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Everything posted by Joelle

  1. Most amazing story ever. I would love to be slammed high with Tina and given a booty bump and let any AIDS or STD infected dick use me over and over again and definitely would ask them to scrape my mouth and ass so I could have their DNA inside of me to please my father Sarah Palin.
  2. Just think of it as a one time thing and enjoy what you did, no regrets. Love the feeling and enjoy it.
  3. You are tremendous FelchingPisser. Thank you so much!
  4. Einathens, thank you so much. I will definitely look for the book.
  5. Hey Mikey8780, I have to agree, that you are being a bitch, but that is okay since most gay men are. In all honesty though, I understand where you are at, however if you keep leading guys on, then they get frustrated and this is the reason most gay men are get angered and jaded. As for me, I did not have the opportunity to be choosy since I was first used at the age of 5. By the time I was 11, I was visiting the local park, where guys who were ages 18 to 90 would use me. The only advice that I can give to you is be careful, do not lead guys on, just tell them your fears. Yes, fantasy is nice but if you lead a guy to believe that you are honestly going to meet, then this is when the trouble begins. Please, be safe and honest. Though I have only used a condom 4 times in my life, I had never contracted any disease or virus. Until up to August 2014 when a guy that I had been chatting with told me he was negative and his profiles all said negative. I trusted this man, as I trusted all men. As he was leaving the next day, he said "By the way, I am poz. My partner gave it to me, why not share the gift." Well, that was the first time this happened and 5 months later, I was infected and confirmed, then in December, introduced to the first drug of my life. I never even had marijuana due to a THC allergy, and the drug they gave me was meth through a booty bump. Never told me they were going to do it, just put it in the lube. Now, to this day, though I do have sex and I do party, it is on my own terms. I do not trust guys and I choose to do what I want. I am honest with them however and tell the guy or guys exactly what I am looking for. Just remember, be honest and be up front.
  6. I know the feeling. I am from a small Amish village in Ohio and when not working, so exhausted to go out. Fortunately, I am moving to Phoenix where there is a tremendous bathhouse that caters to bigger guys like me. But in the meantime, stuck here until July. I wish you the best though, as I know how it feels.
  7. Tallbtm, you are awesome! Thank you so much, I will check it out right now. Dcwilddawg has also been a tremendous wealth of knowledge and help. You are all tremendously amazing!!!
  8. I have about 15 dildo's and butt plugs, chastity devices and electro. Really want more but can't afford it at the moment.
  9. You are one lucky guy. Maybe both father and son (your best friend) can breed and spit roast you together.
  10. Moving to an apartment in Phoenix and want to make (because can’t afford the real) sex furniture. Does anyone have any plans or ideas on how to build a portable sling, bondage fuck bench, and anything else that I could use? Especially would love to have a sling that can convert into an area for use as a human toilet. If you have the plans or ideas how, please message me.
  11. Anyone from Arizona, hit me up. Am ready to party and get used.

  12. Finally found a place in Phoenix. Moving there the beginning of July and really want to be used by every gorgeous, oozing, pussing, STD/AIDS dick available. Really want to be slammed high with Tina and then bred by dicks with bumps, warts, STDs, full blown AIDS. Double slam me then scratch my ass, rub tina up in there, cum up the hole, then place a ginger butt plug in. If you know where I can find used condoms filled with cum, let me know, as I have penis cake pans that are about 6 inches by 2 inches long, would love to freeze as much cum possible, then shove those cum sickles straight up my hole. Especially love to blood slam and use a Man's full-blown AIDS DNA as lube for fisting and drinking straight from the arm.
  13. Finally found a place in Phoenix. Moving there the beginning of July and really want to be used by every gorgeous, oozing, pussing, STD/AIDS dick available. Really want to be slammed high with Tina and then bred by dicks with bumps, warts, STDs, full blown AIDS. Double slam me then scratch my ass, rub tina up in there, cum up the hole, then place a ginger butt plug in. If you know where I can find used condoms filled with cum, let me know, as I have penis cake pans that are about 6 inches by 2 inches long, would love to freeze as much cum possible, then shove those cum sickles straight up my hole. Especially love to blood slam and use a Man's full-blown AIDS DNA as lube for fisting and drinking straight from the arm.
  14. Awesome profile!!! Very to the poinT and excellent. It would be great to play together. If you ever get to Phoenix, let me know.

  15. I am moving to Phoenix in July and hope that either some Superior Black Alpha or Superior Latino Alpha MEN can tag and use me for any and all DNA from any MAN or BEAST. Especially would love to be tagged with a mixture of TOXIC DNA and INK.
  16. Where can I find this to happen to me. I am ready to take any and all AIDS or any other STD load when I move to Phoenix in 3 months.
  17. Just got a job in Phoenix starting in July and looking for a cheap house rental. If anyone has any information, please let me know. Also, trying to locate a reliable source for Tina and Gina.
  18. Moving to PHX in June/July. Looking for friends to explain more about finding a friend....... Would definitely like to find a house to rent that has a garage attached to hang a sling. Also, need to find a sup......plier. A little about me, am a completely submissive bug chasing poz bottom slut whore slave. Am into any type of kink and do not judge others. Looking for Tpee for booty bumps and where I can find teeeena. prvt mssg me if you can answer questions or am looking for a new friend.
  19. HELP. Moving to Phoenix area in four months and have some private party questions to ask. If anyone could be of help. please contact me via inbox.
  20. My 42nd birthday is coming up and all I want is to SLM. Can anyone help me out please. It has been over 4 months since I have slammed and 6 months since I have sucked or been fucked. Please, can someone HELP!!!
  21. This faggot slut slave truly wishes it could be in this AIDS cum fuckers position. However, this faggot slave does not have any money, just 2 holes. It truly wishes that it could be slammed and then grand slammed and used/owned by any Superior Black Man to use anyway He desires. Anyone interested, let me know.
  22. Submissive bottom in south Stark County, Ohio. Looking for any breeders and Top Masters into any kink.

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