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Everything posted by lycis

  1. Ty for the suggestions!
  2. Say you're going to something like IML or Folsom and want to get up to fun for a few days. How do ya'll do it? For context, my mid-30s husband is a fisting bottom and is "so loose" now that he has trouble playing around at all unless he's completely 100% squeaky clean (36 hours of fasting + Imodium). Even here, he STILL sometimes doesn't end up clean (no clue how... does tea or booze contribute to solids? even if it did it seems nuts that we'd have to cut even that!!) So... even just casual playing around has been a problem. I can't really fuck him at all unless it's the weekend and he's done the full fasting prep. It really is enough for him to not feel secure doing it even if no fisting is planned (he always wants to be in the mood for it). Now consider something like Folsom. We've really dropped off doing stuff like that since our 20's specifically because of the cleaning issue. Before, we could get by because he still wasn't "too loose" to where his bowels were hypersensitive to literally any solids. And he could easily fast for 2 days and not be out of energy. Now, his bowels seem to be hyper active to any food and he goes several times a day (IBS?). And if he's been fasting for 24 hours, his energy levels nosedive to the point where he just isn't in the mood anymore. It's clear that his body needs him to eat something during the day in order for him to have energy. So how the hell do we do something that lasts 2-3 days? He's tried fiber... it helps sometimes but it isn't a magic bullet. I think part of the problem is that because he's been fisting for so long, his colon is just super sensitive. It tends to be very hyper active. Our diet is average (healthy mix of fats/grains/veggies/meats), but it's nothing too crazy. I just want to get him to the point where he feels like he can have a night or two of hard fucking without being worried and without losing energy. Or getting him to the point where he can eat during the day and be ok for playing around later. I'm all out of ideas though... I think if we can find a routine that he feels confident in, it'll open these kinds of events up for us again and will help his sex drive too (it's gone way down ever since he's started running into problems getting clean even while fasting).
  3. I have three friends who are exactly like this and it drives me nuts (none of them do it for money). All constantly thristpost and have the bodies to gain the internet points. All get genuinely uncomfortable when their thirst posting draws real flirting/comments beyond "Looking good!". One was "sexually assaulted" at a party, when in reality it was just someone being physically flirtatious affectionate to them. I'm not one to judge what someone's personal definitions of sexual assault are and I'm not saying his boundaries weren't pushed. It's more an observation that someone I'd brand as having a HYPER SEXUAL identity online in reality is completely asexual. And actually, all of these people are gay-asexual. They genuinely don't like sex, they just like to advertise that they do and never commit. Lots of theories can be had, but I know for one of them at least anti-depressants are involved. He just has no libido because of them. The other one has always had depression/hormonal issues his whole life and has never felt even a hint of sexual attraction until he started taking testosterone. The third, no idea but I suspect its a similar thing. Anecdote doesn't have a point - just sharing similar observations. We're living the society of spectacle in full force. And vanity points can be an attractive hamster wheel to jump on if you've got the body to back it up. The thing is, I don't think these people would have ever been sexually active in any timeline - its just they are certainly more visible now and have a platform to safely "show off the goods" without "wanting the follow through".
