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Everything posted by KindaBasic

  1. I’ve been interested in the TS parties as well.
  2. This is why every top should bottom a handful of times. I admit that back in the days of yore, when I was exclusively a top, I was a lot more impatient. But after I started to get fucked, I realized how much time it takes to be a prepared bottom.
  3. Have you ever been caught in the act by some “straight” guy’s wife or girlfriend? I have come close a couple of times, and was stuck hiding in a back room once. But I always thought it would be hot to be caught with someone’s husband or boyfriends dick up my ass.
  4. I love when a top is a multiple shooter.
  5. As we say driving in NYC, pick a lane and stay in it. I hate flip-fuckers. I’m a bottom leaning versatile, but I’m either going to bottom or I’m going to top if I’m in the mood. But I can’t mentally or physically switch gears back and forth.
  6. lol I remember back in the early 90s when they dished out Prozac for everything from depression to a hangnail. Doctors must have gotten bonus checks for popping out those prescriptions. Mine put me on them. Had no trouble getting it up, but just couldn’t cum.
  7. I’m all about truth in advertising. If they change the rules, then forget it. I’ve had tops do the same. My guess is that they think a person will be just as desperate as they seemed to be to get laid. So believe that, since I’m already there, I’ll go through with it.
  8. Love it! Sometimes better than others. I was doing lights low, face down, ass up at the East Side last Friday - had some takers. The third and second to the last to fuck me had a lovely thick cock that swelled up before he literally flooded my ass with his load. I definitely felt each and every thick and gooey rope of cum he shot up my ass. Even well fucked and flooded, I felt it when number four came.
  9. The whole attempt to bait-n-switch is frick’n annoying.
  10. I was a complete top for a long time. But then I had a fantastic fuck buddy who slowly, and somewhat methodically, showed me the pleasures of bottoming. Every once in awhile I like to top, but not when I have spent 30-40 minutes in the shower getting ready to get my ass worked.
  11. I think stealthing people is a dick move.
  12. Depends. It’s hot if the top has the gift. But there are some guys that are so awkward or bad at being verbal, it is better if they just shut up and pound my ass.
  13. I go through phases where I am as smooth and then I go back to natural.
  14. Okay, what’s up with you tops who somehow magically morph into a bottom on your way over to play? There’s nothing more frustrating than some guy saying he’s a top, but then wants you to top him when he shows up. And more often than not, it is some married “straight” guy totally clueless to the fact that you just spent a half hour or so getting ready to be bred.
  15. Love your weighted stretcher. Want! 🩶
  16. Along with a hot dick, liking the hardware too
  17. Kissing is more intimate than getting fucked. I enjoy kissing, but a lot of guys I am just not feeling it.
  18. One of my main reasons for bottoming.
  19. Unfortunately, my favorite FWB recently moved upstate. Along with being around the same age, he had just the right size cock - both length and girth. Best of all, he is intelligent and the post-coital conversations were great.
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