 00 Gauge P.A. and WOW the feeling of that in my hole was shear joy. You can also use a P.A. piercing to tear up the inside of a hole for POZZING as I have seen some do. Now that I’m working again business for me is great as many that to want to get fuck by some one with a P.A. on their dick , most like the feeling as I go up in size of the ring but a few ask me to take it off after I have already have my dick in them as they don’t like how it’s feeling. During school Larry has Tommy and me work at the building on the second floor but during the holidays , spring break and summer we go on the road and that’s is where the big money is. My first summer road tour Larry set me up with a very heavy player as I ask for the ruff trade now. I’m to go to his home for 1 week and I ask Larry about what is this guy about, all Larry would say you ask for this. I get to Master Dave home and the neighborhood is not that great real sketchy with drug dealers all over the place. I ring the bell and Master Dave opens the door looks out side and says get in boy and pushes me down on the ground and rips off the cloths I have on with a knife. From what I can see the out side neighborhood looks a lot better than the inside of Master Dave house. He drags me down to his basement and things change dramatically as it’s a full fledge BDSM torture chamber with more toys and some I have never seen before. I also see I guess it’s his slave in the conner and he is tied to a whipping cross. Master Dave slave is about late 20s very thin and has a big Bio Hazard tattoo on his back. I’m given a large glass to drink and I can tell it’s a very heavy load of GHB , as I finish he says to me one day I might look like his slave who has full blown AIDS. The first thing Master Dave dose to me is put me on my knees to service his dick and he is hung with a large P.A. ( I say to my self another trip to the dentist ) he rams his dick and I’m gaging on it till I all most pass out then pulls out for a second then back in. The GHB is doing its job on me and he ask me in my mind altered state he ask me if I willing to do anything he says ,I’m have no will to resist and say yes as he picks me up and leads me over to his slave takes off his slaves chastity device and has me suck his dick till he cums , I do and when he cums it’s a lot and told to swallow every drop even what spilled on the floor. A little about Master Dave is in his late 40s 6ft very muscular lots of tattoos with one being a big POZ tattoo over his dick. His nipples are very large and stick out like part of your thumb with a very heavy nipple rings. He is not on meds and wish I was not on PrEP as he would love to knock me up like he did his slave boy 5 years ago. Master Dave gets me over to the sling ties off my arm , I see the flash of blood he looks at me and smiles at me and says enjoy the ride HOLY SHIT this slam is one for the books as I’m couching like I have never have before and did not notice Master Dave bring over the fuck machine. It’s then I realize what is going to happen when I feel his fingers in my hole with some white cream ( found out later it was Crisco ) I’m cuffed so I can’t move much as the slave has his dick at my mouth and told to suck it wile Master Dave shoves the first dildo in my hole and starts the machine. So here I am a slave with AIDS sucking his dick a large dildo in my hole that is fucking me and Master Dave kissing my nipples and working my dick over. As my hole gets use to the dildo a bigger one is put in and the speed is getting faster , its then I realize that there are others who are now in the room with one saying to Master Dave so we have this for the week and Master Dave says yes but there is one small problem we can’t knock him up as he is on PrEP and if we do we are in trouble with Larry. More cumming on this part.
  8. A month later I get a email from the 3 boys asking if I got sick, they said they had a high fever , body aches ,tired all the time ,bad headaches,can’t sleep. I tell them a big lie we are the same but I tell them they should be OK in a few weeks LMAO , Grandpa knocked them up real good. I tell Larry I want to get into the rough trade of the business S&M , Fisting , Larry says you know what you are getting into? I say yes as for a little work you can make a lot of money.After seeing what Grandpa did really turned me on like nothing else. I will be working the first floor for a few months as I will need time to heal and Tommy will be working the second floor escorting. I’m going to get a Prince Albert a piercing of the dick head. Both of my nipples pierced. Guiche a piercing between the ass hole and scrotum. Tongue pierced Right ear as to tell others I’m a bottom. Larry sent me to the piercer he has sent other to who work at the building. After signing the papers saying I was 18 or older to get body piercings I was escorted into the room. He did the Prince Albert first and the pain was a lot less then I thought it would be but when he did my nipples I was seeing stars and almost black out. The Guiche , Tongue and right ear went easy. Tommy is doing great working the second floor as he is finding he is a sex addict and is thinking of being a full time escort after school. I’m back working the first floor and not being to do anything wile I’m healing is ruff walking with a hard on sticking out of the thong I ware when working. Seeing all the sex and the cum shooting is driving me nuts but in a few more weeks I will be back working but now doing some things I have seen but have never done.
