I was diagnosed in July 2011 after I returned from a work trip to Las Vegas. I converted earlier that year, but only had a low fever, when I went to my MD they said I had something, can't recall what it was, however they gave me an antibiotic and sent me on my way. The drugs helped with the fever however it came back a few weeks later, it wasn't anything serious under 100 degrees. After a bit of confusion and a referal from my MD I went and saw the ID doc and my original blood work was VL was 380,000 and my CD4 was 1577, she put on Atripla which worked on the HIV but shot my Triglicerids through the roof. Now am on Complera and my CD4 is still up in the same range and I am UD and my Triglicerids are much lower and in a normal range.