  4. Huge counterpoint... am millennial, still wanting lots of sex & have a pretty good sex life... and have noticed a similar drop off. I don't think it has anything to do with the reasons you mentioned, because those "reasons" were all around 5 years ago and 5 years ago sexual promiscuity in general was as crazy as ever, at least around where I live (SF area). People would throw fuck parties and they'd be packed. Lots of action on any weekend night at steamworks. My mid 20's self was surrounded by like minded people, all around my age. I can confidently say, millennials aren't having less sex for any of the reasons you mentioned. Really, what happened was COVID mixed with people getting older, mixed with general life anxiety increasing. Suddenly for 3 years you just couldn't do this stuff. Then next thing you know, it's too expensive to live in the cities where a lot of these biggest events were going on (and/or event rent was too expensive so events stopped happening). Both helped make things much more "app" and "one-on-one" focused if you were even bothering to get your horn dog on. Then, right when all of this was happening, many millennials are entering into their 30's. Not everyone in their 30's "slow down" but a lot do, and you know what helps force you to slow down? A global pandemic. Combined that with getting used to just using apps, the draw of going to fuck parties just isn't the same for many of these people (not me!). Hell, my husband is the perfect example of this. He was, defacto, one of the horniest cumdumps I've ever known, even online. Like, hitting 150+ load record weekend in his early 20s. When I met him, the pure instinct cumdump energy was strong and its part of why we're such a great sexual match. Then... covid happened. He went through some hard loss in his life as an indirect result of COVID, and I helped him through. Plus, just the act of being cooped up for over a year settling the brain down and reprogramming it a little. Now, he's actively just not interested. We'll fuck around with ourselves and friends, sure. And the sex is as great as ever. But he genuinely only goes to fuck parties now if I want to go and want him to be my wingman, and even then I can tell he's not really "into it". Which, was a shame... because right before COVID happened we has big discussions of taking an "off year" from playing around with friends to truly sexually let loose and go to tons of events. I think genX is used to only getting their rocks off through the help of things like saunas, bookstores, events, cruising, etc, which might by why you're seeing an age bias at the things you are going to. They're the kind of people who are going to stick with that approach and not just stick with apps. And I feel like if you're genX and still horny, you didn't get hit with the 30's libido drop that a lot of millenials are getting hit with the first time. As for genZ, I know a good handful of very horny genZ but yeah - the horny ones are a bit more of an exception. I think it's for similar reasons though that I outlined above. COVID just stole everyone's winds from everyone's sails and not that many people have bothered to put the wind back in them. I think the reality is, when times are good and things are bountiful, people fuck - a lot. When they aren't and when things are stressful - people tend to withdraw. The entire generation of Baby Boomers is proof of this.
  5. SF was fuckin awesome pre pandemic. Contrary to what people are implying here that things died "because of apps" years ago, I was getting tons to great action at parties and events all the way up to 2019. Loads of seedy parties going on, especially Atlas ran ones like Truck, and parties at the old 442 location. I remember going to a random Truck Tuesday, nothing even special going on during that week and there were at least 50 guys there actively participating. The truck they ran during folsom was SHOULDER TO SHOULDER, even just walking down the hall was easy to slip in. I remember going to a dore party from someone who was just running their own thing and lived close to the action and there were at least 100+ guys going hard. Cumunions actually had people there and fucking. It was easy to 10-20+ loads in a night, and it didn't have to be a big special event. Then covid happened, and ALL the parties shut down, none of them came back. Horsemarket started up but it's a very specific vibe and its incredibly overpriced for what it is (but its the kind of price they can afford to charge during folsom... outside of folsom? LOL good luck). There's Pighaus but their parties only run maybe 1-2x a year since they're mostly based out of NYC and they too are incredibly overpriced for what it is. I agree with other comments. I think what happened was for some reason, the cost of these events just shot way, way up. So you can't really go to them often, which means you only ever bother going to them when you *know* they are going to be populated like for Folsom, otherwise it just isn't worth dropping $30 cash to do a Cumunion party at 1040 transform where most people just watch and there's not that many people there. On top of this, I think a lot of people just left SF when remote work started - its one of the biggest exodus regions in the US during covid. It really sucks, because now I'm actually quite close to SF so it easier than ever to casually go to these kinds of parties now but it just isn't worth the crazy cost and there just aren't that many of them any more. At least we still have Folsom/Dore, but its a bit disappointing to feel that everyone just "saves their load" for those two times in the year when it wasn't like this in 2017-2019. One slightly good thing though is some of the circuit parties have taken up the slack. I get lots of action at parties that Fog City Pack throw. The last one I went to (beta) actually had a proper fuck area that people were more than happy to use.
