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Everything posted by Bear4Breeding

  1. Totally agree with everyone else. Very Hot Story!
  2. That is one fucking hot story. Keep it going Randy you fuck stud.
  3. It's a great idea, I agree. I've never been to a CumUnion party though and I've never been to MAL either. I tried for the first CU party here in Philly but the invite on BBRT was never accepted. It's in a public place here but I never went as I looked at all the folks who had been approved and figured it was something I should not attend as they all had a certain look which I didn't have. The bands are still a great idea, those attending who are members here would be able to meet and have sex with others from the Zone. Go For it rawTOP, am sure they will catch on over time as more from here attend.
  4. All that are posted thus far are off the wall in some way, but as Fickloch said, people say the weirdest things during sex. The Streisand concert though has to be by far the funniest so far and that wasn't during that was After. I can't recall anything weird or off the wall that was said before, during or after sex. But if I don't hook up with them again I generally forget them and what happened during our encounter.
  5. Wouldn't the manufacture or the seller of the sling provide some installation instructions on how to hang the sling from a ceiling if your not using a sling stand?
  6. Oh I love a nice ass even now I do. There are ass's I see all the time I wouldn't mind fucking so it is still there, just acting on it and knowing what will happen or not happen is what stops me these days. I'll top again I am sure, guys have always liked my dick and to the best of my knowledge have always enjoyed it. My 2nd BF always said I had the perfect curve and his eyes alwayw rolled into his head when I fucked him. So I will top again, just not right now.
  7. I don't think about that guy that got upset because I didn't cum. I was the bottom at the time if memory serves me correctly. I just know it happened once and so I am up front about the fact that I most likely wont cum when hooking up with guys. You are probably right about thinking or thinking those things while in the moment. In all honesty I can't really say what it is I think about while having sex. Unless the sex is rather dull, then I tend to think about things such as what I have to do over the weekends or what I need to get at the grocery store and just wait for him to unload in me. That usually only happens when either the cock is really small or he doesn't know how to use it very well, then my mind wonders to other things cause he isn't hitting the right spots but that is a totally different subject. I'll have to give think the things you stated in your post next time. But as for topping that doesn't happen much anymore, I can get in and start but I don't usually stay hard for long these days and am sure that is related to other things and not just thinking I want to fuck that ass etc.
  8. I can somewhat relate to what diabbttmboi is saying. I was very vers in my younger years, I loved to fuck a hot ass just as much as getting my ass fucked by a nice hard cock. THe only problem then and now is that, I usually never cum. I can count on one hand the number of times I actually shot a load in a hook up situation or in the baths and most of those are because they were either in the Baths or in a public setting with huge risk of getting caught. If I am in a bedroom with someone I never cum. Hell it took me six months to cum regularly with my first BF. I tend to think to much, or at least that's what my first BF told me. I am more intent on pleasing my partner than myself. So these days I tend to be more of a bottom because of the fact I never cum and some guys honestly don't like that fact, so I've been very upfront about it for years, particularly after a guy got really pissed off that I wouldn't shoot a load. I tend to try and get guys attention off my own cock for these reasons. Enjoy my ass and my mouth and if you cum in either I am content at that and can jerk off at a later time, so for me the attention paid to my dick is frustrating for me as I know I wont cum, don't get me wrong it usually feels really good, particularly if it has been a while since I've had any actual human sexual contact. But again, I don't cum. ((
  9. Sorry Guys. I was already there and home again. Sorry I missed you all. I had a little fun while there.
  10. I have never seen or heard of this before. As a bottom it sounds really hot wish my ass did this. I would also have to think that the number of guys, not necessarily tops that find this a huge turn on would be limited. But the an ass that self lubricates would be awesome, no need to carry lube around. If there is a guy out there that could make my cunt do that I am all for trying!
  11. I've done it in a hotel while traveling for work. Its REALLY hot hearing the door open and not seeing how is coming in. The anticipation starts to build as they close the door and then hear them taking off their clothes. Then they climb up on the bed and mount you and start fucking you. They shoot it deep usually and climb off get dressed and out the door they go. It's Fucking Awesome!
  12. I posted my own video on Xtube. It is really short as I only had my digitial camera with me and it only records about 20 seconds. But its still me getting fucked. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=MYj3t-G476- Take a look and let me know what you think light is kind of bad and there is no sound.
  13. @AlwaysOpen: I am with you on what you said about your doctor. I love mine too, she is the best, she doesn't really ask anything specific, she always new that I had an HIV test yearly and when I would tell her I was due for one she would put it on the lab script for me. She only ever asked once or twice about my sex life but I just gave her the truth as it was at the time she asked me, she never really said much or judged me in anyway, maybe a disapproving look now and then. She really only scoldes me on my cholesterol and my sugar...lol Again, finding a Primary Care and even an ID doc that you can talk to without judgment is great, if you find one Hold on to them as they are rare and difficult to find these days. Most docs rush you through the appointment to get you in and out so that they can meet a quota or something. That I can't stand, left several PCP's because of that.
  14. I am going here tonight. Am hoping its a decent crowd for a Thursday night.
  15. Glad to hear it's open again. I am going to have to get myself downtown sometime soon to check out the new place and see if I can't have some hot sex at the same time and get me some hot loads from big cocks. Sounds like a great new place, don't remember the old one been to long since I was there but I can remember the rooms where a bit awkward in some csaes. The douche station is Awesome for those unexpected touch ups. Keeps one from having to leave due to issues in the cleaning out department.
  16. I've never done it before. But am hoping to find out this week. Going to Atlanta for work and am planning on heading to Club Eros if I can manage it while in the area. But I do have a BBRT party planned for the 8 April at 8:00 PM, have 19 guys approved, hopefully they all show up and dump their hot loads deep in my cunt.
  17. I keep mine in a small sandwich zip lock in the big zip lock with my toiletries. The small bag also containes my lube so if it should happen to leak doesn't get all over everything else.
  18. Damn! That is him for sure. I so Love him, I'd would eat his ass for days after he's been fucked sloppy!!!
  19. I traveled recently to Chattanooga. I had no problem with my poppers in my carry on luggage. The bottles of poppers are small enough that it doesn't raise any flags going through the xray machine. I wouldn't recommend the big fat bottle Id stick with the shorter skinny bottle.
  20. Hey thanks for the Pic comment back in January. Just saw it. Woof!

