You should talk to other guys who are poz and have been for at least a few years, 3 or 4 I'd say. Ask them how they dealt with it, how it has changed their lives and all that kind of stuff. Not just the "piggie" guys but other guys too, ones that are Poz but aren't like most of us on this site, not that there is anything wrong with any of us but I just mean the guys that are poz but play safe and don't collect cum in their holes on a regular basis like we do here .
You are young yet, to me 25 is young, child even. But You have your reservations about it and are still unsure if that is what you want to do. And you have read some of the stories and everything, granted not all are true but some are and there are guys out there that will tell you one thing and do something completly different. So with that said and sorry to be a downer, but I don't want this young guy to do something he'll regret later.
You need to be 10000% sure this is what you want because once you have it, there is no going back from it. The meds are expensive even with insurnace, the stuff I take is over 2g a fill and thats just a month, with my insurance I still pay 75.00 a month for it. Think long and hard about it and if this guy is as decent as you described him, am sure he'll understand if you aren't totaly ready yet.
Sorry i went on and on and I am not as sesinct (spelling) as some thats why I don't write stories true or otherwise. Good Luck to you glassesboi!