  6. Anecdotally, but every sex party I've been to since the pandemic has been ass compared to prepandemic parties, and I live in bay area. Granted, we've only done a small few, so maybe we're hitting all duds. But it used to be no duds. Since we've felt comfortable doing parties like this again we've done two cumunions (one at folsom), one pighaus and one other party during folsom (to be fair, we probably just didn't have an "in" on the good parties for folsom like we did on previous years). At every single one, 80% of the people just don't fuck. The rest only lightly play around or stick with a single person. The crowds are also half as dense. Usually I'll get one guy that's interested in me most of the night and then a couple of other people here or there. Throngs of bottoms just sitting ass up in slings, benches and couches and nobody really biting. I go with a buddy to try an be a wingman and we literally have to force a guy who happens to be hard nearby to get in there and he'll go "oh ok!" and do it. Wtf? GOD I miss Truck. And old cumunions. They had twice as many people, dark rooms were shoulder to shoulder and at least half the crowd was fucking or actively hunting. IDK what's changed but the appetite just feels gone, even during Folsom (though again - that could have just been we didn't get invited to the truly good parties). I wonder if the rise of things like Sniffies has had an impact. Maybe the true sluts just went to the new hotness app and never found a reason to go to the parties again.
  7. I mean, steamworks in berkley is literally this. Even has a gym. But, quite a bit far from south bay and definitely more of a dark room than a "mens club" style spot that watergarden was, but it fits the bill.
  8. I've always been a big shooter but back when I was on supplements for this stuff, this absolutely worked wonders: - Zinc - soy lecithin - l-arginine (more for how hard you can get but that helped my loads shoot "better" and more "efficiently" if that makes sense... that said I stopped taking this as l-arginine can cause more frequent herpes outbreaks to happen). - Pygeum = more for pre but also helps the load I should get back on this train. My husband certainly likes how much I fill him already..
  9. I get ya but its hard to tell him not to do something he does on quite literal instinct. Part of why he's so hot to me - he's literally like an animal in heat when getting fucked and thats how he likes it. I wouldn't say he pushes out and stuff all the time. More that when he's getting fucked, he's so into the headspace that he's not really thinking or planning actions at all. So its hard to tell him "just try not pushing out so much!". And I think he does try to not do that, but sometimes slips up? And then gets disappointed that he has to "think" too much about it. If there was a way to get him to have the confidence that an accident won't happen he might be less skittish over casual encounters in general and less worried about where the headspace might take him.
  10. My newlywed husband has had a lot of action in the past decade and loves fisting too. So he's generally a pretty loose guy - someone you can easily slip into without much more than spit for lube and it be fine. While we both find this quite hot - it makes casual playing around hard as he feels he cannot be spontaneous. He often feels like he can only bottom if he's committing to a multi-hour session, having immodium and fasting for 1.5 days in advance. So generally, things only get horny on the weekends and only in very planned ways. He says that even taking a casual amount of dick for short (<5min) sessions during the week or spontaneously is enough for him to not be clean (and thus not want to do it). Part of this I think is due to his headspace and fucking style when he's getting fucked - he's the kind of guy that can't resist to completely lose himself into it and won't hold back. Full on pushing out hard, wanting you to go as deep as possible, trying to milk you as much as possible. It's easy for your ass muscles to interpret that as you trying to do something else if you're not completely clean, I suppose. I know there's some pretty loose fisting bottoms here who manage to stay pretty sexually active & ready for action without resorting to constant fasting or planning everything in advance. What's your secret? We've tried pure for men fiber pills (2 a day before first food), and while they help a lot, he still complains that he's just too loose to ever take dick without 1hr worth of cleaning out and fasting beforehand. We've tried changing out diet but it also doesn't seem to be a silver bullet. Though admittedly, we've never gone full "super vegan" long term with how we eat. I'd love to help him feel like he's got the confidence to slip on my dick or a friend's, or feel like he can have a kinky encounter while out and about, without needing to do so much crazy prep just for the chance to have 5 minutes of fun.
