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Everything posted by delete222

  1. I want to suck on that and reload it soooooo bad! Perfect globes and blown out cunt!!
  2. Love group bottoms who play well with others!!
  3. Fuck yes! I hope your boy has turned VERS and spreading his own seed around when this story resumes!!
  4. Considering that you started slow, your awesome cumdump attitude, your age and PERFECT ass and hole, I think you can easily double this number with 3 months left in a place like NYC - so I say 396 - let's just say 400 🙂
  5. This thread (that I'm a part of) talks about this. I have been experimenting with it this summer - overall GOOD success. Timing was a question for me, but I see you do it in the morning of a later play time - that makes sense because I did stay empty for a LONG time after this drained my insides!! The saltwater advice starts later in the thread. I also wondered about the amount of sodium, but I do not need to clean out like this very often. I lean toward top, but often because I haven't been able to get fully clean, so.....
  6. I’ll be there too. No 1:1 all week. Group sleaze only for that week! I’ll take that ass for a test ride at cumunion sometime in atlanta
  7. I've been to cumunion quite a lot, and I have never seen a condom in use. It's promoted by BBRT (barebackrt), and might have been originated by them although I'm not sure about that. I think you will experience a lot of rejection at that particular event if you try to make guys wear condoms for you. I can't speak for cities other than Atlanta, but I'd say that RAW is expected at cumunion. If it's at a bathhouse, I would suggest going on a "regular" busy night. It sounds like you're not a stranger to barebacking, so maybe you just want to tell yourself you're gonna be safe the first time. You don't have to do anything you don't want to there, so maybe just go, walk around watching the raw sex, let the shyness wear off and the hormones start pumping - then bend over for the bare cock you know you want and need 🙂
  8. You gotta get a doc you can talk to if you're gonna go to cumunion and other piggy events especially. Especially since you're a bottom. A straight doctor will usually not test a GUY's throat and ass for stds. They check your dick. You need to be able to tell your doctor you need your ass and throat checked or they won't even think to do that. You need to be able to be honest and have also check for syphillis and HepC. If you let him think none of this is a possibility they won't even check. Even if you're just playing with other guys who DO go to those parties you're at risk - it goes with the territory as everyone here is saying!
  9. I think I love you too! That’s fucking awesome!
  10. DO IT! I promise if it's something you want you will not regret the down time once you see it in your cock! My only regret is not doing it years ealier. I might have just got lucky NOT getting infected, but I jacked with mine (barbell style) after 2 weeks + 1 day. I topped 5 days after that. I usually fuck (mostly top) 2 or 3 times a week, so almost 3 weeks felt like forever. In hind sight (knowing how the PA feels after 2.5 months NOW) I know I wasn't really healed and probably got lucky, but I've fucked quite a few times at this point and didn't get infected. DO think about timing if you go in lakes or pools - also supposed to stay out of the water during healing time. I did not think of that part which was kind of a problem for me. I am hoping I can swap out my barbell for a horseshoe or captive bead next month - looks hotter, and I feel like guys will FEEL it more!
  11. I think you have your answer! That's a LOT of Pozitive feedback in the first 24 hours 🙂 waiting for more for sure!
  12. I had to google that piercing too - looks fucking incredible for any bottom looking for a little "extra" - or a LOT extra 🙂
  13. awesome ending to that story with your husband being turned on and fucking your sloppy bred hole! I saw your post about cumunion tomorrow. I might breed you there - already going with 2 bottom buds though
  14. If you want it just do it! That’s what a buddy from here said to me. And I made an appointment for the next day. So fucking glad I did! Love it!! I’m a little more of a top so it affected my sex life for a few weeks but as a cumdump it won’t even slow you down 🐷 it’ll look hot on you stud!
  15. Agreed!! Everyone's doing it! LOL. I love the ring and horseshoe most. A little annoyed my peircer just acted like the barbell was my only choice - I should have asked more questions! I can change it soon enough. I will say that I am able to piss at a urinal and even into a toilet "MOST" of the time with a pretty straight stream. It's just a ball at the end, not a ring so maybe the barbell is better for pissing straight out of. I will be experimenting when I'm able to swap it out. Go lower gauge when I'm able, but been advised not to rush it. Kinda like seeing these thin gauges and realizing it's fresh - then those big FAT 00g!!
  16. I went to Kolo in L5P. 3 staff and 1 piercer. No idea if any were gay but didn’t really care. It was not a sexual experience for me even though it sure is now 😜my dick was too shriveled up in fear to be aroused. Split second of pinching pain. Then the downtime healing.
  17. So fucking hot stud! Pretty sure I inspired you but hot as fuck either way. Love the horseshoe. Wanna switch to that when I can swap it out!
  18. That seems to line up with how it's gone today. I would say that last final explosion was right at the 4 hour mark, and no more activity since then. I never did take the 2nd dose though. I feel like I'd be good to go with one dose, but the next time I experiment I'm going to do it twice and STAY AT HOME to figure it out. I'm glad i stumbled on this thread and clean out method after all these years of struggling. I don't think it's probably good to do frequently, but if it works like magic it's gonna be tough not to do when I wanna bottom a lot lol
  19. Let's just say he got out of there kinda fast!! Unfortunately my shoes are pretty distinctive. If he saw them he would know who I was back out on the gyn floor working out when there was clearly something "wrong" with me LOL Lesson learned - stay home after you take a laxative - I did not know how quickly this salt water was gonna do it's magic, but now I do! At least I wasn't out driving around in my car or someplace without a toilet! eeeeek!
