My back ihas been bothering me so I looked for someone who could give me a real massage, specifically to work the knots out of the muscles in my lower back.
I found a masseuse, and after talking to him for a few minutes, I got the impression he knew exactly how to work my back, so I went over to his place, knocked at the door, which he answered wearing only a jock strap and a tee shirt. He was about 30, was rather hot looking, and had a swimmer's build. I could also detect the outline of a nice size dick in his jock pouch.
Welcoming me to his place, he asked me to lay on my stomach on his bed, explaining he had ordered a new massage table and it had not yet arrived.
Of course I agreed, undressed, and lay face down on his bed. Applying some warm oil on my back, he went to work, finding every knot in my back. His treatment was somewhat painful, but I knew my back would feel much, much better the next day.
Throughout the massage, although I couldn't actually see him, I got the impression he had shed his clothing, so I wasn't terribly surprised when I felt his hard dick slide across my body. Nor was I surprised my dick was also rock hard. I thought of a sexual encounter as an extra treat.
By this time he had massaged every muscle in my back, so he began applying oil to my butt cheeks, a generous quantity of which oozed between my cheeks, pooling in the cleft of my hole. When he instructed me to spread my legs widely, I complied quite willingly, and to my pleasure his finger slid into my hole very easily. Then a second finger, and then he began working my prostate, all the while his hard dick rubbed against my leg. I couldn't help but think to myself "I'd love to get a fuck from him."
He lay on top of me, uring me to relax as the head of his dick pressed against my hole. I couldn't tell whether or not he was wearing a condom, but I knew I wasn't on PrEP. Still I didn't object when his dick slid ever so gently into my hole, for which I was grateful as his cock was both long and thick. Before long he was balls-deep, fucking me in short strokes. I was in heaven as his strokes got longer, and when I began clamping down his his cock when he was at full depth, he muttered "Stop, man, I don't want to cum in you."
To myself, however, I replied "I I don't care," and clamped down full bore. Still he pulled-out and blasted a load any porn star would be proud to pump out.
When he had finished wiping his cum off of my ass, I turned and got the shock of my life: his chest bore a large tattoo of a BIO HAZARD symbol.