  11. We do this. It working just depends on the person. I'm a pretty monogamous person when it comes to love, but my cumdump boyfriend is very poly. I didn't think that mono+poly would work out but it turns out to work out just fine. The key difference is that I know that just because my bf is capable of feeling love + energy towards others, it doesn't mean the love + energy he feels towards me is anyway diminished. His love language truly is like a puppy dog, and his love operates more out of a "communal love" rather than a "you're the only one for me love". As such I never feel jealous when he's taking loads, hooking up, or even going off to hang out with one of his fuck buds or our mutual friends. Because the love he has for me is still unique & genuine, and doesn't ever get hurt by him connecting with our friends or fucking around. That "puppy-like" innocence permeates through every part of his being. The idea of him cheating, or doing anything to break trust is just fundamentally impossible for him. If I knew our relationship was faltering, I'd know about it far before jealousy over hooking up or time spent with people he feels a poly connection with would come into the picture. Meanwhile, I can only spread myself as thin as one person. More than happy to fuck up a storm or be fucked by many people, but when it comes to love and the attention I can give feelings wise, I'm pretty strictly to just one person. And I'm more than happy to have him be that person I care about most!
  12. I'll add to this. Lots of great points. IMO, if you are 21 and can bear a financial risk should the worst happen, now is the best time to live your life to the fullest, especially if your heart is in it. I did the same when I packed up everything in my car and moved out to cali from the Midwest. Best decision I ever made, and better yet I ended up BETTER than where I was before, even if where I was before was a safe bet. That said, I had safety nets. I had no real debt, and could move back in with dad if my experiement failed. But I think you'll find that those who take risks and chase opportunity tend to find themselves a little bit luckier than the rest. All that said... COVID might not be the best time to do this. Were entering a recession that will make 08 look like a cakewalk. Now is not the time to be hard to employ. Not to mention the health nightmare. Keep being a good bitch to your BF in the mean time. And there's plenty of years left to take risks. I did my big risky move when I was 25. Make sure you're in a pretty good place these next couple of years, then consider a long furlough. But just because you wait a little doesn't mean you have to give up being a slut now, just maybe not a full time one. When things settle down with covid, you should take a sexcation. People are going to want to fuck, hard.
  13. My BF got the shockspot. Make sure you get the control box, it's a lot less useful in the moment when you have to have a laptop nearby for it to work at all. Reasons why over all other options: 1. adjustable speed/depth/range all without having to adjust everything or get up. 2. Linear actuator likely to last much longer 3. Folds up small, which is important for travel 4. Can be put in almost any position 5. He uses seriously big toys (think hanky sized) and it can handle them just fine at the right angles (the arms will tend to sag & become loose under the weight if aimed high after a minute of thrusting). It handles standard size toys just fine in any position, and if angled down can handle the big ones without losing position too. That said he had to make his own adapter by attaching the MR S fuckmachine universal adapter to a plastic disc, then finding the right screw thread attachements to get the plate on the shockspot. The company was helpful in providing the correct thread specs. 6. Noise is quite audible but not badly so. It sounds about as a loud/sharp as a kitchenaid mixer when in use. 7. you can program it, but in practice it wasn't that appealing since you need to have a laptop nearby to do it. It's a lot easier to just use the control box. All in all, you get what you pay for, and he thinks it was definitely some of the best $2k he's ever spent. But, he's also a seriously pro bottom who has tons of stamina and is a size queen. If it were me, I'd be fine with some of the less-adjustable $500-ish ones.