  20. I need to update my own experience from only about an hour ago on this "salt water cleanse". After I douched out I felt clean as a whistle from the inside out. It had been approximately 2.5 hours from the initial salt water (I only drank once). I had a top temporarily lined up already, but he wasn't online at first. I was looking for another and then he logged on. We talked on the phone, younger very hung top black stud who asked if I could take multiple loads (sounds too good to be true lol). He agreed to come to me, so I hopped in the shower one more time. OMG more shit came flushing out of me hard!! I quickly got out and called him back to tell him what I did (tried a salt water laxative), and the minute I said laxative, he said he knew what I was gonna say lol. I don't know how this younger total top knows about laxative effects, but he knew I was being honest and not really ready to get fucked. So I'm gonna continue this experiment and keep checking how long it takes to REALLY be empty and clean for real. I am curious if the other guys who have done this have input on their timeframes. I can't really imagine doing this twice, but it would be a serious clean out good for all weekend maybe. I absolutely plan to use this method going forward, but gotta figure out the timing. How far ahead to start basically. Luckily this top stud was totally understanding and appreciated the truth, and not having an accident happen, and we are gonna try again Sunday 🙂
  21. As someone who seems to be ALWAYS full of shit, this is the best advice I've ever received. I JUST did it this morning. I have not even done a second round, but not even sure I need to. I didn't read the "cautionary" link that follow your post until later, so I will take that into account when I do this in the future, but holy shit (no pun intented) this works! I drank the salt water, and then decided to go to the gym while it did it's work. I won't do that again next time. You weren't kidding. Within an hour I was feeling fairly nautious, and then had to use the bathroom urgently. I didn't have a choice and had to shit at the gym. Unfortunately there was someone next to me, and this was not a shit, this was a waterfall loudly coming out of my ass easy for the next guy to hear!! I wiped and thought that was it, and then more came gushing out. It seemed more effective than the colonoscopy prep I did a few years ago!!. And then more! I finally felt like I could leave the toilet and actually finished my workout and felt fine but dehydrated. I drank a lot of water, went home and douched and now about to get online and look for a top! I wanted to do this as a test run before I had something for sure lined up. Not sure this is the right thing to do on a frequent basis, but for occassional use I think it's ideal for me...a sex party or cumunion where you CAN'T risk an accident I will do this, and probably do the second round. I feel like I'm pretty fucking clean from the inside out, and I never really feel that way from regular douching and starving myself! The salt will likely raise your blood pressure, so the warnings say not to do this if your blood pressure is high.
  22. In the old days before Prep and so many poz guys being UD it was not uncommon for neg guys to ask "when was your last test?" It was also not that strange to only really get tested at your annual physical exam lol. One test a year (MAYBE) but tons of fucking in the meantime!! The questions were sort of useless but made you feel better for being "careful" lol. I used to offer to show a test result when guys seemed nervous, but no one ever actually took me up on it, and we'd still play raw. I assume the OP is new to barebacking to consider asking someone else to go get tested nowadays. If someone wants to protect themselves they can easily get on Prep in most places (he's in London). I would NEVER consider jumping through hoops like that for a fuck unless you're the most smoking hot guy on the planet, and probably not even then lol. As soon as they have sex with one other guy the test is no longer valid anyway - are you gonna ask for a rapid test before every single fuck? Also, the OP's other post is about loving glory holes. I really don't mean to bash the poster, but this is the absolute opposite of being cautious about status and asking for tests, etc. It's the most random anon hookup possible. You have no idea who's on the other side of the GH, and if they are taking your cock and load through a hole in the wall you already know they're the sleaziest fuckers out there 🙂 Your new buddy should be asking YOU for tests, not the other way around lol. I seriously don't like to be this harsh to a new barebacker - I do remember the nervousness in the beginning, but a person has to take their own precautions (prep) and not expect other people to be running to the Dr and getting constant tests for your peace of mind.
  23. I don’t like that. I love it 😍 I’ll pretend I don’t notice the cum in your ass even tho I love sloppy seconds. Win win. Or go ahead and fuck me and I’ll ignore your ass crack is wet when I grab it to pull you in deeper. Good bf material for me!!
  24. Thanks for that honest assessment @leatherpunk16 I just got my PA two weeks ago so I’m still in healing mode. I am insanely horny from not even being able to jack off yet. the initial pinch was rough of course but extremely quick. I would let that stop anyone from getting if they’ve wanted to as long as I did. The healing has gone well. No issues. But I am frequently feeling a pinch at the head of my dick and it doesn’t go away till I can privately reach in and adjust it some. I hope that stops once it’s fully healed or once I can switch it to a ring vs a barbell. I will update once I can jack with it and fuck with it. so far 95% of slut bottoms I have told about it can’t wait to get fucked with it. My very regular suck bud is not into it which I understand. He will edge me with his mouth and throat for 1-2 hours and drain one or two loads out every session. I love good head so I have already decided I’ll remove it once I’m able to for cocksuckers who don’t like it.
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