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Everything posted by dirtykunt

  1. Fucking perfect ink and pozzing
  2. Only after I've fucked him
  3. Fucking excellent story - good to get a willing boy
  4. Great - reminds me of another hot story where a top made his bf take a pozzing for cheating on him - anyone got a copy of that story
  5. Septum - larger better to show its pig status
  6. Just got another pair - the zip on the last pair got so much use it wore out!
  7. Fucking good to read this again. Thanks m8
  8. Better and fucking better - the most amazing descent into proper pigdom. Keep up the fucking excellent work
  9. Fucking excellent - I wish my pozzing and descent to pigdom had been as hot as this one. More more please
  10. Fucking excellent - tell us more
  11. Good to see the boi fuck the old cunt
  12. Scatsex is my kind of thing - but would love to add a dildo that big to my collection
  13. Fuckin brilliant series - keep em cumming
  14. I'm a skinhead top and like my lads with a bit of hair so that I can shave it off them before any action. Especially good if the lad has a fancy haircut and has to explain away his shaved dome after he leaves
  15. Usually wear my skinhead gear, jock, boots, braces and zip back bleachers allowing for easy access
  16. Fucking great way to share the gift
  17. I love a stinking cheesy cock. Wouldn't go anywhere near a pussy clean or dirty no matter how much I was offered
  18. 20 might do it - but I think 50 would be better Shame u are not closer as poz here and no meds
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