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Everything posted by Belfast-Bottom

  1. I started a thread "how to clean out your ass" a few months ago. It contains tips. I don't know how to search for it or link to it. Perhaps another user could find it?
  2. I think finance would be crucial. Obviously the money for rent, food and utility bills has to come from somewhere. You would need at least three resident cumdumps to provide a round the clock service. A Dom Top ( perhaps paid ) would make an ideal House Master ( someone the dumps would respect ) to keep things running smoothly. Three or four dumps on their own would be likely to fight. Obviously rotas for "availability", cleaning, laundry and cooking would need to be agreed and supervised. It would be difficult for the cumdumps to hold down anything other than part time jobs outside the house. The Dom Top gets to fuck the dumps as often as he likes. Any attempt to charge money for services would lead to inevitable run ins with the law. There are many wealthy gay men in North America. A group of them could contribute to a fund which produces a regular income to meet the running costs. Think of it as charitable donations or "giving something back to the community" - FREE bareback sex to ALL ( adult ) cummers, NO questions asked. The set up might work better in countries such as the U.K. or Canada which have free healthcare - one less running cost.
  3. "devoting your life to fetting fucked" mmmmmmmmmm!!
  4. Many thanks for posting this Wammt! This is probably the best news since the success of the vaginal gels. I'm a non discriminating cumdump. I NEVER ask status, but I'd prefer not to become infected with HIV. I want to be able to take ALL loads - with less anxiety.
  5. Mine would be to be physically locked ( cuffs and anklets ) into the sling of a sleazy gay sauna for the night. I would be forced to accept ANY guys who wanted to fuck/rape me. I've often been in a sling in gay saunas and I already accept all cocks, the difference is the physical inability to extricate myself and being fucked beyond endurance. If I go to a sauna now I can leave when my hole gets sore or I become too tired/thirsty/hungry. The element of compulsion is a turn on!
  6. I'm not sure. I chose my user name because it describes my submissiveness and I felt the term "cumhole" focuses attention on my primary attribute - my "no cock or load refused" cumhole. I suppose I could have chosen the word "cumdump", but there is something satisfying about being reduced to the status of a hole. For those who are interested, the only cocks I refuse to service are those of minors, animals and cocks which have obvious sores, warts, or pus discharge issues. ALL other cocks are welcome and I NEVER ask your HIV status - it's none of my business.
  7. The consistency of my cum varies from day to day. Some days it is thick and globby, other days thin and watery. It becomes thinner and waterier if I've been wanking a lot. I guess diet might play a part. Cum is my favourite drink BTW. :-D
  8. Different saunas/clubs for different reasons. Chariots in Shoreditch, London is my favourite building because it has a heated swimming pool for nude swimming, several jacuzzis and a good mix of public, semi public and dark areas. A lot of the crowd who go there seem to be more interested in strutting and posing than having sex though. I haven't tried the sex clubs of south London yet, but my favourite north London sex club is The Playpit. The guys who go there, go to have sex and most of it is BB. I like to relax in a jacuzzi after being fucked. Ireland has two gay saunas in Dublin and two in Belfast. Sadly the raunchier BB friendly saunas in both Belfast and Dublin don't have jacuzzis while the tamer ( condom friendly ) saunas in Belfast and Dublin have the jacuzzis :-(
  9. Hot story!... but inviting girls to parties is just SO wrong!

    I'd love to have it up me!

  11. I get different things from different Tops - depending on my mood/headspace at the time. Sometimes I enjoy affectionate sex with hugs and cuddles. Regular fuckbuds are better for that. Sometimes I'm the "no cock or load refused" sauna slut. When I'm in the "no cock or load refused" headspace, I just want cock after cock after cock.
  12. I agree with everything BottomBiCork said! HOT story!! Thanks for posting!!
  13. Because of security/homophobia issues in the city where I live ( Belfast, Northern Ireland ), I think it would be best if cumdumps were simply required to post a general area, rather than their precise address, or map, on their profile. I would be content to post "Belfast, university area" on a public profile and then pass my exact address to Tops who contact me. Obviously, my mobile phone number and e-mail address would be on my profile. Perhaps those with knowledge could let me know if a Top's cell phone number or e-mail address would make him traceable by authorities in the event of foul play?
  14. Cumdumps would be required to post at least body shots ( of themselves ) on their profiles. Tops aren't required to post a description of themselves. I see two remaing issues: 1) duration of stay. Even dedicated cumdumps need a break ( for water if nothing else ). It might that a standard visit should be regarded as 45 minutes ( particularly if other Tops are waiting ). The 45 minutes could be extended with the cumdump's agreement. 2) the "NO adult cock refused" policy. It seems to me that the only grounds for refusal of a service would be if the cock in question has visible sores, warts or pus. I have never had herpes, syphilis or warts. Warts are notoriously hard to treat. If a cock has pus or sores suggesting herpes or syphilis, then the cumdump would realize that servicing that cock would put himself out of action for a while. The cumdump has obligations to the wider community of Tops. A sick cumdump is an out of action cumdump. That amendment to the "no cock refused policy" should be made clear on the site so that NO Top need risk a refusal of service. It should also be made clear in the site terms and conditions that HIV status is NEVER discussed - on pain of exclusion from the site. Just my thoughts.
  15. As the guy who came up with the idea, I would agree that the main difference between the Cumdump Network and hook up sites, is that in theory NO adult cock is refused. The site is for DEDICATED "no cock refused" cumdumps - not picky bottoms ( Gawd knows we have enough of those ). Tops can preserve their anonymity. Their looks and appearance are immaterial, since the cumdump takes ALL cocks and loads. There is a security issue. I guess the Tops would need to leave either a mobile phone number or e-mail address. The other issue from the cumdump's perspective is advertising availability. Most guys have jobs and other outside work committments. Very few individual cumdumps could be available 24/7. I have no knowledge of how to build, maintain, or run a website. My idea would be that cumdumps log in as "available for use now" when they are available, or that they post availability times on the site in advance i.e. "available to service all cocks 8pm to midnight, Saturday 30th October". Tops could search "available cumdumps" in their town, or read details of when one is next available. Cumdumps have their general area and mobile/cell number on their profile ( compulsory ). They pass their exact address details to Tops who contact them.
  16. For me it was primarily BB porn ( Hot Desert Knights and T.I.M. ). I was also influenced by BB blogs such as RawTOP's and by BB profiles on dating sites. A lot of HOT guys are into BB and I realised that if I wanted to get fucked by them, it would be more likely to happen on their terms. Details of my "descent" into barebacking can be found in the blog entry on my profile.
  17. It is very common for warts to regrow inside the rectum, if you had them previously. They can bleed under friction ( fucking ). I think that is the most likely cause and I would seek an internal exam. Other possibilities are hemorrhoids ( piles ) and the fact that scar tissue is more fragile than normal tissue, means that scar tissue from the wart treatment areas might tear more easily. In any event, I'd seek an internal exam. I'm not a medical professional. I'm just telling you what I've read. You can always google "genital warts" and "hemorrhoids" for further info.
  18. My cock worship altar is set up now You can see the album on my profile.
  19. I prefer image 1 with the face. The half head view in image 2 is off putting.
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