  9. No one ever said Grandpa was POZ , it’s no problem for Tommy and me as both of us are on PrEP. One boy is laughing and the other 3 are so high it goes right over their heads. Later I found out that the boy laughing had the fuck flu last month and tested POZ and the 3 other boys have no idea what PrEP is and just came down for the money and to PARTY . They have never done anything like this before as when it was their turn we found out. I was next and I really enjoyed getting fuck by the boys now with Grandpa I thought it would be a problem but I guess taking 8-10 dick a week as a rent boy help me to enjoy that monster dick fucking me and when I cleaned it off with my mouth there was no blood but I really miss that full feeling in my hole now. The boy who is POZ is like me a rent boy who has been this for over a year. The 3 negative boys well they are barely legal and someone told them about the money and the party supplies and that hook them. When it was their turn the 3 of them had a tuff time taking my 8 X 2 dick so when it was Grandpa time is when the fun began. I knew what to do and gave them a heavy slam right before Grandpa drove his monster dick in them as I knew he would be tearing them up real good and the look on Grandpa face was priceless knowing he had 3 boys who were negative and not on PrEP. The screams coning from them as Grandpa drove his dick right in till he was balls deep was a sound of joy to my ears and I know how much pain they are in . These 3 are so naive about coming here for a sex party and not knowing what can happen and I think Grandpa planned it this way. The 3 boys holes were leaking a dark blood and cum as if Grandpa used a cruel condom on them. Grandpa as the POZ boy and me to keep these boys well party us with GHB , Tina and Molly and what ever Grandpa got the chance he would fuck thous 3 boys and leave Tommy , Poz boy and me alone so we just enjoyed our time down here in the sun getting a tan having fun with the drugs Grandpa had her and the 3 of us fucking each other. Grandpa must have put 10 loads in each of them and I think he gave them a blood slam to make sure they will become pregnant from his toxic load. When they left they were walking funny and I ask them for their email address so we could keep in touch. Grandpa tells Tommy and me if we ever want to get knock up to contact him directly instead of going through Larry. On the way home Tommy says he had a fanatic time and wants to go to work on the second floor like me.
  10. I love having Tommy living with me as on cold nights I have a warm body to keep me warm, in the mornings we even fuck and suck each other as it’s a great way to start the day. I’m seeing about 8-10 clients a week so my hole is being well used so I’m becoming a size queen when I bottom. Larry ask me if Tommy and I would like a vacation in Key West over spring break from school, SURE as we are both are tired of the cold weather and would like to get a little sun and the money we are to be paid make it a fanatic deal for us. We will be staying with a person we will call Grandpa who is in his late 60s and was release from jail for being a member of NAMBLA and his boy OG. We find OG at the airport and the 4 other boys we will be vacationing with, OUCH these boys are HOT and we will be staying with them , this is getting better and better as when Tommy see them he goes into sex over drive with a ragging hard on. We get to Grandpa place and it’s an island with no one else on it with this big house on it surrounded by a white sand beach. For his age Grandpa is in great shape as he meets us in a tight bathing suit showing off his hard monster dick.He explain the rules , we are to be naked all the time , we will all take a turn on the fuck bunch for the nightly gang bang , there will be plenty of GHB , Tina, Poppers and Molly for us to use. OG is available for massages , putting sun screen on us and is not to touch us and sexually as he is in chastity , OG is about the same age as all 6 of are JAIL BATE. I just want to get into the warm water and get out of my clothes and so do the other boys and once we are in it does not take us long to start doing what we all came here for , kissing running our hands over each others bodies with this hot group as Grandpa is watching and we are putting on a show. When we come out Grandpa is holding 6 straws ads we are to pull them out and the short straw is tonight victim for the gang bang. Tommy has never done this and I know his hole real well. I tell him to load up on GHB 1 hour before and a booty bump. Grandpa has it set up with lights so he can film for his friends, as Tommy walks his I can see the GHB and booty bump have done their job. I led him over , tied off his arm and gave Tommy his very first time getting a slam , as he coughs we all go in for the kill. Tommy is such natural as I want to go first as I just spit and ease my dick into Tommy hole and the bump and GHB have done their job , he is very relax as I bang away wile he is sucking another ones dick. Grandpa wants all of us when we drop our loads deep in the hole we are fucking and I’m balls deep I explode in Tommy hole and when I can pump out any more cum I pull out and walk around to Tommy face for him to clean my dick off, what a slut he has become and I’m a bigger slut. Grandpa says who is next After 5 of us have cum in Tommy hole and leaking cum out Grandpa tell us to fuck Tommy again and again till we are all exhausted and cum is flowing out of his hole, I put 3 loads in Tommy. Now its Grandpa turn and drives right into Tommy hole and is screaming from Grandpa MONSTER dick ( its like a beer can and the longest I have ever seen) Tommy is in real pain and is asking for more and more , that is how much Tina and GHB I have given him and Grandpa is just giving Tommy all he can going all the way out them balls deep as fast as he can and when he cums its like a water fall of cum flowing out of Tommy hole and some blood and Grandpa says I hope you are on PrEP as I’m POZ and very toxic.