  14. A lot of the stuff on this site isn't that "fantasy" IMO, which makes it all the more hot. Before, I've accepted a lot of stories to be too coincidental or too "over the top" in how intense they are to be true, until I met my current BF. He has done in his past some of the hottest stuff I've ever even read (let alone seen) with proof, and have been lucky to participate in some of that life recently. One of the hottest he told me was his old friend from years ago was a part of a gay rugby league, and basically at a house party he organized my BF to be the party bottom for all these horny, thick rugby boys, casually while the team was shooting shit and drinking. Another hot one was him telling me about the time he basically spent dore one year getting constant cock, with 100+ loads, one of which was a fun little party he volunteered to literally be whored out - the guy at the door charged $5 for guys to dump a load into his ass - had at least a couple dozen do so, and my BF didn't see a single cent. It's crazy to me all this (and a lot more...) has been true for my BF in the past, and it drives me totally wild. I'm pretty jealous of him in a sense - he's got this ability to completely lose himself to cock when getting fucked, and feels so much of it. It's easy for him to anal orgasam, and he has incredible stamina. When the slutty headspace kicks in (either with friends, strangers, or just me) he's able to become the perfect slutty bottom and is 120% driven (and capable) to get loads for as long as possible. It's insane!
  15. A week. Can't really do that anymore. Ever since moving out of the midwest to a much more sexually active area I find it hard not to get off every day or at least every other day. Having a boyfriend that riles you up big time helps too. My boyfriend though? He's almost on two months without cumming. Locked him up and he's in heat 24/7. So easy to get him cum and cock hungry now, which of course just gets me hungrier for his cunt.
  16. Was wondering if anyone else was in this situation. Me and my boyfriend have a pretty tight group of friends that are all very sex positive together. Lots of fun parties, but nothing too crazy - some friends use rubber all the time and the ones that don't just keep things casual with quick breeding/BJ and done. Sometimes it's just a bunch of naked cuddling/grinding while high, all a very good vibe. It's all very closed so the risk of spreading STD's is a lot lower since nobody in our group takes anything anonymously - its always between our partners or our closed group. That said, of course there's still always risk: you can never know if a friend had a secret hookup in the past few months or had drunk sex and caught something. But we all trust each other and generally have no reason to fuck outside the group. ... but me and the BF are really into cumdumping. I've never done it and he hasn't done it for 5+ years (has tested neg across the board consistently). We've decided to explore this space together as a couple during the period between dore and folsom, and try to hit sex parties, and him introducing me to how good of a bitch he really is (spoiler: he steals the show at sex parties and gets all the loads, sorry other bottoms. So proud of my sweetie). After folsom, we're gonna put a hard stop and wait until at least 3 months of monthly checkups before deciding if we are "clean" enough to fuck with our friends again, assuming we test neg across the board. Are we just fooling ourselves? We absolutely will never put our friends at risk, and I'm worried the "three months" probationary period after folsom is arbitrary and we could still be risky even if we test neg. And if we do get something, what are the chances we'll cure/get rid of what we have and not have to worry about passing it to our friends with enough time? We're both on prep so less worried about HIV, but potentially concerned about spreading something like Herpes or HPV once the outbreaks are dealt with. I'm under the impression that once your body fights off hpv you'll not pass it, and between outbreak periods herpes won't pass either. We'd like to return to fucking with our friends eventually, but part of me is worried that we won't really be able to ever return to doing that if we catch anything outside of gono/syph/clap. Too late now, I guess - but at least this has been the hottest month of my life so far and I feel like we've not even gotten started.
  17. If you want to cumdump and holding loads you have to do a combo of deep cleaning (we are talking deep enemas that will take a couple hours to expel) and fasting. My bf would do this every weekend - just stop eating for a few days prior and then do a deep clean before getting loaded up. You'll be squeaky clean and pretty much have no chance of browning/accidents all weekend long. During the weekend you can eat as it'll take time for the food to pass through digestion. Fasting is probably overkill for only fucking, if you just eat very well and make sure to eat light the days before you want to hold loads in you, you'll probably be fine.
