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About Poz-Pig

  • Birthday 06/26/1977

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    London UK
  • Interests
    Hairy Men, cum,
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
  • Porn Experience
    Wurstfilm want to do another one where I'm gang raped.
  • Looking For
    Poz Hairy Tops and perverted men to use me

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  1. 59618004_0PozPigUKSlave4ToxicMasterEditedNumberP.thumb.png.f602b031a7c8439cd4fd73795439226a.png

    1. ronnie4u


      So Fucking HOT and Beautiful - HOT !  

    2. huis_rat


      hot aids slave , i want his toxic load in me

  2. I read your reply to someone asking about tatoo and you kindly replied. Basically I've been trying to find a tattooist in London to put a bio hazard tattoo around my arse, but so many of London's tattooists have said no. please find attached what I want to go for.


    So you know that I'm not a time waster having a wank about the idea here's my  email:  Email: poz.pig.cum.dump@gmail.com I sent my number to you


    I'd really appreciate your advice 🙂


    Best wishes.


    I can't insert image 😞 email me and I'llsend.


  3. Definitely up for a Hampstead Heath Cumdump or elsewhere.
  4. Need my hole raped

    Faggot hole made for AIDS.png

  5. SW13 Hole in SW13 for use.



    XR_Layers _Number P DND !!!_2124.jpg

  6. Please add me 07957 148 145
  7. West London Sub and sleezy poz fag up for getting fucked and sleezy with individuals or groups. Hairy guys great. Up for getting filmed being used too Jon 07957 148 145
  8. Sub and sleezy poz fag up for getting fucked and sleezy with individuals or groups. Hairy guys great. Up for getting filmed being used too Jon 07957 148 145
  9. Sub looking to take a load West London

    Poz Cum Here JPG.jpg

  10. Poz Sub Guy for Tops

    Poz Pig UK Hole Exposed.jpg

  11. Looking for guys with high Viral Loads to reinfect me

  12. you can reinfect me anytime:}



    NKP Jon 1.png

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