  11. I also try to avoid Paddles in NYC.
  12. Tommy is in the same situation as I was very little money and waiting on tables , so tell him what I did by working in the building and what I do now. He can’t believe me but is willing to try. I ask Larry and I tell him about his age and Larry laughs and said he is now much younger that you are. Tommy is 5ft. 7 weight 120 7 X 2 dick swimmer build blond hair , blue eyes with a cute bubble butt that needs a good fucking. Larry says the only thing Tommy needs is to what little body hair he has removed. I tell Tommy if he wants to move into my place he can as it’s big enough and he can save some money by doing so and not have to put up with the crap in the dorms. Back at the building I’m very busy and 90% of the ones I’m seeing are Tops and only a few want to PNP. The ones I Top all most want to PNP and I have a lot of fun fucking them and giving them my neg. loads. I had one bottom who wanted to be fisted by someone with a small hand and Larry ask me to do it . I have see it done but never did it before and the money for this is very good as it’s a long session. The client is in his mid 30s 6ft. very nice body with a lot of piercings,I say he has a 2ga. P.A. a Guiche on his taint , 10 ring Jacobs ladder on his scrotum , nipple rings the size of quarts with a POZ tattoo above the crack of his ass and over his dick. By looking at him in street cloths you would think of him as a banker but underneath he is a real pig. Larry gives me the list of what he wants done and if we run over the 5 hour time it’s ok as he is a very good client. A lot of the things I will be doing for the first time but others who work here have given me a good education on how to do it. We meet up in the room and I give a heavy Gator Aid after he finish it we talk a bit , then I take his arm tie it off and give him a heavy slam. When I see the flash of his toxic blood ( he is not on meds ) my dick is so hard and all I’ve done is give him a slam. I take him over to the sling and he jumps in to it like it’s his second home , I take a shoe lace and tie it off at the base of his scrotum to keep his dick up as he like sounds in his urethral , you use plenty of lube and just let the metal rod drop in by gravity , he takes the first one easy so I get a bigger one and the same it goes in easy, the next one is the biggest one we have and after that is in he says use your finger , I put so lube on my raw finger and it goes right in , he ha a big hard on as I stroke his dick. After I take my finger out I take out the mechanical suction pump and put it in his dick as I spread his legs as wide as they will go so I have complete access to his hole. Looking at his hole you can see this in not his first time doing this but I wonder why he wants me. Before I start I load him up on Gator Aid and give him a very heavy slam so he is flying. I take this big lube shooter that is loaded with J-Lube mix with Miss Tina and inserted in his hole , he does not need toys to stretch bill so I make my hand look like a duck bill and cover my hand and forearm. With fisting it’s the bottom who is telling you if they can take more or they want you to stop , go slower and even more lube. As my fingers go in his hole open up like a flower in the spring does , his hole is sucking my are after it go to my wrist, I was told about people like this as I move my forearm out to put more lube on and I’m past the elbow as I watch the sucking machine doing a number on his dick. I want to pull out to keep him hydrated and to put a gas mask on his and give him some poppers as I’m now to see how deep I can go with him.This time I just make a fist and punch it right in with very little complaint so I pull out and start to punch fist him and he is really liking it , then I re lube and go to see how deep I can go and it does not take lone till I’m up to my arm pit and I see my hand moving on his stomach. This is incredible as I’m about to cum from this as he says can you please use your other hand in me. So I put so lube on his body and let it run down and put as much as I can on it and put my hand in his hole as he is screaming and it’s not screaming of protest but of sheer pleasure, My one arm is as deep as it can go and my other hand is just past the wrist with me rocking my body back and forth. What I really love is how warm my hand and arm are with the total feeling of the power I have as he rocks back and forth , yes there is some blood as I’m sure I might have cut him up or the stretching did something but as I pull out I have never seen in my short life someone so happy high and exhausted. After I pull out I see how big his hole an apple would just fall in. I call for the nurse to help me as he will be needing some time to recover. The nurse comes in and hands me this GIANT butt plug and says just put it in and it goes in real easy. I look at the time and this session has been going on for 10 hours for in my head I thought it was only 3 hours , it’s then I realize how tired I am. I get home and Tommy is in bed so I just curl up to him and go to sleep and that night I was dreaming about thous piercing and the Poz tattoo and how much he was screaming pleasure. When I wake Tommy said they heard the screaming down stairs and they were joking about how much fun someone was having.
