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Everything posted by KindaBasic

  1. Yum! Damn boy, let me get my tongue up there. 👅
  2. It does not help being ADHD and having so much candy in one spot, if especially I’m in the mood to fuck. Ooooh! I want that one. Wait, that one. Or maybe that… SQUIRREL!
  4. Laughing is a natural reaction to intense joy and/or pleasure. If I start laughing while you are fucking me, you can usually take it as a compliment. (Unless you are a ridiculously bad fuck, then I might just be laughing at myself for ending up in the situation.)
  5. According to most reliable resources, no. At least not significantly if at all. The one thing all agree with is staying well hydrated.
  6. Not going to lie. Married life was not kind physically to the guys I crushed on back in high school. Way too many straight identifying guys really do not age well. I suppose once they get the girl to say “I do”, a lot of the guys I knew in school took it as permission to really let themselves go
  7. Exactly. If you want it raw, I am going assume you want my load. I’m not that guy who yells, “Where you want it?” when I’m ready to nut.
  8. I have long been of the opinion that, unless something was said, if you have invited me to fuck you raw, you are expecting me to breed you. But then, if you are fucking me, since I said nothing in advance, that you get that consent is implied. Because of that, I am always surprised when someone who has not said anything gets upset when I shoot my load up his ass.
  9. If the fucking is good, can’t say that I am able to spend time thinking about it.
  10. Yes. With the fondest of memories.
  11. As they say, don’t ever name the puppy.
  12. Been my experience too. More of a bottom, but if I’m in the mood to top, and if there are a lot of hot bottoms, it can be tough to stay focused on one for long. Kid in a Candy Shop Syndrome.
  13. I guess it seems odd for this sight, but I am the monogamous type when I am in a relationship - though an extremely randy person when single. But rules only make sense to me when partners agree to permit extra curricular activities. When you are fucking behind your partner’s back, and no judgement intended, it seems more like taking steps to not get caught or maybe self-imposed limits one might put on his self in hopes of protecting an unwitting partner. Again, no judgement intended towards anyone cheating on a spouse or partner - I have no problem taking their loads.
  14. It’s both weird and a crap shoot in both bathhouses and arcades, especially when they are busy. I’ve shown up when it’s packed and got endless ass and dick, while other times everyone is too wrapped up looking for Prince Charming
  15. ESMC is a funny place. There are some friendly guys there, but some guys act all weird when you all you do is say hello.
  16. It should be. Drives me crazy those times when there’s a couple of dozen or more people, but no one seems to be there to play. Like WTF?
  17. We were both always upfront about it being nothing more, so was a bit of a surprise. Did what I could to be respectful.
  18. But you can certainly buy me diamond and furs. May not want to date you, but open to a consider a possible sugar daddy arrangement. 😆
  19. You don’t need to justify anything you do not feel comfortable with, especially in bed. Most of us have that line in the sand we want to cross, but for whatever reason can’t do. But then things change, and sometimes you move the line a few inches. Other times you step right on over it.
  20. Truth. Years ago, a ‘truly safe’ partner gave me syphilis, which he got from the “truly safe” straight married guy he was meeting on the side.
  21. Not long ago a longtime fuck buddy tell me that he wanted to “take our relationship farther”. My first thought was Relationship? What relationship? You text. I come over. You fuck me. I go home with your load inside me. Of course, I kept that thought to myself, but asked what he meant. He told me how much he liked me and wanted to take me out, see where we could take it. I told him I was flattered, but wanted ti keep it casual. He told me I should probably leave, so I did One friend I told about it said I was cold, but I told him that I’m just being honest. Unfortunately, have not heard from the guy, so disappointed that I may have lost a great lay.
  22. I tend to keep things compartmentalize in my life and the baths is where I go for fun and release from the everyday. For the most part, I don’t want to know nor care about your life outside the club. Sure, I’ve exchanged numbers a handful of times, but never got too serious with anyone I met at there. A couple of text flirts that never went anywhere. About the only exception was a brief Dom-Sub fling with someone I still play with often at the baths. But that was just kinky fun since he already had a partner.
  23. But being gat, it would probably be The Brunch Club.
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