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About fvkmebb

  • Birthday 02/01/1968

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    Vienna, Austria, Europe
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
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  1. mee too and this is a problem for me because I am thin enough and do not want to be so thin
  2. Yes, I've done a few years ago. I took one pill a day and started three days bevor my sex vacation. Today I would start at least four days bevor the first sex date.
  3. No, I wont take antibiotics all the time, because STIs are cureable. So I would need Antibiotics, when I've catched an STI. BUT HIV is not curable (but treatable). So people are trying to stay HIV-negativ with PrEP OR with condoms. Both ways are very effective. BUT both are not effective in preventing other STIs. So, if someone wants to use condoms, I'm very fine with that, and if someone wats to take the PrEP, it's ok for me, too. And HIV and STIs have one thing (or maybe more) in common: most of the people don't know, that they are infected. Only tests can show the infection and the therapy after the test will stop the spreading.
  4. Condoms protect you from deseases, that are transmitted by sperm. Any other STIs are catchable by fingerin, rimming, blow jobs and kissing. And when I stimulate the other cock with my hand and then touch my cock with my hand, I can get it even we are using a condom when we start the fucking. Sorry, condoms are not a good protection agains STIs. The best protection is testing, testing and testing so that you can give people the necessary therapy to stop the spreading. In London PrEP doesn't only reduce the numbers of new HIV-infections it reduces also the infections by gonorrhea, because PrEP-users are testet 4 times per year.
  5. Condoms wont protect you from other STD/STIs, too. A few years ago I've catched syph while using condoms ...
  6. https://breeding.zone/topic/7746-mr-johnson-bred-his-buddy/#comment-189110
  7. I did the test and the result is, I should take PEP instead of PrEP. That means I should take PEP (not PrEP) every time becauce I have sex every weekend and at least one of my unknown partners gives me a load in my ass ...
  8. HEP-C is curable, not only treatable. But the medication is very expensive, and because there is now public health insurance in the USA, most of the US-americans can't get these pills. Most states in Europe will give you the healing within 6 month for nothing. But in about ten years, the pills will be much cheaper ...
  9. You can get STDs by fingering, rimming, oral sex and even by masturbating another man's cock. Do we have to use condoms all the time? Do I have to wear gloves when I wanna touch a cock? Yes, there is a wave of STDs but I don't think that condoms are helpful to get not infected. There are too many ways to catch them ...
  10. I had the symptoms of a fuck flu several times, but it wasn't the fuck flu.
  11. I had the "fuck flu" several times. And I'm still negative. So get tested (HIV, Syph, Hep B and C) and repeat it in 6 weeks.
  12. here you can buy Tenvir-EM: http://www.alldaychemist.com and they will help you to bring your stuff to EU: http://www.borderlinx.com
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