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Everything posted by cheatingjock

  1. Does anyone else get off on getting fucked by "undesirable" guys - as in guys that most people would assume you wouldn't be attracted to? Or even guys you aren't attracted to other than the cock and cum? Guys that are heavier, or older, or both? Hairier, "lower class," etc. I'm trying to phrase this in as non offensive a way as possible, so I hope I didn't offend anyone.
  2. Seems to me when this question was asked, the answer was when will it become the norm, and now a few years have passed and it is the norm for most gays. I would have answered back then that it never would, but I haven't used a condom in years, and have not had a guy ask for on in as long. Partnered or not, neg, poz, unknowed, doesn't matter.
  3. I love whe. I convince a guy to cheat for the first time.
  4. Love cheating. Love doing something I'm not supposed to, and love playing with diff guys. Know he's cheated a few times too, and think it's hot. Wish he'd do so more.
  5. How many cocks in one day makes a slut? Two hands?

  6. Definitely agree. Was always so equation inhibited but since taking loads have been fucked outdoors, at pool parties, on balconies, parking garages, and bathhouses. Being watched turns me on, and if I get an extra load or two by being open, even better.
  7. The only thing that sounds wrong to me is you even considered if it was wrong. hope you had fun being a slut behind husband's back! He's probably doing the same while he's away!
  8. I will say it's incredible. Only done twice more so far, once w same guy and another guy. Love it, and love the feeling of being fucked with a loose hole. Don't think it will take place of fucking, since I still kinda need stretched out first.
  9. Sounds good to me. Perfect reason to be on prep....no needing to ask status and enjoying the raw sex you crave. Don't be surprised if you eventually decide to skip the prep entirely. I have.
  10. Love his tats. Among other things... http://str8upgayporn.com/introducing-newcomer-ace-era-a-gay-porn-star-seeking-blood-rape-hiv-and-more/
  11. I've always thought of my self as slutty...or friendly...very friendly lol. But as a whore when I've been paid for sex, or when I get fucked for a benefit beyond just the fuck/cum. As in when my boss fucks me, or has other guys fuck me. Job security Cumwhore to me is a combination of these, where the payment is the cum itself. So I guess I'm always a cumwhore.
  12. I'd first say this is hot! And def hookup with the hot guy. Were condoms used? I'm guessing you might be ok w not using yourself based on membership here. You open? or going to be now? Or will this be a don't ask don't tell where you both fuck around on the side?
  13. The sex you have with partner not knowing is the best sex you will have. Go for it! You asking here means you've already decided you want to...
  14. Actually just went to change status. What would you count as recently tested? Been about two months now, and with the number of loads I take, that doesn't seem recent. Probably poz is closest I guess. I need a neg as of last test. or don't know.
  15. @NLbearYou normally are on the Content tab. There is also a Gallery tab.
  16. Took my first fist Sunday. Holy fuck! Was so intense!!! Had to work up to it basically all week but being fucked, but so worth it! After, couldn't close my hole all the way and the cum that had been shot up me after leaked out, but I ate it like a good boy. Today was sore and got hard constantly. Can't wait to do it again!
  17. I did and stopped prep. missed the risk, and also had some issued with prep.
  18. @Stryking1Thanks for the reply. Expected a few more opinions. Didn't end up doing that yet, but maybe next time.
  19. So a very hot daddy want to play this evening. He's bare only, furry, and pierced. But he also is into sounding, which I have never tried. So, what exactly does that feel like? It looks painful, but I'm generally willing to try anything twice. Any advice?
  20. Also just an update - getting the Safari notifications so either thanks or oops.
  21. So found something I (maybe? not completely decided on) don't like - The up and down vote options. Specifically the down vote option. Seems people who disagree with a post/opinion etc will down vote, while I'd prefer a like or no comment. Also can see people using just because they don't like a specific person and not based on post content. Maybe just over sensitive about that though. Also, can only up vote (like?) 10 things a day? Maybe I like too much on the site. I tend to like posts by new members and then also ones a really like. I think old site also limited? but I don't think it was that low? or maybe I'm mistaken. And another question I had. When I visited site in Safari on Mac it asked me to allow notifications, but I haven't received any through Notification Center so wondering if this is something that isn't fully implemented?
  22. Do you mean people who visited your profile? That's under your profile view...just scroll down and it's on the left. If you mean users online thats under Other top right.
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