  13. THIS PART IS VERY BORING YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, I will spice it up the next few. So after 10 days just like the nurse said my hole is back to normal and not deformed like it was after Mr.C pimped me out.Larry says that I have to see the camera man because I will need pictures for the building site so people can see what they are getting. I go up to the third floor and the camera man is waiting for me, he explains what he want poses he wants me to make, but first he hands me a syringe and I ask for a rope , he laughs and says this is not for slamming but for you to get a hard dick. When he shows me it then hits me as that is what Mr.C did before he fuck me the last time and his dick was hard for hours.I take the syringe and inject into the base of my dick and with in a few minutes my dick is like a rock hard sticking out ( I found out later it’s caverject ) he tells me this will last a few hours so we have to get to work as clients get off from seeing boys whit hard dicks. After he is finished he shows me the pictures and it’s WOW as I don’t recognize my self and the pictures of my ass and the hole with my finger in my mouth bending over are fucking hot. Later Larry shows my profile that will be posted with the pictures . Rates XXX Age Jail bate and that is very true Size 8 X 6 Hight 5 feet 6 Weight 110 LBS. Ethnicity Latin Services Escorting Preferences Anal,Nipples, Rimming , Oral ,Cum ,PNP ,WS , Body Hair None Body Build Skinny Safe/BB Anything goes Position Versatile/bottom Style Twink Orientation Gay Available by appointment only I will be working 3 days a week and during school and the summer I can travel I keep looking at the pictures and say to my self can I see this one now as I still don’t believe it’s me in the pictures. The next day I get a 2 hour session and it’s just fuck and suck as most sessions are. I will be working Friday , Saturday & Sunday and my first week I make $4,000 after Larry takes his cut. The rest of the week I in school and doing great with no financial problems and I’m wearing the hottest clothes. I hear about how are worried about how they will pay for school when they graduate , well if I keep this up I won’t have that problem. There is this boy that I see and like me he also skipped grades when in elementary school , he likes to spend time in the library like me as reading books is a passion of mine as most today are reading on I Pads. I can see every now and then he is eye balling me and gives a quick smile , I do the same . This goes on for a month before he comes over to me and we start talking and he ask me if I’m Gay. I take him by the hand and we go to a very quite are where no one goes but to make out. I start to give him a kiss and work my way down his body working over his nipples and his raging hard dick and give him a fanatic blow job that takes a minute for him to explode in my mouth , I get back up with his load in my mouth and kiss him and transfer his load back to his mouth as we kiss. Later he tells me no one has ever done that to him and would like to see me. He lives in a dorm so that is a big problem so I tell I have my own place and I know where there a few parties he can be my guest at, as Tommy leaves he gives me his number .
  14. I just saw on the AP that Iran has a big HIV problem with it's young teens and a lot don't know they are HIV infected.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. boy4you


      I guess you have to be on drugs to live there.

    3. BlindRawFucker1


      Most likely, if the authorities discover that you are HIV+, you would, at best, end up in prison.


      And if you got it from homosexual behavior, you would be executed.

    4. Willing
  15. Wile I’m sucking on Mr.C dick his boy is cleaning any of Mr.C cum that is dripping out or that is on the rubber sheet and feeding it to me. When he pulls his dick out he says the fun is just beginning for me as his boy puts a shard in my hole and for some reason I go into a foggy haze . When I wake up I’m in the room the nurse that is uses to treat us so we don’t have to go to regular Dr.an have them ask questions. As I see a video playing of me and what happen. My hole feels funny like something is in it , my ass cheeks are on fire , my mouth and jaw hurt. When the nurse who is really a Doctor but was disbarred from the medical world for some unknown reason sits down next to me as says how are you doing. I tell him and says I will have dentist appointment in 2 days as some of my teeth were chipped from the ones who had Prince Albert piercings on their dicks, your hole there is a large butt plug in you as you were dripping cum out and your ass cheeks are a bright red from the men smacking you . He says Larry will be speaking to me later but the video of what happen it being played in the club now and ask if I want to see as I was in that fog after Mr.C fuck me. I ask if I can fast forward and I do , so after Mr.C pulls out I’m given some pills and a slam then 4 men show up as they hand Mr.C envelopes and proceed to fuck me and I suck their dicks. They put me in all different position you can possible be in they even did a Double penetration on me and all the wile this is going on I’m keep asking for more dicks in my hole and begging for their cum , the men who are fucking me as they keep coming one after another as I see they take a magic marker and draw a line on my back after they have given a load, in the end the marks go from the top on my shoulders to the top on my ass crack and total 175. Some of these men are very old and look very sick and some are very hot looking and a lot had a bio hazard tattoo on the video but they all give Mr.C an envelope. The pills they give me are to keep me up but I don’t remember it at the time but on the video I can see the bug eyed look I have on my face asking for more cum ,for another slammed and a booty bump.They are giving me water but the sweat coming off my body was not enough and that is why I lay in bed with this IV in my are. Some even were licking the sweat off me with some burying their face in my ass cheeks sucking and licking the cum out of my hole, some even put a white powder on my ass cheeks and snort it.I see a lot in the back ground slamming before they fuck me. They put this device on me when they have to piss as I hear one say it’s a crime to wast chem. piss. http://shop.oxballs.com/URINAL-ULTIMATE-strap-on-piss-gag-by-OXBALLS-OX-1309.htm When its about over Mr.C comes over and opens that box , it's a syringe and what ever it is he injects it into the base of his dick ( found out later it's caverject )and in a few minutes his dick is rock hard and then just drives into me and this time it goes easy as he looks right into the camera and says this hole is now officially broken and to be used often. Mr.C is fucking me so hard that he is driving me to the wall , the cum from pervious loads is coming out an splashing all over the place as his boy takes his hand to clean it up then gives me to lick his fingers clean. I almost fall off the bed then he drags me back , I’m looking at the tape and he fucking me for close to one hour before he collapse on top of me and just lays there. When he with draws his dick his boy buried his face in my ass and took his tongue to my hole then he shoves a large butt plug in my hole so I don’t leak it all over the place and to let my body absorb all the toxic loads that I have taken. The nurse says that he should remove the plug and that it might hurt , when he does there is some pain but its bearable , he spreads my cheeks to examine the damage to my hole and says that in 10 days I go back to work , he takes a picture and you can see how red the hole is and the lips around are very swollen like it had been just gone through a heavy fisting. When Larry comes in he is smiling and says I did great and the money is in my bank and this envelope is for me from Mr.C. for what I did not know is that he was pimping me out and after he got his money back the rest was for me and there is enough for 2 semesters at school , so he fuck me for free.
