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Everything posted by Roughfuckboi

  1. Totally broke the norm by topping a guy last night. I don't normally top, but we talked and he said he still had his v-card. I was really worked up and fucked him good for a couple hours. He was so tight! And yes, it was bb, and yes I did work up and fucked him pretty hard. At one point he was screaming which turned me into a total animal. At the end of the night, he was bruised, sore, bleeding a little and begging for more. P.s. If that's topping, I'm vers lol
  2. Going to get to fuck an 18yo virgin! Going to breed him really good

  3. Loving tonight

    1. negbtm


      Getting used and pounded?

  4. I have a session set up in a few days, my roommate/fwb is being my gate keeper
  5. I just abt normal, enjoy the ride and make sure I show that I am. I might moan louder.
  6. looking forward to 4 nights of fun

    1. negbtm


      What do you have planned? ;)

    2. Roughfuckboi


      Going to get a room and invite guys from craigslist to plow me all night. Already have 7 lined up

    3. negbtm


      Haha glad to see we have the same definition of fun! Have a good time!

  7. I've been to a few abandoned places. It can get really hot getting fucked there.
  8. It's the same story here, when I just turned 18, I had already been with a number of guys. And I got "the talk" from a few guys to.
  9. Had a blast the other night! Totally feeling like the slut I am

  10. Going for some dick in a few

  11. Once, a big black guy was fucking me ruthlessly and he wanted me to say something along the line of "fuck me with your big nigger dick" over and over, so I did, he got turned on more
  12. I've never been arrested (thank god) but I have thought that being a bitch in jail or prison would be hot.
  13. What I usually do is ride a toy. But sometimes it's just not enough.
  14. I had this one time where a very aggressive black Dom fucked me hard for about an hour, when he shot, we showered, talked, etc. Then, as I started collecting my stuff, he told me to get back on the bed. When I did he fucked me harder than before and shot harder in me. It was amazing! I actually blew a blood vessel in my eye and had a red eye for about a week.
  15. Hey, thanks for the post. I might have to try this out myself.
  16. I've always wanted to be kidnapped and tired in a basement and used
  17. One of my fetishes started because my bf at the time wanted me to be more girly. So he got me a skirt and some sexy undies. As soon as I slipped them on, I was in love. Plus the skirt is fun to use when I'm freeballing
  18. Had a blast this past weekend, looking forward to this weekend

  19. Definitely into rough sex.
  20. I've been bred by a friend that is a sergal. I told him to go wild, and he did!
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