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Everything posted by cheatingjock

  1. Like others have said...get on Prep and take the loads. You may decide you don't care if you poz, but until then stop regretting not having the kind of sex you want. Take prep....take loads...enjoy
  2. Luckily my bf has recently started cheating too, so not really worried anymore.
  3. I've tried topping a few times and isn't for me. Just like pussy isn't for me. (Well...not quite that bad haha)
  4. My first fuck was my former coach from high school. My freshman year of college on Christmas break I spent a weekend with him. Later found out he'd fucked many of his former students, though I don't know of any while they'd were still students.
  5. Wow! Some of you guys have twisted fantasies! Haha. Mine is plain vanilla butt's get fucked by my boyfriend's dad. And have bf walk in on us.
  6. I always thought I'd be the good boy. The one that meets his brother young and is with them for the rest of their lives...clearly I didn't know who I would become.
  7. Was level 2 until about a year and half ago. Bumped up to 4 and within a couple months was at 6. Still neg so far, even though I've stopped the Prep
  8. Didn't there used to be a star on topics you had posted in? *Topics! Haha We know what's on my mind!
  9. Haha. I love the diff perspectives on this. I love jocks...but sometimes want something different
  10. Yes but i didn't learn the lesson for another few years
  11. Here is another: http://steves-adventure.tumblr.com
  12. The pozzing from oral is like immaculate conception...Mary was the one case and you can't use that excuse anymore.
  13. My first time was Christmas break of my freshman year of college. I found my high school coach online. I had spent much too much time looking at him shirtless to not recognize him Spent a weekend at his house. He was the first guy to fuck me, and I took it bare because I trusted him (haha). Spent the weekend exploring different things, but mostly getting fucked. He was the only guy to bareback me until my first serious relationship.
  14. What are your opinions on these. I've previously not really been much for them, but recently i've seen some that really show exactly what a guy is packing. It might be more the exhibitionist in me...plus the slutty bottom that wants to see exactly how big the cock is that will be up me soon.
  15. bf won't go to bed so I can play...need some strange up me tonight

  16. In porn bareback is the norm It's still in my experience taboo to advertise/say you bareback (on the general sites: a4a, grindr, etc). But it's not taboo to actually fuck bare. many of the same guys that would give a lecture about barebacking will get turned on and fuck bare. I think since it wasn't talked about/written down they can say (in their mind) it was a slip up of a good guy vs being a dirty barebacker who does this all the time (even if in actuality they rarely use condoms).
  17. You won't go back and why would you want to? I feel like those years I spent safe I wasted so much time having just ok sex when it could have been so much better. Making up for it now though!
  18. Fucking hot as hell! Feel like I should let you fuck me for writing this hot story! and this is in Bug Chasing so it's going to get even dirtier!
  19. This was my question and I'll say after following what's written here had lots of luck getting fucked. Seems it's true...guys what you to be direct and not play games (despite what some may tell you)
  20. it'd say most of them genuinely want to stay neg and don't want to consider the possible consequences/deal with reality. The dumb thing is how little those guys usually know. Like how unlikely they are to be pozzed by an undetectable guy, or how infections a "neg" guy is who just hasn't tested since becoming poz. Or how they could just get on Prep and enjoy all that hot cock, including the poz ones! really such a waste. If you're going to play bare, you should do research about the risks and reality, and then take realistic steps to stay neg (if that is your choice) or at least be prepared and realistic with the possible consequences. The "i'm neg and only play bare with neg" is a dangerous delusion in my opinion.
  21. the cousin and his bf that i've messed around with a few times started in college. last time was over a year ago but i think that has more to do with distance than anything else. still sext sometimes, so i think the invitation is still open
  22. the same reason bareback, cheating, and sex with poz guys....it's all forbidden/taboo/wrong...and so right! something wonderful slutty/perverted/hot about backing up to a glory hole and not knowing who is fucking you. I love it and totally get why it's hot.
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