  18. I feel a need to tell someone about this, this was my first experience not only at dore but at one of the "private" parties. Never been to dore, never done anything like this before. Me and the bf went, he's pretty experienced with the crowd - back in the day was a pretty big cumdump. I meet a lot of his old friends from his more promiscuous days, and have a bunch of fun. After getting drinks at a nearby bar, we decide to head to a private party he's on a mailing list for. Maybe I was feeling the vibe of the street fair or the booze, but I was pretty self confident about it. We get in this party and one of the things I notice is just how fucking -hot- everyone is. All of my bathhouse experiences so far have been stuff that was much more "casual weekday", where the crowd is a bunch of older guys or people who are not my type at all - I'm there either to fool around with my partner or just relax and enjoy being ogled at. Suddenly I'm in a room with a ton of guys who are all closer to my age, wearing gear, have amazing confidence/cocks/etc, or any number of things. Was very easy to get riled up. Anyways the juicy bits: Eventually we wander into the dark room part of the party. Me and the BF have some fun planned with friends this upcoming weekend so we agree to play it "safe" for their sake (and also because it's my first time). Turns out playing it safe can still get pretty wild. There's a platform in the middle of the room I lay my BF on, making out with him. Behind my bf, I notice this smoking hot guy with a beard and beautiful fuzzy ass just sitting there in his harness/jock, so I make a comment. Immediately me and this guy start grinding, making out and rubbing on each other in front of my BF, who is loving it. I force the slut down on my cock and finger his hole, occasionally moving to finger my bf's hole too. We eventually draw a small crowd and one of my bf's old buds finds his way behind this guy and gives him what he needs: thick cock in his lubed up cunt. They fuck like mad, and the bottom moves to make out with my bf between sucking my cock. At this point, my BF was taken by total surprise - he expected I'd be a lot more timid as this was my first time in a sex party situation. But I've had enough of looking. I fucking crave to feel my cock inside this bitch's pussy but know I can't. Well, good thing my bf's cunt was right there. I pull the bottom off my cock and drag my bf's ass over the edge of the platform with him on his back. Then dive right into my BF's cunt, which is always loose. The other bottom who's taking it doggy style is right above him. With them both getting their brains fucked out while making out, I get damn fucking close to breeding my boy right there but want to hold back so early into the party. Plus we were attracting a crowd (my BF is a very noisy bitch), and didn't want too much heat on him. I'm a good sport and help direct cock to our new bottom friend, who's hungry for loads. We wander out of the dark room and mingle with some of the people near the bar. Everyone is super fucking nice which is great, and really helps dispel a lot of the pressure. I don't feel like I -need- to fuck around to have fun here which is great. Still, as we start to get more comfortable with the vibe eventually I have my BF sucking off cocks in the circle right at the bar. It's not enough though - I need cunt and he needs his cunt filled. I drag him back into the dark room and push him back onto the platform again, fucking his brains out. At this point the party has picked up a bit and he's not the only bottom having fun - we are surrounded by men loading up bitches, and tops egging on the breeding. People keep groping me to check if I'm wearing rubber (I'm not) then encouraging me. Its fucking hot. One of the bottoms getting fucked was our bottom friend from earlier. He's sweaty as fuck, in heat and getting his pussy loosened up. Turns out he's been quite busy while we were away mingling, and has 8 loads in his cunt. He feeds his cock to my bf while he's being fucked and while I'm fucking my bf (my BF is always the biggest bitch in the room). Eventually he gives my BF a nice surprise - sits on his face, unloading all his cunt loads into my his mouth as I fuck him hard to the beat of the music. Everyone is watching. I make out with our slut friend as my BF rims, and it sends me over the edge - causing me to load my BF's cunt up with my seed. Again, we're trying to play it "safe", so I don't want to stick around. We're surrounded by hungry tops and bottoms in heat looking to get a piece of what they just saw. I force my BF to get up and drag him back out to the bar before people started getting too into my boyfriend, letting our new cumdump friend have the spoils. About ready to pass out from the heat/sweat (fuck that place needed a stiff breeze), we mingle a bit more and head out. Fuck, feels almost hard to believe I just went through that experience. Next time we plan on not holding back and being prepared to have a lot of fun, as next time we won't have to worry about keeping some friends we are going to fool around this weekend with safe. And you know what? It was all oddly romantic. I feel like I just climbed mount everest with my man and we went through a special experience together. Fuck I love him.
