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Everything posted by Belfast-Bottom

  1. I agree that you can have both. It's just a question of finding a boyfriend who is comfortable with you being a BB slut. It is important to be honest with your partner if you are BBing lots of anonymous guys.
  2. To Mikey41: I did notice that Ken is wearing a condom in his latest vid. I think he does that occasionally if the bottom insists. It is true that his cock isn't always rock hard - but then he must be approaching fifty and perhaps he chooses to avoid viagra.
  3. An earlier post of mine: Some recent forum threads have focussed on the issue of bottoms cleaning out before a fuck. I always give the same advice and rather than repeat the same advice in each thread, I decided to start a thread that I can refer guys to. First, terms: douche and enema mean essentially the same thing. The idea is that you squirt luke warm water up your hole and hold it for at least five minutes. This loosens any shit and provokes the urge to shit. Mechanism: some guys have shower attachments that they shove up their holes. I disapprove of these for safety reasons. With a shower, the temperature and pressure are too difficult to regulate. It is vital that you don't use water warmer than your normal body temperature 37c. If the water is too warm you risk scalding your insides. I have a male nurse friend who knows guys this has happened to. High water pressure can cause injury too. Rubber type bulb douches or bottles are essentially squeezy rubber bottles with a long nozzle that goes up your hole. These are what I recommend. You can judge the temperature with a thermometer or finger before use. When you can't feel either a warm or cold temperature with your finger, the temperature is right. If you don't have a bulb douche or bottle, a well rinsed plastic washing up liquid bottle works perfectly well. If I am expecting a fuck, or date, or a trip to the sauna, I use a 750ml washing up liquid bottle about an hour before I leave my apartment. I lie on the floor and squirt around a third of the bottle up my arse. I hold the water in for at least 5 minutes. Raising your legs in the air helps to prevent leaks. You may feel some abdominal cramps. That is normal. I then empty my bowels over the toilet bowl and repeat the process twice. Three rinses of around 250ml each should leave you clean enough to fuck. Some guys add soap or other chemicals to the water. This is unnecessary and potentially harmful. Your ass is lined with a delicate membrane that absorbs chemicals. It wasn't designed to be exposed to soap or chemicals. Happy and CLEAN fucking guys!!
  4. I'm using IE 8 in Windows 7. I've had major problems trying to connect to chat. The chat pop up recognizes my ID and then brings up a black screen with revolving clock hands and a "connecting to server" message. This screen remains in place for up to 8 minutes before the connection is lost. The odd thing is that I can often connect before 11pm U.K. time, but can't connect after then. 11pm U.K. time is 6pm East Coast U.S. time. Advice very welcome.
  5. I used to use a shower hose on my bath until I realised how difficult it is to regulate the temperature. I have a male nurse friend who has come across guys who have caused serious injury by scalding their insides. He also says that the high pressure from shower attachments can be dangerous too. I stopped using the shower attachment but hadn't got a bottle douche yet. I had a date coming up. I took a 750 ml squeezable "washing up liquid/detergent" bottle and rinsed it REALLY thoroughly. I found that three lukewarm water douches of more than 5 minutes each ( on my back with my legs in the air to hold the water in ) spread over 40 minutes, left me clean to go. I eventually bought a squeezy rubber bottle douche, but I've found it much less effective than the detergent bottle, so I use the detergent bottle now. LUKEWARM ( body temperature 37c ), three rinses of around 200 ml each. The easiest way to test the temperature ( if you don't have a thermometer ) is to plunge your finger into the bottle. If you can't feel the water as being either warm or cold then the temperature is right. Avoid HOT water at all costs!
  6. To TheBreeder: welcome to the internet generation. I'm coming to the conclusion that the genes responsible for homosexuality are also responsible for extreme shallowness. I had a 29 year old friend told recently that he was too old and fat - by a 27 year old. My friend isn't fat, but he doesn't have the 12 pack of bulging, sculpted, abs that are mandatory on today's gay scene. I blame the rising tide of rudeness on the decline of family life. Increasingly parents ( pursuing their own pleasure ) have abandoned their children to TV, the internet, celebrity magazines, shopping malls and the street. The poor kids don't know any better.
