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Everything posted by Bear4Breeding

  1. I know this was directed at negbbffwsk9pnpbttm but I'm going to answer it as well. I generally take a good hour to 2 hours to fully clean out. I also use a Shower Shot, enema but it is hooked up to my shower and I have endless water without having to refill something. As for the temp of the water, To cold and/or to hot is bad for you. You want the water to be around body temp or luke warm or as mom used to say Teppid. The to hot water will burn you mucus membranes in your rectum and you don't want that and to cold can have the same effect on those mucus membranes plus you don't have the same feelings in there as you do on your skin to know if it is to hot or to cold. So test the water on the back of your knee or your balls before you begin shooting it up your ass.
  2. Thanks for the photo comment man!

  3. I agree, sounds Hot. Best of luck with it and finding a similar guy.
  4. Thanks NLbear. I belong to bearwww, not to many guys around my area and bearworld is just another name for bear411.
  5. Finally got around to checking out BearUnderground.net made a profile and waiting for it to be approved. Lets cross our fingers and hope there are some locals on it already.
  6. I have one in my freezer now in a condom, only thing condoms are good for. I used one once to get a guy to fuck me who loves using sloppy holes. He wants to tag team me with another top but can't find one and he apparently doesn't know any or he doesn't know any that he wants to admit to that he fucked a guy like me.
  7. I'll remember to spank next time bearbandit.
  8. The site isn't geared towards gay men. It's geared towards straight couples but some of the article is relevent if it is legit to the gay men who want to partake in Chastity. Just trying to get some info out there.
  9. Agree with you PortlandPig. I hate it too. The other thing for me is they say they have a dick a certain size and then they get there it isn't and well Im not a small guy and I have a phatt ass, so anything under 6 or 6.5 just isn't going to make it in. If it does I end up in some wacked out position for them to get it in there even a little bit. Also hate say they are top and all they have are ass shots in their profile. Seriously? You say your a top, I want to see your cock not your hole. I love a hot ass as much as the next guy but if you say your a top be a freaking TOP!
  10. I was searching the web the other evening looking at the devcies available out there for male chastity and ran across a site that had a research article as prat of its content. I don't know how legit it is as I didn't research that but it is an interesting read and IF it is accurate, which I cant see why it wouldn't be, it might clear up a lot of confusion reltaed to long term chastity as well as some other things. There is a section related to testesteron as well as hygiene and other clincal stuff but it is a good read. If you are interested in this or even contimplating it I think its a must. http://www.lockeduplove.net/article I really hope I don't get in trouble for this post.
  11. A good number of web sites disable the Save As command on their sites to prevent people from saving the pics. There are folks out there who steal pics and use them as their own. You may not be able to save pics on BBRT.
  12. Very interesting thread. I've been intrigued by this for years now but never actually did it. I can generally get fucked without touching myself, as I usually never cum anyway so it isn't a big issue for me. I just want the top to focus on my ass and get his pleasure and shoot his load deep. But wearing one of these would as mentioned force you to focus on the top and your own hole for your pleasure as well as keep you horny as all get out to get fucked more and more. The loosing of sex drive could be an issue for sure and loosing the function of your cock but if you are a true bottom would it really matter? Any tops in the Philly metro area who would want to hold my key and edge and milk me on a regular basis?
  13. Where are all the Chubby Chasing Tops? That is what I would like to know.
  14. Would Love 1. Thanks!! Size: x-large T-Shirt Color: Black Front Graphic: Breeding Zone Front Graphic Color: Silver/Metalic Rear Graphic: small biohazard Rear Graphic Color: Tone-on-Tone, Black-on-black
  15. Not Central but close enough. Reading (Berks County).
  16. I was diagnosed in July 2011 after I returned from a work trip to Las Vegas. I converted earlier that year, but only had a low fever, when I went to my MD they said I had something, can't recall what it was, however they gave me an antibiotic and sent me on my way. The drugs helped with the fever however it came back a few weeks later, it wasn't anything serious under 100 degrees. After a bit of confusion and a referal from my MD I went and saw the ID doc and my original blood work was VL was 380,000 and my CD4 was 1577, she put on Atripla which worked on the HIV but shot my Triglicerids through the roof. Now am on Complera and my CD4 is still up in the same range and I am UD and my Triglicerids are much lower and in a normal range.
  17. I can go for this one too! ;-)
  18. rawTOP I saw a porn cartoon something like this recently, I don't recall were I saw it but where ever it was I'm sure I couldn't mention it here. But it was a Sex Ed class and the students ended up all plowing and seeding the coach who was supposed to be teaching the class. As for fantasy I am sure I've mentioned it several other places on here. Mine is rather tame and rather simple compared to some mentioned so far, but its mine. Hopefully it will happen some day. But anyway, it is just me in a sling taking cock and load by guy after guy until it is just running out of my hole.
  19. I'm bald on top but I do shave my head and have for years since I lost my hair. I've been rather lazy of late and have only been clipping it with a beard trimmer instead of actually using the razor. But I am with you guys, bald guys are hot just like guys with hair, all depends on the guy, at least for me.
  20. The one at the very start of the video isn't a Speculum, not sure what that is, maybe just a hollow but plug not sure. The toy he puts in around 2 minutes in to the video is a speculum, you can tell by the "duck bill" that he inserts into the guys ass and then screws open to spread the hole wide.
  21. I'm with Jizz on that. This has been one very hot story, violence aside for me. Damn hot indeed. Keep it coming bearbandit.
  22. I received one of those today as well. Asking about Skype and then Yahoo since I Don't have skype.
  23. Would seem the bottoms like this a lot more than the tops do. Had hoped it would be a more popular thread. Oh well.
  24. Thanks for the pic comment. Great ass yourself.

  25. All these guys who can cum or get milked just from being fucked. I am so jealous. I've never had either of them happen to me while getting fucked.
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