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Everything posted by Bear4Breeding

  1. Damn Nemesis. Is one Hot guy. I wish I lived closer for him to seed my hole regularly!
  2. No way I can compete with those numbers. I've only got 6 total for the year so far, 5 in the ass 1 down the throat oh and one on the back. So 7 in total. And all of these where from guys while I was on the road for work in Chattanooga TN of all places. Was Hot though. Not complaining, already beat last years numbers.
  3. Guys. I think you are confusing a Eunich with someone that had a Panectomy. Enuich just means no BALLS, they still have a dick. Someone with a Panectomy has no dick or balls.
  4. I'm with Bttm2go, the top can call it whatever he wants, at that moment it belongs to him to do and call it whatever he wants to do with it call it whatever he wants to call to get himself off. That's the purpose of mine, its for the top to enjoy. And calling my ass a pussy doesn't bother me a bit regardless, even if its just a chat.
  5. I have to agree, it would be great if real but think its fake, teaspon is al men cum.
  6. Seriously. Nothing good goes on in Alpharetta????
  7. Will be in Alpharetta the week of April 8th. Wondering if there are any good darkroom breeding places in that area, will be staying at the Marriot there. Also looking to host in my hotel room at night for 1 on 1 or groups etc. Any hints or tips on places would be really appreciated. Thanks Bear
  8. Not got anything from it, the web site only has 1 person on it. Not sure if rawTOP hasn't had time to confirm everyone or what hapened.
  9. I have a small bottle of Eros. Its about 3.5" tall and about 3.75" around. Its a great little bottle. I've refilled it several times, but getting the thing out can be difficult to when need to refill it.
  10. In my family I think it is just me. My immediate family I have 2 older brothers, both are married with kids. The oldest met his wife in High school, I don't think either of them would have the nerve to cheat, my sis-in-law is so germ-a-fobic, she be terrified. My personal life has never been discussed or asked about since I came out to them at 18. My other brother I hardly know anymore, he went into the Navy when I was 13 and I hardly ever saw him after that and now he lives in Florida with his wife and kids. I had a cousin who got married and everything and then divorced after about 10 years or so. After he divorced he said a few things to me that made me wonder if he was slut or not, but he had always creeped me out so I never dug into that and he passed away several years ago. So just lil ole me is the cum slut of the family.
  11. Personally I thought the other products on that site had some very cute names. "Pipe Dreams: Tushy Tamer" lol
  12. Im with bottomcub85, same thing here, Haven't done it but definitely open to the expierence and want to try it at least once before I leave this plain.
  13. I like it. As a top I stay hard, were as poppers I go soft instantly. As bottom, it just lets my hole open up wide for the cock that's about to enter it. yes I admit it does have its down sides. The coldness of it after awhile. The fact that it really weakend my front tooth and allowed it to splinter and my ex boyfriend basically stopped moving once while fucking me, freaked me out as I wasn't aware of what was happening as it was the first time I used it. I don't use them much anymore to expense and well I go through them way to fast. But all and all I like and enjoy them, but will only use on occasion now instead of all the time. That's my 0.02 on the subject.
  14. I like the map, just finally checked it out. However there was no pin showing for me, unless it was one of the ones close by but not actually in my city.
  15. Visiting Chattanooga for work (3/11-14/13) looking to get some guys lined up to fuck me hard and deep and seed me good. I want loads running down my legs afterwards. Have a party posted on BBRT as well as A4A. I know I am not everyones type but ass up door open in a jock waiting for your loads is what it will be unless you want more. You can hit me up at the above sites, on here or on yahoo or email. Last trip was kind of a bust due to weather conditions so hopeing Chattanooga will be better.
  16. Will be in Kansas City a few times in the next several months. Looking to take all cock and loads I can while I am there. Sunday Feb 24 - Feb 27th. Sunday Mar 24 - Mar 27 May & June as well not sure of dates yet. If you're looking for a hole to dump a few loads into hit me up here.
  17. I tend to use lube, but not a lot of it, just enough to slick my hole a bit and inside and that's all for me. Now if the guy is exceptionally large, well he just best get his tounge to work down there and get me loosened up a good deal before he tries. I don't use nearly as much lube now as I did when I was younger. More practice and expierence. TO the comment above about washing lube off. I keep a bottle of Dawn Dish soap in my shower. It works wonders in washing off the silicone based lubes and other not water based lubes out there on the market. An ex of mine showed me that trick as he was into fisting and all that so it washes the Crisco away too.
  18. I need to get a Streammaster but I don't travel all that much and the few times I have or needed to for work, I have an enema back with a hose that I bring along with me. Fill it up and it works well enough for the purpose but I wouldn't want to use it everyday or long term, but a few nights on the road it works well.
  19. I shower daily for work reasons and I only use deodorant when I go to work or if I am socializing in a group. If there is going to be sex or the chance of sex I leave the deodorant out, as once years ago a guy who was a regular fuck bud went down on my pits and got a mouth full of deodorant, so I stopped using it for sex. I've never had anyone request that I NOT shower for any length of time prior to sex. Maybe to wear a jock for a week before hand but that's about it.
  20. Can't wait to hear this one. Have always wanted to go here but never did and haven't been in the city in a long time but if it sounds worth while I may have to make a trip in.
  21. I'm with your Ryanamc, who could argue with that cock. I wouldn't for sure, I'd be laying on my stomach waiting for him.
  22. I don't. The Philly metro area is very body centric. I live an hour outside of Philly and the town I live in is or seems to be full of twinks and young guys. I'm lucky if I get lucky once a year locally. Had success a few times in Vegas when I had to go for work. Have to go to Kansas City, MO in a couple weeks hoping to get lucky there but so far it isn't looking good, lots of profile trafic on a4a but no messages, other then 1 slave who wants to service me. I am going to save him till my last night there and hope I get some loads in my ass the otehr days.
  23. Great Story. Got me hard wishing I was one of those bunnies being used like that. DAMN!!!!
  24. You should talk to other guys who are poz and have been for at least a few years, 3 or 4 I'd say. Ask them how they dealt with it, how it has changed their lives and all that kind of stuff. Not just the "piggie" guys but other guys too, ones that are Poz but aren't like most of us on this site, not that there is anything wrong with any of us but I just mean the guys that are poz but play safe and don't collect cum in their holes on a regular basis like we do here . You are young yet, to me 25 is young, child even. But You have your reservations about it and are still unsure if that is what you want to do. And you have read some of the stories and everything, granted not all are true but some are and there are guys out there that will tell you one thing and do something completly different. So with that said and sorry to be a downer, but I don't want this young guy to do something he'll regret later. You need to be 10000% sure this is what you want because once you have it, there is no going back from it. The meds are expensive even with insurnace, the stuff I take is over 2g a fill and thats just a month, with my insurance I still pay 75.00 a month for it. Think long and hard about it and if this guy is as decent as you described him, am sure he'll understand if you aren't totaly ready yet. Sorry i went on and on and I am not as sesinct (spelling) as some thats why I don't write stories true or otherwise. Good Luck to you glassesboi!
  25. Thanks for the Stats btm2bbred. Great information thats for sure. The race is one Men. Who can be the next besides Hotoad84 to achieve Whore status?
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