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Everything posted by Bear4Breeding

  1. I don't about this but I stumbled across this and remembered the post here so thought I'd post it for all you guys to check out. http://www.meo.de/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=8436&image_index=2
  2. I suppose. It is after all your body and your balls. I said all I needed to say. Best of luck to you.
  3. Not to poopoo your desires or fantasies. Have any of you considered the resulting consequences of having your balls removed? Removing your balls will also remove the testosterone production form your body. Sex drive will decrease, body will change, am sure there are other things as well. You'd have to add testosterone to your daily regiment of meds if your on any now etc. Also, having them removed is not an easy thing. Most doctors wont do it unless there is a valid medical reason. Having someone do it who isn't a medical professional could potentally land them in jail. Also, going the non-medical route could also cause you some serious health risks, you have to worry about infection, sepsis to name just a couple. Really consider this before you actually do it because once they are gone they are gone for the rest of your life. Off my box now.
  4. I know I said I was loving this story. But I have to go with some of the others now. This is one incredible story, the writing, the details , as one said the bit of back story already told on some of the characters in it. It is awesome. If hte author doesn't mind I'd like to copy out the sections and then when it is finished re-post them all in sequence one after the other. Oh and after this last chapter, i am Loving Laura as well.
  5. I second that statement.
  6. I am loving this story. Really hope you keep it going. Like someone else said previously, am a pig but am a romantic too and I really hope this one ends with a Happily Ever After.
  7. Sounds like a hot fun party. Wish I could find one local to me like that one.
  8. While I am not disputing any thing said so far as it relates to cum. Sex in of it self releases endorphines in the brain, that is why after a good fuck you feel energized etc. It's the endorphines in the brain, also sex is a good cardio workout and it is actually good for the skin in as well, not sure of the scientifc reasons behind that but I've heard it somewhere in the past, maybe some tv show or something.
  9. I am glad it turned out okay for you and there was no serious damage or anything to your penis. I always liked them too but after this story, not so much anymore.
  10. I don't use any of those phone aps since I don't have a phone that supports those sort of things. I share my location on A4A however that isn't very accurate, since it is based on the Provider information and not your actual home location. I've seen guys on that site that I know are close by me and the distance says they are really far and vise versa, I've seen guys in CA and the site says they are only feet from me. So that is waked for sure. If any of you are on bearwww, that site shows a map of your location and in all honesty it is dead on, but it gives you the option of Moving the Pin to a different spot so it doesn't actually show your actual home address, it is a bit creepy I must admit. So in response to rawTOPS question. I don't mind the geo location option, but within reasonable distance and locations etc. I also don't mind just actually City names I can figure out how far they are based on the city they list in the profile providing its filled in. Also I think regardless of how you set up Geo Location, I think you should also include an Opt In out Option for it. So if you choose you can turn it off when you don't want to broadcast your location and turn it on when you do. That way those that want to use it when traveling can turn it on and turn it off when they are at home in their "Sanctuary" as someone called it previously. This would only be a major issue to those in the closet, need to be careful do to employment or other such situations or even if they get a lot of action on these sort of sites. The "hot" guys would probably have more risk of stalking then a big ole phat furry bear like me. Can't wait to see what the site looks like when it is finished. That is my 0.02.
  11. Did she prescribe you 100mg tabs? If so cut them in half and you'll get 8 uses out of them. I always did that with mine, but my insurance doesn't pay for Viagra, so ti was more for stretching the script when I had them. I love it. My doc would never say anything like that to me. I love her but shes very conservative and proper.
  12. Keep an open mind. Sometimes the guys with little ones really know how to use them. He might surprise you.
  13. I'm with the rest of the group here. Go On PrEP if you can get it, it isn't fun being HIV+. I can tell you when I filled my first antiviral perscription I almost hit the floor when I saw the Retail Cost of it. A 30 day supply of it was over 2 grand. Luckily I have insurance and only paid 75.00 for it. BUT this is something people don't think about. I have to pay that for the rest of my life now every time I get my meds. If PrEP had been an option for me 4 years ago I would have done it for sure. There is NO Reason to be poz these days, it can be avoided now. So take the PrEP and stay neg, but still enjoy the condomless sex.
  14. I like this idea, I haven't been to the local baths in ages and am working up the nerve and courage to drive into the City sometime soon to go. I like the glow in the dark idea. What did you use on the shorts and where did you get it? I'd like to do that myself. I just bought a jock strap from a place in the UK that says "BOTTOM" around the waste band but in a dark bath house doubt it will be very visable, the glow in the dark would eliminate that issue and you can write whatever you want.
