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Everything posted by KindaBasic

  1. Not that I know of, but with all the mini cameras and digital means available, who can say for certain?
  2. It has been said that smell is the last memory to go. I am not sure if that is true or not, but one of the first things that I remember arousing me is the slight musty scent of old basements. When I was a kid, one of the earliest places I messed around and got fucked was an old, unfinished basement. Even now in my 50’s, I find myself getting hard at the earthy smell of a cellar or old basement. Though I am pretty versatile, the smell really puts me into the mood to top hard. One ex-boyfriend, once he figured this out, found all sorts of reasons to get me into various basements. Of course there are others scents, such as certain fragrances, that turn me on.
  3. Scratch the surface and you find every straight guy is a wannabe bottom.
  4. I can see how one would have mixed feelings about it.
  5. It amazes me how that one still pops up.
  6. I miss going skinny dipping. So much fun. ?
  7. Just like a Norman Lear TV series, got to keep it All In The Family. ?
  8. There is something to be said about random acts of sex.
  9. I think it really is a turn for a lot of married tops to fuck you in intimate places.
  10. Up to a point, I guess we are creatures of habit.
  11. I think not being acknowledged might be more nerve wracking for some married guys. The whole waiting for the shoe to drop.
  12. It seems that uncles and brothers are the more common firsts.
  13. I like running into them in public when they are with their wives. It might be a bit cruel, but it’s fun to see the momentary panic on their faces. I would never out someone, but I do say hi in passing.
  14. I guess it’s basically become synonymous with "how’s the weather", something to say to fill the awkwardness
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