  7. To Dave: there are a few ways of reducing your chances of becoming poz: 1, serosorting - only get fucked by neg guys ( not risk free as many guys are likely to lie about their status for a fuck ). 2, find another neg guy and only BB with him ( not risk free as guys often cheat ). Only 100% effective if you move to an uninhabited island with him. 3, there is encouraging evidence that anti HIV gels can be very effective at preventing HIV transmission in vaginas. I don't know if they have carried out anal studies yet, but they might be effective anally. It's your health. Make your own choices. If you do become infected, don't blame me.
  8. Nice!! :-D I don't do the plucked/shaved ass thing though as shaving gives me a rash :-( I suppose I would consider Veet or waxing my ass for the right Top :-D
  9. "fully fucktional" mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!! Interesting that the age group 40-49 is the most popular at this point. TOPS get ALL the breaks! Firstly, there are fewer of them - so they can pick and choose bottoms ( build a stable even ). Secondly they are still regarded as attractive at 60 and beyond. Who would choose to be a bottom? :-(
  10. I agree with slowfuck that there are genuinely versatile guys, which is why I put the ratio of bottoms to Tops at 80% to 10%. That leaves room for 10% genuinely versatile guys. I think that most gay men think of themselves as mainly bottom or mainly Top. I'm not denying that true versatiles do exist, but they were not relevant to my general point.
  11. To flexbtm: I wasn't discussing whether HIV transmission might increase or decrease. In a situation where barebacking becomes more common, I think that HIV infections would probably rise - especially for guys who mainly bottom. I was just making the point that as men are generally selfish ( particularly when it comes to sex ), if guys become aware that TOPPING without a condom is a relatively low risk activity, then many more guys would be likely to take that risk. In a situation where bottoms outnumber Tops ( by around eight bottoms for every Top ) then Tops hold all the power. They get to pick and choose. They get to set the terms of sex as bottoms compete for their attention. Bottoms who want to get fucked regularly would soon learn to give Tops what they want. In a situation where a majority of Tops decide that BB sex is a risk worth taking, bareback sex would quite quickly become the norm - as most bottoms are obliged to give the Tops what they want. Exceptionally attractive bottoms could insist on condoms and still get fucked, but the average bottom faced with seven other competitors for the same Top would be very likely to abandon condoms in order to get regular fucks or a relationship. It's the law of supply and demand.
  12. Even if we assume that as many as one in three gay men are mainly TOP ( an over estimate in my view ) that still means that there are TWO bottoms competing for the attention of every Top. Most Tops can afford to pick and choose. Tops are in a strong position to dictate the "terms of engagement".
  13. Several months ago rawTOP posted links to studies which seem to prove that BB Tops who only ever TOP bareback, are at only slightly more risk of contracting HIV than condom using bottoms. If that knowledge becomes widely known in the gay community, then many guys may decide that barebacking as a Top is a risk worth taking. Bear in mind the number of guys who smoke, drive fast cars, play dangerous sports, or do drugs - all of which come with risks. After years on gay dating sites I've come to the conclusion that guys who are more than 90% Top are probably ony around 10% of the gay population. There is a long standing assumption that most guys who describe themselves as "versatile" are basically bottoms who are trying to increase their odds of having sex. Assuming that true Tops are a small minority of the gay community, then they get to set the rules - supply and demand. In a situation where a majority of Tops have decided to Top bareback only, then bottoms who want to get fucked regularly, will learn quickly to give Tops what they want. Given those dynamics, I can forsee barebacking becoming the more common form of gay sex within the next ten years. For the purposes of this argument I have assumed that around 80% of gay men are either bottom or mostly bottom - giving a bottom to Top ratio of 8:1. Condoms will probably always have their place. They protect against a range of sexually transmitted infections and will be used by both married/partnered guys who cheat and others who simply wish to protect themseves against S.T.I.s If rawTOP reads this he might like to repost the links to the relevant research.