  15. This sounds like something else I read on here recently.
  16. I agree. If you really like this guy, be honest with him and tell him how you feel and see what he says. Maybe he could even pick the guys and watch, that seems to turn a lot of guys on, whoring out their bottoms to other guys and watching them get used by these other guys. Better to be honest with him then go behind his back and him find out and have it all end, providing you don't want it to end.
  17. Sounds like a great party for sure. The rules are sound and make sense, for everyone particularly the organizer, can't be easy organizing something like this. Wish I was in Chicago or someone would have something like this around here, besides CumUnion.
  18. Well, I saw my PCP tonight (Primary Care Physician). I asked her about the Trimix and she said she had never heard of it. She also said she doesn't perscribe this sort of thing since she really doesn't know that much about them. Most people, she said, usually get these from a Urologist, so it would seem I need to find me a good urologist to get this from. Wish me luck.
  19. I do it myself. I save 10 or so loads in a condom and tie it off and freeze it. Have 3 of them in the freezer now. ;o)
  20. Sounds like Caverject or maybe the others are available there. Doesn't have to be Trimix, could one of the others. I am definitely speaking to my doc next appoitment which is this Wednesday. My doc friend said that a vial contains about 8 doses of the stuff if you use the standard dose. And the cost here in the US if it is shipped to your home is about $150.00 which is almost as much as I spend for 4 100mg viagra tabs and then cut in half to still get 8 doses, but without all those "nasties" as JizzDumpWI stated above. I will still be a bottom cum dump but I think it would be nice to have around for special occasions.
  21. I only read a few of the posts here. But the main question is. How long can you expect to live if you get poz at 23 years old? The post i wrote a few days ago https://breeding.zone/threads/24848-Better-then-Viagra-or-any-of-those-dick-pills about hooking up with a retired doc says. He is in his 60's, honestly doesn't look a day over 45 and he has been poz since 1984. I think if you take your meds and live as somone said a Healthy lifestyle your life expectancy is pretty good to be long. This of course doesn't take into account any freak accidents or any things that may run in your family and could be considered hereditary.
  22. Generally I'd say that the burise is related to a bad injection being done by someone not really skilled at it, kind of like getting blood drawn and they screw it up. But it could also be you bruise easily. I didn't have any bruise that I saw anyway. There is a degree of discomfort I'd say, the needle first which is a bit more then a blood draw but that also could be the location the needle is being stuck into. I had a small amount of stinging/burning sensation as it was being pushed in but it passed quickly. Very true, cock rings are not advised while giving the injection or after the fact. Unless you utilize a snap or velcro kind so that you would be able to remove it if it became to uncomfortable but honestly don't think anyone would really need it with this stuff. This part didn't bother me, since I normally don't cum anyway during sex, weird I know but it is what it is and it has never really bothered me. I was thinking of that the other day. I am sure my insurance wouldn't cover it at all as it doesn't cover Viagra at all, I have to pay the entire thing out of pocket for those and well they aren't cheap by any means. They do have to kept cold, frozen or refrigerated and the short shelf life is a big factor, frozen I think its up to 6 months and refrigerated only a month at the most. So if you don't use it you waste it. Other then that that is all I know about the stuff. I would still use it again though for sure, I did enjoy it a lot considering I haven't really topped in a very long time. I enjoyed the sensations I was feeling as my cock slid in and out of his hole and even though didn't cum it felt fucking fantastic. I forgot how fun topping can be and I don't remember feeling those sensations in the past but could just be my memory.
  23. You wouldn't be able to get this at any regular pharmacy. The Trimix has 3 different things in it so it is made by what is called a "Compounding Pharmacy" Most regular pharmacies like CVS or Rite Aid wouldn't do this. My doc bud said it would either be shipped to the doctor prescribing it or to your home, which if it is to your home would be the best route I'd think. I didn't ejaculate, I usually never do though, but it was definitely 4 hours of a rock hard cock. I thought it was Fun Stuff. Been trying to figure out how to ask my doc for it. Viagra works for me however it messes up my sinus' basically closes them up and I can't breath through my nose until it wears off, was thinking of useing that with my doc. I'll let you know how it goes, I see her next week.
  24. The stuff he shot into my dick is called Trimix.
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