  21. I posted a party on BBRT recently for a work trip to Atlanta. I had a guy request an invite and ask me if I was okay with the fact that he is neg. I said I don't have a problem with that as long as you don't have a problem with me being poz. His response was no and that he liked the risk factor even though he knows the risk is lower for him since he is the top and I am undetectable. But depending on when he shows up and when he fucks me his risk could increase due to the cum already in my hole and if there is any blood floating around in there as well from me getting my ass torn up. Wish me luck, 12 signed up but usually only 1/2 actually show up. I'll let you know how it goes.
  22. 7 Gates of hell are more for decoration then for play. Once you get hard in one of these things you can't get it off until you go completely soft and by then you can be in some serious pain, as well as possible damage. I had one years ago and actually cut it apart for the various rings, the small ring is great for just around the shaft but again, it can get way to tight. I have always liked the leather snap kind myself, since if they get to tight you can always pop them off easily and not worry about having to wait till you go soft. I have developed a liking for ball stretchers these days, however finding one I can actually get on is very difficult for me since I have rather large balls, but as a bottom, they aren't really needed so I don't really wear them anymore. I did have 3 ball stretchers custom made for me, the 1 is a bit to large the other 2 are a bit to small. I can get the 2 inch on but it takes some time to actually get it on and my balls really need to be very loose to do so, I haven't been able to get the 3 inch on yet.
  23. I'd love to know what Christian's user name is on BBRT. He is my idol, if its the bottom Christian.
  24. I think I have some stuff with him in it. The one is a Gangbang with him being the bottom, recognized the moans he makes from the clip. This Gangbang is all bareback.
  25. You are One Sexy Bottom boy!!! Great Ass and Everything!

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