  16. I decided on going Mr. C as might as well experience it all at once as the money is the same between the two, I’m such a whore. Being lock up in chastity for 3 months is no fun as I will do anything to get out of it . Larry says the funds are in my bank and the date is set, the room will have cameras in it for filming and I will get a cut of the film rights as this film will be sold privately. Today is the day and I’m escorted into to room , as I sit and wait for Mr.C to show I’m scared shit of what’s going to happen to me and if I can take what’s about to come. When the door opens it’s Mr.C and he is very hot looking with just a jock strap that is bulging out from the massive size of his dick. Next the bar tender shows up with the supplies and it’s WOW with what he is bringing up. I know what the syringes are all the heavy ones from the markings and the same goes true for the spiked Gator Aid and lube, but there is one box I have no idea what’s in that one. Mr.C has a key ring around his neck and I hope it’s for this chastity device that is killing me, he starts to give me a leather harness for my chest to be used by him to grab on to me if I resist and a leather collar. Larry comes in with some papers for us to sign that I’m willing to do this and understand what is going to happen and the building takes no responsibility in what happens. Then Mr.C boy comes I guess to help or something else, he is 5ft.8 maybe 140 LBS. and must spend 5 hours a day in the gym. The boy has a Bio Hazard tattoo just like Mr.C with a P.A. but with a dick about my size 9X2.When Larry leaves Mr. C want’s me on may stomach and for me to spread my legs as wide as I can , he takes some rope and ties my ankles to the bottom of the bed as this room is used mostly for BDSM so it has plenty of hard points. Once that is done Mr.C is taking pictures of my virgin hole and is saying this is so beautiful it’s a shame to be wrecking, but he is so happy to be the one to be wrecking. Next Mr.C has his face in my hole rimming me and using his tong as his boy is kneeling on the floor next to me, my dick is so hard I feel it’s going to break this metal cage around my dick. I feel him using so warm lube on my hole as he stick his finger in and soon it starts to feel warm then it gets hotter ( so I guess this is what a booty bump feels like) I guess he has his big finger in me as it hurts a little till he tells me that was his pinky. Shit if that his pinky how Am I going to take the 12X3 dick in my holes. After working my hole for what seamed hours he turns and says look at the mess I made from my dick leaking pre cum. Mr.C says I know you have been lock up for months , so he take this fucking cage off my dick he gives me a bottle of Gator Aid as he wants to keep me hydrated ( LOL I know but I have never tasted it before) They are right it taste horrible but this is a heavy dose. After I’m finished drinking his boy goes down on my dick and it’s WOW time soon he turns around so I can suck his dick and every movement he does to me I do the same to him, found out tater he was lock in chastity for 6 months and this is his first time out. Between the booty bump and the G what ever fear I ever had are now gone as I suck this boy dick and he does the same to me. I think we are doing our best to hold back but a few seconds apart we are both shooting massive loads in our mouths as Mr.C tell us the swallow each other loads as best as we can. The sheets are rubber and we are to lick up every place of where we drop cum, as we finish we both start kissing as Mr.C takes his boy arm and I see the needle goes into his boys arm then the flash of blood and the syringe is empty as his boy is doing a very heavy coughing up as he lays down on the bed. Next it’s my turn to get slammed Mr.C says this is a day you will always remember now he has to find a vein in my skinny arm,He ties off my arm and a vein pops up and I watch the needle go in then the flash of blood as he looks in my eyes and says enjoy the ride. I feel this rush and I can’t breath I’m gasping for air as I feel my heart is ready to explode as he turns me over and gets me on all fours. He take this lube shooter as stick it in my ass , then ask his boy to give me some poppers. The boy says to me breather real deep as he closes off one side of my nose as I take 10 deep breath then the other side , wile this is going on Mr.C is rubbing his dick head around my hole with out his P.A. on After I’m spinning on the poppers and my hole is begging for something to be in my virgin hole Mr.C just drives in till he balls deep and I’m screaming as the pain is to much for me as I go spread eagle on the bed and Mr.C weight is on top of me with no escape and he just lays on top on me and says your hole is now broken and you will get used to getting fuck. He laid on top of me for 10 minutes before he started moving and the pain level was way down as he lifted me up till I was back on all fours and started to fuck me as his boy kept giving me poppers. The pain was soon replaced with joy of pleasure as his shaft was going all the way in and out as I rode that dick like I always wanted. When he finally came in me I could feel his pulsating dick is giving me his toxic loads in me but I’m on PrEP but it’s a raw load and as he pulls out I turn around like I have seen so many do and put his dick in my mouth with all the cum and blood on it as I watch his boy take my arm and give me another slam.
