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  1. When I was younger I discovered the pleasure of masturbation and soon became addicted to it, but everything became even more intense when I discovered your tumblr.
    When I saw your photos and videos I got horny right away and started masturbating compulsively. Since then, I was always looking forward to new content from you, I had to pause the videos so I didn't cum too quickly because you excite me so much that it left me on the edge of pleasure.
    During that time, I was frustrated with Tumblr putting in that stupid content restriction and then xtube crashing, and now I'm even more frustrated and disappointed because I looked everywhere for you and couldn't find it. I wonder what happened to you. I really miss you and I don't know if you will see this message, but I hope you are well and still the same way I met you.

  2. damm so hot that poz cock

    1. Adaman


      I wonder what hormones he is on?

    2. BackwoodsTrash


      Hormones? wtf are you talking about

  3. Great jockstraps! Love under armour

    1. alwaysready


      under armour is studly, if pricey.

  4. Fuck I love trashy white rednecks. You’re hot as hell. 

  5. You can breed seed/train me anytime stud........control my hiv by adding more

    1. horny4bb


      fuck man I will take your cum, your blood and anything else you want to give me.  make me your personal poz dog I will gladly accept it

  6. Hot profile pic, would suck and ride that any day!!

  7. Thanks for the follow xx

  8. damm, your hot. love that cock

  9. I suck or fuck that all weekend ?Mmmm

  10. I suck or fuck that all weekend ?Mmmm

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