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Everything posted by Belfast-Bottom

  1. I've been in a daddy phase all my life. I draw the line at bad teeth, too much nasal hair and poor hygiene, but I still find guys in the age range 18-70 attractive. 70 is pretty much my cut off point. I like masculine Tops and in my view men become MORE masculine as they age. More rugged facial features, body hair, facial hair, are all masculine features and men get more of them as they age. There is tremendous ageism ( even age Nazism ) on the gay scene, but as I've never been interested in twinks, it doesn't bother me. I've seen your pics TheBreeder. You have a great body and a cock to die for! Let anyone who thinks differently get back to browsing the fashion pages.
  2. It's a common submissive bottom fantasy ( which I share ).
  3. Well said nude_tomBS!!
  4. My pin is about half a mile away, which provides sufficient security for me. I'd be content to have my username and a profile link on the pin.
  5. I'm not an expert on drugs, but it seems to me that a lot of porn bottoms and versatiles have that hazy, "spaced out", dilated pupil look, that we associate with drug use. Some one once described it as "coke eyes". I wouldn't be surprized if porn bottoms snorted or smoked something other than poppers - particularly before a gang bang scene.
  6. My take on why submissive bottoms have MUCH more to offer Tops: http://breeding.zone/threads/7189-Submissive-bottoms-are-the-BEST!!
  7. Echoing SIReast's post, it would be useful if there were a simple marker indicating a member's role ( Top, versatile, or bottom ) next to their username.
  8. Hi guys! Occasionally I come across a thread which asks a question. Very often the simplest way to answer that question or provide useful information, would be to insert a link to an older thread. Two questions: 1: can I search for older threads using keywords? 2: if I find the older thread I'm looking for, how do I insert a link to it in the NEW thread please?
  9. Dirtysouth seems to have the right attitude!
  10. The age of consent in Northern Ireland is 16. I started going to gay discos in Belfast at 16. Quite quickly I met a 40 year old guy and he invited me back to his place "for coffee". He barebacked me that night and again the following morning. We began a three year affair that ended when I went away to university. We spent each weekend together plus one night midweek. He would fuck me an average of four times per weekend and twice on the weeknight. I was averaging six loads a week between the ages of 16 to 19.
  11. I agree that Tops who are gentle initially, are more likely to have a better fuck experience themselves. If my arse has time to get used to the first slow gentle thrusts, then I relax and the Top can fuck as hard as he likes! Being rimmed before being fucked helps my hole to relax too, but as a submissive cumdump, I don't like to tell Tops what they can and can't do .
  12. This guy is one of my newest favourite BB bloggers! :-)
  13. I have read that Paul Morris is deliberately camera shy. Perhaps he feels that adds to the mystique of T.I.M. ( which has been described as a cult ). Perhaps he fears the public criticism which would result from being regarded as the high priest of BB porn.
  14. Where can I hear "fuck mixes"? Serious inquiry.
  15. I'm 95% bottom, but Dawson has such a cute face and magnificent body that I'd fuck him in an instant. There is an innocence about his face. He could pass for a primary or Sunday school teacher.
  16. A note to Tops: from time to time in this and other gay forums, I read that many Tops in long term relationships have their sex lives restricted by the constraints, refusals, prejudices and demands of their long time partner. Some Tops seem to have prissy, castrating queens as partners Submissive bottoms have a different mind set. Most of us put our Top's pleasure ahead of our own. Most of us are driven to say "Yes Sir!" to whatever is suggested. Want to piss on a bottom? Want to piss in a bottom's mouth or ass? Want to spit on or slap a bottom during sex? Want some bondage, rough sex, or CP? Want to double penetrate a bottom and have him service your mates? Pimp him out to random guys online? Blindfold him and have him take ALL cummers? I know that some Tops are into the "fucking a regular Joe" thing, but while submissive bottoms have the right to negotiate and set limits before a scene, they are MUCH more likely than a generic "bottom" to give you what you want. Just my thoughts. YOUR pleasure is my pleasure!
  17. People are greedy, envious, competitive and insecure by nature. That is human nature. The bottom's worst fear is that the other bottom might get more Tops, more loads, or more attention. It's an ego/insecurity thing. Parties with more than two bottoms make the competition and anxiety less acute.
  18. I eat a lot of bananas ( 2 a day ) as they contain a lot of the vitamins and minerals necessary for spunk production. A healthy diet with adequate nutririon should help. Pills have been advertised in Europe which claim to increase spunk output. I don't know if they work, but a google search should bring up links.
  19. He's a pretty hot looking guy - like a younger, rougher, Brad Pitt. I'd let him BB me no questions asked - but then I never ask status ever.
  20. I agree with ALL of the above :-)
  21. I think the chat and cam feature is a GREAT idea! I'm a member of a few gay discussion sites and what I find most remarkable about this site is the complete lack of fighting and flaming in the forums. Even when we disagree it is done in a civilized manner. Hats off to RawTOP!!
  22. I agree that older bottoms usually have fewer Tops to choose from. If you go on any gay dating site it seems to be that most Tops go for younger bottoms. I disagree that men become less masculine with age. I believe that men become MORE masculine as they age: facial features become more rugged, voices deepen, bodies become hairier and even baldness is a male trait - those are all MASCULINE features. I find guys in the age range 18-70 attractive. Tops in their 50s and sixties are more than welcome to fuck me.
  23. Another of this HOT Top's horny, well written accounts! I love his approach to sex!
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