  17. Brother ask why we have 2 cases of Crisco and we never fry anything?????

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. boy4you


      We both have the same butt as we got that from our Mother.

    3. mjkuhl
    4. mikeinjersey


      i'd love to taste that butt

  18. So I’m working the first floor serving in chastity and everyone knows it. The waiting is killing me always having a hard on and going through the school metal detectors. At school I’m doing great with my studies and I’m moving out of the dorms as my income is now enough to cover it a place by my self. To get into clubs and other things Larry was able to get me a fake I.D that will pass through any screening witch I really appreciate. At the building seeing what goes on is driving my desire even greater to try Tina , take raw loads and enjoy the cum that will be deposited in my holes and to have it linger in my ass and mouth. To drink that foul tasting GHB that so many crave and the effects it has with giving up all control of your mind , body and how it realizes that inner pig in people. To see the first flash of my blood in the syringe and then the violent cough that many have with the rush of energy. Taking a booty bump and the burning hole and the begging to be fuck again & again and some taking a fist and you are begging for more and going deeper. They had a under 25 party that I worked and you had to be any age but you have to be under 25 to attend. Working that party was a dream as I would have had so much fun if I could be part of this., seeing so many hot twinks fucking and getting fuck and Larry does it for free and even the drugs as he says that will come back as dues paying members after they turn 26. For some it’s there first time getting fuck raw and PNP , with some you can see they have never done anything like this. The only points are given out are light ones and the same goes with the spiked Gator Aid. The moaning of pleasure from the under 25 group is driving me nuts and the occasional scream you hear of maybe being broken in or the boy begging for more dicks after being gang bang. I wonder when it’s my time if I will scream like that from the pain or pleasure of finally getting my hole broken in as I know Larry is working real hard to set something up. Larry tells me he has 2 gentleman who are very good clients who would love to break me in, the price is high and that is very good for me as I know I’m a whore at heart who is doing this for the money I think. Mr. X just wants to fuck me for a few days with no PNP just a straight fuck and suck with going out to a few clubs to show his friends what he has. Mr. X is in his late 40s undetectable with a good looking body with a 8 X 2 dick. Mr. Chocolate Wants to go crazy with Tina, Shards , GHB and other things like a few of his friends over he has broken me in and wants to keep me up for 72 hours partying.Mr. C is POZ with a high VL and a low CD number , he is in his early 30s with a heavy mussel body with a real 12 X 3 dick with a P.A. on the tip and he wants to film it.
  19. Need some help in witch way this story should go after the next chapter. Thanks for all who have reacted to this post.
  20. Working at the building has made my life a lot better as to my financial situation a lot better and I now have some extra money to get rid of the clothes I brought here from the farm . I now ware clothes that show of my body and I get a lot of hot guys looking at me witch I really like. I make some extra money helping Larry when he needs someone with a big dick like me. Now being at the building 3 months and really getting a hang on being a bus boy serving party supplies and shacking my butt teasing the men here. Larry wants to see me in his office and ask me if I’m happy and if I have any intent about making more money on the second floor. I say yes and I know most would want me to bottom, as I look so young and then I say to Larry that have never been fuck in my ass and I’m still a virgin, Larry goes into shock and almost falls out of his chair and says YOU ARE A VIRGIN and I say YES, Larry takes me ASAP to the 3rd floor and has the nurse take a look at my hole to see what shape it’s in. I’m bent over the table and he put some lube on his finger and is probing me and tells Larry that this hole shows no sign of being used and is very tight. The nurse says that I look like I have have not started puberty yet, Larry is smiling and says we have to talk back in his office. Larry says that if I want to work the second floor I will make a lot of money the first time I give up my virginity , as he know a few who really get off fucking a young boy like me, he says the first time some will want me to do some very heavy play and he want to protect me as I can make a lot of money in the coming years. He wants me to start taking PrEP as for not and I want to get knock just yet and maybe later I will just like that boy and have as much fun as he did , but for now I’m on PrEP and in a few months he will have someone lined up to turn me into what I really am. Larry wants me not to have any sex until the day that I louse my virginity so he puts a chastity device on my, it fits very tight when I have hard on and it seams every one in the building knows now I’m a virgin and kid me about it. At school they a metal detector goes off and It shows up and security are laughing at me for having this device on.
