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Everything posted by PupLucca

  1. No it isn’t morally ok. If you can’t be upfront with a guy you shouldn’t be hooking up
  2. Absolutely detest sucking cock that’s lubed. I want to taste the cock not chemicals
  3. You’re on prep taking undetectable loads. Doesn’t seem to me like you’re a chaser. The poz talk role play can be hot still doesn’t make you a chaser. Although, it could start you down the path of stopping prep and seeking out that one load that would convert you. I think it’s a thin line between fantasy and reality. Whatever your choice in the end I hope it’s what you want
  4. @alpha_lucca
  5. I’m not opposed to the idea
  6. It truly depends on how you feel about it. Your initial response was no so what changed your mind or has you considering to become poz? If it’s peer pressure don’t do it. If being poz is still something you want then go for it. But, remember the choice is always yours
  7. I straight up tell the guy I’m poz. He already knows if he actually read your profile so it’s not a big deal.
  8. Sometimes ya feel it sometimes ya don’t. Other than that it’s amazing
  9. Hell yes 100%
  10. Clean is a repugnant comment. Someone is not dirty because they have hiv or aids. Using words like clean/dirty just add to stigmatizing people living with hiv and should never be used. And if you’re that afraid of catching something get on prep or use condoms It’s common sense.
  11. Means exactly what it says! No one in 2021 in the US should be afraid/ ashamed to come out or to have great sex
  12. Where do you live the deep south? Or an antigay country?
  13. Yes the fuck flu is real. But not everyone will get the fuck flu.
  14. Trump is NEVER getting reelected
  15. Depends on what the top wants to call my ass. I prefer hole but all are acceptable
  16. Seems to me Breedingzone just isn’t fir you at all. Maybe it’s high time you delete your account and never return
  17. Always tell your sexual partners. Let them make the choice to take a chance getting something or not. It's selfish to make that decision for them
  18. I like both no preference
  19. I was 12 in 1982 when I first started taking raw cock and loads. The AIDS epidemic was constantly on the news so it was hard to escape. But, I didn’t put any thought to there being a chance I could get it. It wasn’t until many years and loads later that I made the decision to chase and eventually becoming Poz. During the late 80’s as I started going to the gay bars and working in them that I noticed friends and customers being there one day and never returning as they had succumb to Aids. I think about the friends I’ve lost and the talent and beauty to never be seen again very often.
  20. Oh I remember him very well. The smell of his skin, the feel of his lips upon mine, the happy trail leading to his cock and balls and how it felt as he took my ass and loaded me full of his cum.
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