  19. Hey y'all, guess this is a weird thread since I know this kind of thing is just another tuesday for a lot of folks here ? I've been lurking this site for years and years, love hearing about people's stories, really turned on at the idea of cumdumps, love WS, etc. For most of my life this sort of thing had remained fantasy material for me. I've got a very high (and extreme) libido but am blessed/cursed with it being like a lightswitch - when I'm really into it I don't have many limits (which my boyfriend loves), but can also find myself happy to keep celibate for a week+. I think this is a big reason why I've never actually got involved in cruising or hookups in general. I get a lot out of non-sex life even though I still enjoy my kinks a lot! I've recently met an amazing guy though and he's the first person I've gotten to know who's literally into *everything* I am. The sloppier/rougher the better! And he's the first guy I've been around that inspires me to pump loads into him several times a day with how much he turns me on. To top it off, he had a big cumdump phase a few years ago that he's left behind. I've heard a few snippets of stories here and there and some of it is the hottest shit I've ever heard of. He's very vague on details because it isn't something he likes to focus on in the present but I definitely know he had weekend long benders of no sleep with hundreds of loads at one point, and that he has a large hard drive full of old footage that I've not seen. Hearing this stuff literally makes my heart skip a beat with how much it turns me on, but also makes me feel pretty anxious. I'm worried about fetishsizing my boyfriend's past too much - sometimes it's hard to get the thought of his real experiences being filled all night long out of my head, and I feel guilty/anxious about it. I don't want to feel like I'm losing myself too much to indulging into cumdump stuff and hurt our relationship. At the same time I feel really excited+nervous about the idea of stepping out of my comfort zone and exploring this side of me I've essentially repressed (which he's definitely expressed openness to exploring a little in the future, especially with mutual friends). Has anyone else been in this situation? Like in the "Oh shit I've never been this close to this kind of stuff before, can't stop being curious+anxious about it" sense. I've talked with him about my feelings and he's been super understanding and supportive - one of the reasons I like him so much as a person is he's always DTT (down to talk). When did you get to the point where you stopped feeling anxious/guilty/curious about a similar situation and just let yourself indulge? Did you ever feel indulging got in the way of having a good relationship?
  20. This is super hot for me. I could never take it (or give it) raw from the get go. But back when I had a boyfriend every now and then I'd wake up sleepily grinding against him for a good 20 minutes. Just from the precum and the sweat I was able to slowly push in and slowly loosen him up. Eventually with enough precum (and maybe a little spit on the end on my cock) it would be enough to full on fuck a load into him.
  21. I think its super hot. But anyone else having trouble finding stuff online involving this for man on man? Most chastity forums I've seen seem to revolve around mistresses and femdom which isn't my thing at all. Or it's a guy who has a tumblr/xtube that just does occasional dildo play while locked with no real keyholder. Or (my pet peeve) a tumblr that is nothing but reblogs of porn studio pics with models in cages instead of original content. Where are the couples? The keyholders? The guys who are serious into it M/M? IMO one of the hottest things is seeing or reading about a guy taking a load while locked up. I hear one off anecdotes about this sort of thing happening all the time (and know of people who have done it) but can't find good material online about it. I remember reading a post on here about a guy who was locked long term and had a male keyholder that basically whored him out. A few other people chimed in with similar stories. So hot. Want to read more or see more but that kind of stuff seems super hard to find. I tried lockedmen but it seems like that site has been taken over by a spam portal.
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