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Everything posted by Willing

  1. Ever worked at a retirement home?👄
  2. Absolutely true 👄
  3. God I'd love that, getting old gray cock hair in my throat and belly. Feeling it against my hole😵
  4. Love the 3 assortment 👄

  5. Locked and loaded 👄
  6. Be hot👄
  7. Gotta try the menthol 🚬😵
  8. Me and smoker boy 29 do the same thing 🚬😵
  9. Get piggy babe🐷
  10. Drink cum, does the body good👄🌟👄
  11. After you cum, immediately start thinking about what a nasty cum whore you are and think that it's never going to end you're the chosen whore of the day 👄
  12. Yeah daddy 👄
  13. Wish I were in queens 👄, I'd go with you 👅

  14. Anyone spike the family, or inlaws/ friends mayo jar with loads of cum? Extra protein is a good thing 👄
  15. 60/90 minutes, depending on how much piss I have to drink while edging 👄 if I drink piss around 45 minutes, then within 30 minutes I gotta stop or sqirt the bed, 🚬💋 love gobbling my cum👅
  16. I would love to walk into a public restroom like this, or watch my wife go for it👄
  17. I would love to walk into a public restroom like this, or watch my wife go for it👄
  18. Damn that's hot👄
  19. God yes daddy 😵
  20. You're so hot 💋 

  21. I need this👄
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