  21. I have been working at the building now 3 months and doing great but I’m still a virgin as to have never been fuck in the ass. Every shift I work I see guys get as fuck up as you can with drugs and have so much fun with each other and my desire to do so grows every day to have few men take me as their bitch. Larry as me is I would do a private shift as the rest of the place is closed so it will just the bar tender and me working. I see 5 men come and they head to the big room 1 is a young twink early 20s and is on a dog leach 2 of them look sick as they are very thin and the other 2 are very well built. I’m waiting for the green light to go on and for an hour it does not go on , then this guy who is dressed in a business suite & brief case walks witch is against the rules but he is being escorted by security. The green light goes on , I go in and its like they are having a business meeting with 5 naked men and 1 in a suite , the young boy is on his knees and papers are on the table, I’m ask to be a witness to the signing of the papers and about what is said. They are here to infect this boy with the HIV and the 2 sick looking certify that they are in fact they are not on meds and have AIDS. The other 2 are the boy owners as I found out later they have stable of boys who work for them. The one in the suite is a real lawyer who I have see here before , he ask the boy if he know why he is here , he says is to become infected with the HIV and become POZ, the boy signs the papers and then ask me to be a witness to the boy signing the legal papers. The lawyer leaves the room, I see the 2 sick guys putting a nasty looking ring in the head of their dick as I have see others have a Prince Albert but not like this.I’m told to get a case of water 6 heavy Gatorade ( I now know what is in the Gatorade GHB) 2 light points and 6 heavy points, poppers ,shards and some E pills as they want to keep this boy up for hours. As I’m leaving O don’t forget a few tooth brush ,what has me they are not asking for any lube? It takes me a few trips to bring all the supplies back as the 2 sick one are saying you are going to be our bitch tonight and get knock up with our babies. This boy is hairless like I am now but he looks so happy, they tell me any time I want to come in a watch I can as they leave the door open and there is really no one else here . So the bar tender and I will be watching this. The 2 sick guys take the boys and put him face down as one spreads his ass cheeks they spit by his hole and take the tooth brush, the boy is in some pain as they work the brush in his hole very deep, they take shard and stick that in and work the brush in again. The brush is coming out blood red and the shard is doing it’s work as they turn the boy over and strap his arm and give him a heavy slam and I have never see someone cough so much and the P.A. on the 2 sick one are just nasty looking. They turn him over and just ram their dick in this beautiful looking boy , even being this high he is screaming in pain and it does not take a long time for him to drop his toxic load in him , when he pulls out his dick is covered in cum and blood then goes right in front of the boy and with out saying a word the boy take the dick right into his mouth and cleans off the cum and blood as he finished the sick one says great job and gives him a kiss. The other one jumps turns the boy over on his back with the boys legs over his head and with the boys hole exposed puts his face right to it and is licking it clean , then takes his dick and rams it in this boys wreck hole wile the other 2 are twisting the boys nipples and giving him poppers and telling him he will soon be very busy boy working for them. They spend hours fucking , slamming and infecting this boy . What seamed very strange they all left but left the boy and told me to take care of him WTF, I call Larry and he says someone is coming down and for me to make sure the plug in the boy ass does not fall out. The boy is so fuck up he can’t even stand up and is asking for someone to fuck him as his hole is so empty even with a large butt plug in his hole. Security comes down and ask me to help and we are caring the boy , when we get to the third floor witch I have never been to before the door is already open, we set him on the bed as a nurse comes in and smiles and says nice a new member of the brother hood and spreads the boy ass cheeks and say they did good work as he puts a leather strap around his waist and through his crouch to hold the plug in.The nurse says to me in a few weeks he will be sick with the flu and in the mean time I will be taking care on him as he takes a syringe and injects something in his arm. As I'm leaving the floor the nurse says maybe one day he will be seeing me here and you can become a member of the brother hood.
