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Everything posted by Belfast-Bottom

  1. Most gay bottoms LOVE to swallow cum! I know I do!
  2. HOT!! Well written blog!
  3. HOT!! Well written blog!!
  4. My guess is that as the apparent means of transmission to BB Tops is small quantities of blood in the bottom's ass, then having ( what would inevitably be a much higher fluid volume of poz cum ) in a bottom's ass would pose a greater risk of transmission to a Top. The blood required to poz Tops can be so small as to be invisible ( apparently ). The average volume of cum per ejaculation is around 5ml. Assuming that poz cum is as infectious as poz blood, then an ass pre loaded with poz cum would seem to present a greater risk. I have no medical qualifications.
  5. I believe that "sex addiction" is a judgmental term thought up by prudes who believe that sex is immoral/unnatural outside of "loving" long term relationships. If some one feels that their need for sex is causing their lives to become dysfunctional, then perhaps help is useful, but there is nothing wrong with being a happy slut.
  6. There used to be a site called condomswappers.com ( or something like that ). I suspect they are still active.
  7. I'd reply to your ad Dirtysouth! Shame you are so far away :-(
  8. "Cum" on one ass cheek. "Dump" on the other - either side of your hole.
  9. To btm2bbred: a toe rag has two possible meanings, either the piece of rag that you use to polish your shoes and boots, or possibly from a much older period when the very poorest people bound their feet with rags - as they couldn't afford shoes.
  10. Other common British names for cock are: prick, tool and member ( although member is rather old fashioned now ). "Family jewels" is a term for the cock & balls together. For those who are interested, a google image search on Henry VIII should bring up portraits which feature his padded cod piece protruding from between his thighs.
  11. Yes POZseedNbreed. It's odd that some sex words are seen as more offensive than others. Other common or historical British names for cock arranged in rough order of offensiveness are: winkle, cod, willy, John Thomas, yard, charley, lad, trouser snake, todger/tadger,dick and cock. Cod and yard haven't been used much since 1900, but cod gave rise to the term "cod piece" - a usually padded piece of genital covering that protruded through the tunic of medieval men. Henry VIII's portraits feature some obviously padded ones. The names of childhood such as "winkle" seem to cause least offence socially.
  12. Spunk is a traditional British word ( perhaps less common in the U.S. ). Hiney isn't used in the British Isles and fanny means a ( female ) cunt/vagina here. Americans who start talking about fannies in the U.K. might get some shocked reactions, but most Brits realise that it means arse/ass in the U.S. The most common British terms for testicles are balls or bollocks. Nads ( short for gonads ) is common here too. I guess nuts is more common in America. Bollocks is derived from "ballocks" - literally small balls. The original ballocks or ballicks pronunciation is common in Northern Ireland. Pish is the traditional word for piss in northern Britain and Ireland. Shite is the traditional word for shit in northern Britain and Ireland. I guess shit is standard in the U.S. Bum is a common and inoffensive word for arse here. If I can think of any more I'll let you know.
  13. blktone67 sounds like my ideal Top! Gentle can be good too ( at least to start with ) if the cock is particularly big, but I like Tops who let loose and try to bust my gut with their cock :-)
  14. Bearing in mind that most holes will bleed a little during vigorous fucking and that even shit often contains small traces of blood, the primary means of transmission seems to be anal blood or infected shit getting into the urethra ( piss tube of the cock ). The urethra is lined with a delicate membrane and a pre existing infection such as urethritis or gonorrhoea makes it more vulnerable. The other means of infection is if a Top is fucking a pre loaded hole that already has poz spunk up there, it increases the risk of infected fluid entering his urethra. There seems to be significant evidence that the lining of the foreskin of uncut men is receptive to HIV infection too. Sores or lesions on the cock will increase vulnerability too. There is a very small theoretical risk that if a BB Top takes infected spunk in his mouth he might contract HIV, but this risk is considered so remote ( in the U.K. and Europe at least ) that clinics here no longer recommend condoms for oral sex.
  15. Saturday is always the busiest night at my local saunas - so it's Saturday night for me too.
  16. Hi guys! Does anyone know of any websites or blogs on blogspot or tumblr that focus on photos of BB sex?
  17. I'd say RawTop is one of my bareback heroes. The amount of effort and work that goes into maintaining and promoting his sites. His blog was one of the influences which got me into barebacking. I'd also include Paul Morris of Treasure Island Media and whoever owns/runs/directs the MachoFucker company. MachoFucker and T.I.M. produce the hottest gay porn around!
  18. An alternative model for setting up a bareback fuckhouse could be that a barebacker with a large house or apartment, could provide rooms to three or four cumdumps who work outside the house ( part time ) to provide money for food and utilities. The home owner could charge a nominal rent per room ( to keep things legal if he needs to evict an antisocial cumdump ). Even the most dedicated cumdump needs to sleep, eat and rest, which is why I suggest part time work is the realistic option. The services are provided FREE to ALL Tops. It seems to me that the only grounds for refusal to service a cock are obvious warts, lesions, or discharge from the cock. The cumdump has an obligation to stay healthy for the wider community of Tops. Just my thoughts.
  19. I love the taste of cum! It's my favourite drink, but as a submissive cumdump, I always let the Top decide where He wants to put it. Arse or mouth are both fine.
  20. "So, when I go to a sauna/darkroom/anon sex places I just get fucked and suck cock and then I go home and fall asleep right after I jerk myself off thinking of all the bareback action I had at the place. I never cum at the place itself." Sums up my approach. I'm quite happy to have Tops fuck me and leave. My orgasm is irrelevant to the encounter. My greatest pleasure is feeling the Top's cock spasm in my hole and spitting it's spunk into me!
  21. "The other question is: Do bottoms have a problem with being used by these straight/bi tops? I would have to say, that if you met a bottom who had issues with that, then they are not truly a cumdump bottom. Our purpose here on earth is to open our holes for use by alpha males like you. All types of fucking are fun, but there is a specific frisson to anonymous pump'n'dumps which is heightened for me by seeing a wedding ring, or mention of a girlfriend. Much as the risk of getting caught can add to it too. Basically, we love the fact that you want to use us for your own purposes, proving your dominance by implanting your spunk forcefully into our ass. Once you're done, I'm done, not before. That's how it works. As to how to get started, I'd say you're already on the road. ;-)" I agree completely!
  22. I agree with poztony, but I particularly enjoy a Top who rims me for a few minutes before fucking me. Fingering is good too - although not too much of it. Ultimately I want an unhibited Top who will fuck me hard, without restraint, for as long and as often as He wants. I'm a sub cumdump. The Top gets to call the shots.
  23. I love the taste of cum! It's my favourite drink and I ALWAYS swallow, but as a submissive bottom I always let the Top decide whether he wants to cum in my throat or my ass.
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