  14. Mine is to be strapped to a fuck bench ( perhaps blindfolded ) and gang raped over the course of a weekend ( Friday evening to Monday morning ). Perhaps tied down in a room at a parTy. By virtue of being tied down for that length of time, it effectively would be rape. I would have no power to withold my consent. All cocks serviced to their satisfaction. I like the idea of spunk splashing out of my ass as each new cock rams into me. That is the fantasy. There are real life practical issues - how do I stay hydrated? Plus I would like to be high enough to withstand any discomfort - just a chemmed up pig enjoying the ride of it's life.
  15. I think it varies from region to region, culture to culture. It is only since joining this site that I became aware that BB Tops are at only slighter greater risk of HIV infection than safe sex bottoms ( based on data supplied by rawTOP ). I don't think that info has seeped very far into the larger gay community yet, so there are plenty of safe sex Tops around ( at least in the U.K. ). I had plenty of sex when I was a safe sex bottom. If the data supplied by rawTOP becomes more generally known, I think it has major implications for the future of barebacking. In a gay population where bottoms outnumber true Tops in a ratio of around 8:1, Tops get to set the rules. Once Tops realize that BB Topping is relatively low risk, many may decide that it's a risk worth taking. Look how many guys smoke or drive fast cars. In a situation where bottoms compete for the few Tops available, bottoms who enjoy getting fucked regularly will learn to give Tops what they want. I can see BB becoming the norm given those pressures over time.
  16. You just beat me to this rawTOP! Really - I was planning this companion piece to my previous poll. I selected every age range except "under 20". I like Tops who are masterful with an air of authority - not something that you are likely to find in a teenager. I suppose I might accept a 19 year old with the right attitude. I would also accept a 70 year old if he's in good shape. Older guys are more masculine looking than young ones and they are more likely to have that air of authority which I look for.
  17. So Venezuela is in the top 20%... NICE! Plus the U.K. Canada and Latin America have bigger dicks than the U.S. Oh the SHAME!! lol
  18. I use three douches of lukewarm water ( around 250ml each ) over a 40 minute period, before a fuck or date. I hold each douche in for at least 5 minutes, flat on my back with my legs in the air. I'm usually clean by the third douche. The worst that has happened is that occasionally some water gets trapped further up and can leak out when I'm getting fucked. It's not really a problem as the water is clean. I think you are overdoing things if you are getting undigested food.
  19. Hi guys! To TOPS: what age bottoms do you like to fuck? You can participate in the poll or just list your preferred age range as a post.
  20. As a U.K. resident I'm just backing up what HungLatinDom and athletic.pig have said. London is now 5 hours ahead of the east coast U.S. time. So, the U.S. times are: East: 9 AM Central: 8AM Mountain: 7 AM West: 6 AM
  21. GREAT SHOW last time!! I'll definitely log in!
  22. I can't connect to chat. I tried unplugging my pc for 5 minutes then rebooting it. My flash and java are up to date. When I try to access chat I'm taken to a black page which says "Connection success, waiting for server..." and shows revolving clock hands. I've been waiting for more than 8 minutes. Earlier tonight in chat, I had to type all my text at least twice before it would appear on the screen. Anyone else having problems?
  23. I posted this thread as an idea. The idea was that the cumdumps should accept ALL ( legal ) cocks and loads without question. That is the central idea. EVERY man gets a full oral and anal service and decides if he wants to give his load in the arse or mouth. I would allow the cumdumps to refuse cocks which are obviously diseased ( warts, scabs, sores, pus discharge ) as they have an obligation to keep themselves healthy for the wider community of Tops. Other issues such as "does the cumdump take piss or S/M or dress to please?" would be up to the individual cumdump - no compulsion. Just my thoughts.
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