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Everything posted by KindaBasic

  1. That is so frick’n hot.
  2. Damn! Yeah, don’t blame the cheating schmuck.
  3. Depends on how much time the top has dedicated to eating my ass.
  4. Honestly, there are so many younger guys out there that are into daddies and granddaddies. At 60 I get the kind of hot young guys propositioning me that would never have given me the time of day when I was younger and cuter. Thank goodness for unresolved daddy issues. 🤣
  5. Now for the more seasoned poppers connoisseur who might be in or near NYC, I recommend the Brown Bottle from The Leather Man Store on Christopher Street. The bottom’s best friend and perfect elixir for an intense gooning session.
  6. I think guys like that are working on the hope you will be too horny to turn them away. What gets me is that they are also the same guys who act like you’re the jerk when you reject them.
  7. Exactly. I’m a girthy guy myself. When I top I want an ass that offers some resistance, but can still take my cock and the pounding to follow. When I bottom I like a guy like you who has some heft, knows how to enter and warm up a hole before letting go and pounding my hole to a hot, dripping oblivion.
  8. Has anyone ever been caught by someone’s wife or girlfriend? What happened in the aftermath? A couple of close calls, but never caught myself. The closest was a few years ago somebody computer repair shop. I was new at random hookups, pretty sure we met on CL. I was naked and down on my, just to starting to go down on him when he heard someone trying to unlock the front door. I grabbed my clothes and he pointed at a supply closet as he shoved his dick back in his pants. I was probably in that closet 20 minutes or so before his wife left. We had a lot of fun afterwards.
  9. I play with the idea now and then. My piercer says it can be 4 months of so, but closer to a year on average. Sometimes, like @TallAussieBtm’s experience, a piercing never properly heals.
  10. That made me laugh in a good way. Me too, babe. Me too. (And at 60 far from done finding myself in unexpected situations.)
  11. Unfortunately, there is only one left in NYC. So whether or not it’s a favorite, is sadly he only game in town.
  12. Trans men are men. If you are insecure about your own masculinity, that’s your issue. I have no more problem than I have with any other man might not fancy.
  13. Not into loose holes. Need some resistance and friction. I like my holes tight and wrapped round my cock.
  14. About 3 hours ago for the second time tonight.
  15. I always feel like the odd man out, but not a fan of slings at all whether I’m the bottom or top, I find them a turnoff.
  16. It kind of throws me off these days when someone at the bathhouse reaches for a condom.
  17. It changes. Lately I’ve been into good ol’ doggy style, especially when I’m in a major slutty groove. If I’m feeling a sensual connection or a close FWB, I like being on my back and making eye contact.
  18. I was considering it, but have a number of minor medical appointments throughout the month that makes it impossible to get a decent stretch in.
  19. That might be the dumbest and most beta thing I have seen in awhile.
  20. Ah! Your attempt at being dismissive is sweet. Insecure men are so hot.
  21. Not a relative, but had a similar experience around the same age with a girl my parents friends babysat. All the adults were upstairs playing cards and sent us downstairs to play so we wouldn’t bug them. Looking back now, I wonder how she was so knowledgeable at that age?
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