  22. I go for my first hair removal treatment and since I have very little hair to begin with it goes quickly. This will be my first night at the building and I’m kinda scared as all I will have on is the baseball cap , shoes and this small jock strap with my ass handing out. I’m on the floor for my shift and the place is busy in the main area with guys fucking and sucking, as I walk around taking orders. It’s then I found out what light & heavy points are syringes and on the tray with alcohol wipes with a rubber strap. There a few green light on so I’m taking orders as fast as I can and I relies my dick is rock hard and I’m wet. Everyone is very nice to me with a smile and a tap on my ass cheeks as I smile back. The person at the bar says you are a natural shaking your booty as you walk around. I see people of all ages here all doing some kind of sex act and most I have never seen before , like in one room they ask for 5 heavy point, shards, spike lube and poppers. I come back later when the light is green and I see he has his arm up the other guys ass and he is begging for more so he ask me to hold a bottle of poppers under his nose. The fister is smiling at me as he can see I’m rock hard , he says I see you have never seen something like this before, I say WOW you are so right as he laugh and say one day this might be you in the sling and little does he know I have never had anything up my hole. My shift is over and as I leave the bar tender says you did great and hands me the envelope I walk out the door past the doorman & security then I open the envelope and I see $500 in it WOW that is 2 weeks pay busing tables. Some days they ask me to go in and clean up for a few hours witch I do as I get to see what all the side rooms are about without anyone in them, some have slings , benches , OBGYN tables and one room that is the special room with Bio Hazard symbol on it’s walls , I wonder what goes on in this room as in the 2 week I have been here this room I have not seen it used during my shift. Larry comes by and says I’m doing a great job and needs my help on the second floor for a few minutes. We get off the elevator and it’s WOW as this is like a palace with 12 rooms we have to move a bed from one room to another, from what I hear a private party will be going on here. I see a this hot looking guy with a body to die for in a small speedo come up to Larry and say something to him and he looks worried , he ask me if I want to make $300 real quick, I say YES. This HOT guy leads me by the hand and gives me what is going to happen. He has a client who want a rough fuck with 2 Tops and say I have never done anything like this and he laughs and says you have seen what goes on down stairs, I smile and tells me to take shower as he will be here soon.I get out of the shower and the client is here and says to me how old are you and the HOT guy slaps him on the face as I see him giving him a slam and says look at that dick that is going to be raping your hole soon. We get him sucking our dicks and HOT guy starts fucking him first and soon dumps a load in him raw, the client is told to turn around and starts to suck the dick that just came out of his ass and now it’s my turn and the very first time I’m fucking anyone in my life. I’m told just go balls deep and I do and I feel the cum from Hot guy making it easy as the client is grunting , I'm fucking him as fast as I can going all the way in and pulling out then all the way in balls deep and it does not me long to cum with a load like I was pissing in his hole as I pulled out my cum is splashing all over us and HOT guy tells him to lick my dick and all the cum up that is on our bodies. I’m still hard as I slap my dick on the client face as HOT guy says this is what a real man is, later HOT guy says I’m a natural and I say at what and he laugh as a working boy. As I leave Larry say thanks as I help him out of a sticky situation then hands me $300.
  23. When I was a full time escort I love the ones who were over 40 who were either Tops or bottoms. They were there to have fun and respectful of what I was doing for them.
  24. I went to the big city to get off the farm and get an education and see if being gay if who I am. Living in the dorms in a very crowded room, I’m nothing to look at being 5ft 6 very skinny 115 LBS and all these hot mussel guys around , but I have been told later I very well hung with a thick 9 inch dick. In my sex life I have only suck 1 dick and nothing else but have masturbated a lot. My financials are not great and at my age there is very little jobs open for me, I take a job cleaning tables off , this place is very high end so working 40 hours a week I can make $250 after taxes. I can’t work any more and go to school so it’s very hard to get by. I’m doing very well in school but I won’t be able to keep up this pace much longer as I’m always tired. As I clean tables most people have left but this one table that had some kind of meeting this very attractive Man is still there. I go over to ask if I can clean the table as we are close to closing, he say for me to sit down. I do and he says if I would like to make some real money at his club waiting on tables and that is where the real money is. I tell him I can’t wait on tables because of my and the alcohol laws, he laugh and says you will not have that problem and says I can make $400 or more per night just serving his customer, he hands me his card. I think to my self that working just 2 nights I can make 3 times what I’m making now. I have to take look at this offer as it’s too good not to turn down, so I make the call to see Larry. I get to the building and I tell the door man I here to meet Larry , tells me to wait wile someone comes down to meet me and take me to Larry. Larry is very up front about what he does here and about what my job will be. I will serve his customers at his parties and there are 3 levels of this building so at first I will be working the main floor. The main floor is a very big open space with 12 X 12 rooms surrounding the main floors for private parties. At the entrance is the bar but it’s not a liquor but a party supply bar. Larry ask me to strip down as he want to see what my body looks like, when i’m naked he says he got me right as a skinny boy with a big dick, he shows me what my uniform will be it’s just a jock strap with a baseball cap that I will have to ware backwards and I have to cut my hair very short and what little hair I have will be removed permanently by a staff member . I accept this job and tell him my age again and he says it’s no problem so he shows me the menu. Light Gatorade Heavy Gatorade Light Point Heavy Point Shards Water Lube Spike Lube Poppers E Name of some toys I never heard of but the person running the party bar would know. I’m to walk around in the open are if they want service from the party bar and if I see green light I’m to go in and see what they want, if the light is red I’m to stay out, if the light is white I’m to enter and clean up. My shift is from 6-8 hours on Friday & Saturday so that gives me the rest of the week to study.
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