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About Hornedpigdc

  • Birthday 04/01/1973

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    Washington, DC
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
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    Versatile Bottom

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  1. I would be very careful if you decide to stay at the Ivy City Hotel per the News article pasted below: DC hotel agrees to increase security after killings of 2 women, other violent incidents [think before following links] https://wtop.com/local/2024/09/ivy-city-hotel-increases-security-after-2-women-were-killed-there/ Cheyenne Corin | cheyenne.corin@wtop.com September 20, 2024, 3:08 PM The Ivy City Hotel on New York Avenue in Northeast D.C. has agreed to boost security after several violent incidents. The D.C. attorney general’s office says from February 2023 to February 2024, two women were killed at the hotel. In addition, there were three drug-related deaths, multiple gun incidents and multiple drug recoveries. “This was an enforcement action under our nuisance act,” Assistant Deputy Attorney General Beth Mellen said. “That’s an act we use where we have properties that are being used to facilitate drug and firearm crimes or prostitution.” Under the act, the attorney general’s office has authority to take legal action against property owners and managers if they find there is a pattern of illegal drug-, firearm-, or prostitution-related activities on their properties and if the owner then fails to implement appropriate security measures to prevent further criminal activity. Under the terms of the settlement, the owners of the Ivy City Hotel will be required to: Increase security staffing during overnight hours. Link security cameras to the D.C. police department’s Real Time Crime Center. The hotel must register its cameras with the District’s Camera Connect Program, which shares the security footage with the crime center. Maintain existing lighting, cameras and security staffing levels and allow the attorney general’s office to inspect the property through August 2025. “We are always hopeful that when we get things like the cameras and lighting and we see that maintained and necessary private security coverage, that will result in fewer incidents,” said Mellen. “We’re really trying to take use all the tools we have as the District of Columbia and with our office to address the public safety concerns that we know are on so many residents’ minds.” The attorney general’s office will also inspect the hotel through August 2025.
  2. Although I don't live in NYC, I would love to make a trip up for a session like that and am always looking to be ass in the air, no load refused! esp. for hung black kings!
  3. I believe he left onlyfans years ago once he started a hugely popular and lucrative competitor with 4Fans.
  4. No offense intended, however, the opinion of a positive man who does not take meds from Alabama of all places should be taken with a great big grain of salt! And thank you BootmanLA for responding so eloquently to these asinine gay Republicans. You have much more patience and understanding than I do!
  5. Perhaps because of views like this: "Joe Biden his in his basement for over a year with his entire team trying their best to get this mental circus elected. And his entire presidency has been and will be a joke. He's a liar, he's racists when he supported a well known KKK Grandmaster Senator and called him one of his closest friends, and said to the African-American community that if they don't vote for Biden, then they're not black." and your entire stupid statement. I was feeling bad for you then I read your stupidity and now I understand why noone wants to hookup with you! Go back to women since you support politicians who want to rid the planet of us gay guys and of course, their favorite enemies, the "evil" Trannies who read to kids! You deserve zero respect. Perhaps you and your fellow self hating log cabin faggots should keep your political opinions to yourselves in order to get the dicks you are looking for.
  6. That is so interesting because literally they do not think you should be allowed to exist so lean all you want but please don't be stupid.
  7. I hate to say this but god you sound "Dumb" by saying such stupid things like "dumbocrats." For the first time in the over 20 years I have been a DC "voter", you have made me happy our votes don't count. I hate to even be on this thread. Make no mistake, Republicans would like to rid the planet of us, ban sites like this, and certainly ban all the sexual acts discussed on here so why would anyone on here want to vote for anyone in that party? They are either uneducated morons or just self hating homosexuals! So congrats on your "Independent registration" that makes you officially completely irrelevant. But really what should we expect from a moron who doesn't know his status in this day and time. sorry, not sorry.
  8. Damn! Am I jealous of Drew. That sounds like an awesome time!
  9. You are such a good writer. Actually, I feel like you must have been spying on me or something! 😜🤣 I have definitely had some of my best times partying in a setting just like this and I always try to make guys feel comfortable when they come here with a bottle of gatorade and water and towel out for my guests!
  10. You are so my kind of guy and you are sexy as hell! I'd love to be a slut with you anytime!!
  11. Do they inspect what is in your back pack at Entourage?
  12. Hey there. I am heading to Vegas next week a couple days earlier than I really need to be there for teh exact same reasons you had the extra time there. Did you ever find the cruisest wild places on your recent trip? How was the Strat? Still had to cab it to bath house? I am probably staying at Sahara since I believe it is close but I am going to check to see the hotel where it is easiest to get lots of dick. Didn't the Blue Moon close down many years ago?? Thanks!
  13. I love it when I wake up and am in the process of being fucked!
  14. I think we would have a great time!
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